Book Description
DESTINY MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETSDestiny Ministries International School of the Prophets is a School of the Prophets and School of Intercession and School of the Seers Training Academy that has been in existence for over 25 years.Destiny Ministries International School of the Prophets has trained thousands of Prophets to learn battleground precision in battle and how to discern demonic spirits that tries to assassinate the Kingdom of God.The Destiny Ministries Training Academy this year in 2019 received a Prophetic name change to its current name: Destiny Ministries International School of the Prophets. The definition of the word Destiny means: "The hidden power believed to control" a person, one's fate or destiny.The Multiple Spirits and the many faces of The Jezebelic Spirit is a Captivating Prophetic Manuel about the study of Jezebel and how this Diabolical Spirit has plagued our Churches, and Communities and the Kingdom of God. God has given Apostle Dr. Bridget C. Outlaw (The Founder and Pedagogical Instructor) a revelation concerning what the Body of Christ is up against.It is crucial in this hour that Prophetic Ministries in the Kingdom of God become Kingdom Strategist, who understand the demonic spirits and forces that are on assignment to destroy the Kingdom.The Bible declares in Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities and Spiritual Wickedness in high places.