The East German Economy

Book Description

Originally published in 1987, this book brings together leading authorities from Germany and the USA who analyze how the East German economy actually operated - planning and management, pricing, investment and innovation, the financial system, agriculture and foreign trade (including the special concessions granted by the then Federal Republic of Germany). The volume is an insightful study of one of the least studied and most successful of socialist economies.

The East German Economy, 1945-2010

Book Description

The contributors to this volume consider the economic history of East Germany within its broader political, cultural and social contexts.

The Institutionalised Transformation of the East German Economy

Book Description

"It is, perhaps, worth stressing that economic problems arise always and only in consequence of change. So long as things continue as before, or at least as they were expected to, there arise no new problems requiring a decision, no need to form a plan. " (Hayek, 1945, p. 523) This book is based on my research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy which I received from Lancaster University, England in the second half of 1997. It is an analysis of the structural transformation of the economic system in East Germany and the behavioural relations these changes imply. The approach of institutionalised transformation (not the least by the creation of the Treuhandanstalt) is examined with a theory-based framework which is derived from system-theoretical, evolutionary and constitutional-ethical considerations as well as from the newly developed adjustment model which has been constructed as a dynamic transformation approach. A relationship between norm changes, the new institutional framework of the economic system and the compatibility of the latter with changes of the remaining partial societal systems is recognised. Rigidity factors in the system's flexibility to react as well as the adjustment of economic behaviour to structural changes are analysed. The "marginal product of system change" is defined (section 2. 8. 2).