The Suffering Saviour

Book Description

The Suffering Savior

Book Description

The Suffering Savior

Book Description

This series of devotional meditations on the final scenes in the life of Christ on earth has been prized by successive generations of Christians ever since its original publication in 1854. Translated almost immediately into English and frequently republished, the book has been described as the greatest single volume of the entire nineteenth century on the last days of Christ's eartly ministry. Krummacher organizes his meditations around the structure of the Old Testament tabernacle. The first section, The Outer Court, covers the time from Jesus' announcement of His approaching death to His discourses on the way to Gethsemane. The central section, the longest, is entitled The Holy Place. It deals with Gethsemane, Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, all the judicial proceedings, Christ's scourging, and the journey to Calvary. The final section, The Most Holy Place, covers the crucifixion itself, Christ's sayings from the cross, His agony and death, and His burial. This is a book to which all Christians, and especially preachers, will want to return frequently, to have their hearts warmed afresh, and their love to, and zeal for, their Saviour rekindled. In the preface to this remarkable volume, F. W. Krummacher described it as a collection of meditations designed to demonstrate "a portion of those riches which are contained in the inexhaustible treasury of our Saviour's sufferings." Every Bible student who has had the rare opportunity of studying this book would agree that this is too modest a description of The Suffering Saviour. It is a true and authentic treasure of exceedingly rich comment upon the events of Holy Week, a devotional work of singular beauty of language and depth of spiritual insight. So few have been willing to relinquish their copies that the book has not been obtainable anywhere for many years. "My dear readers, let us only place a firm reliance on the word of truth, and, in its light, ascend the precipitous road; according to its instructions, proceed forward with firm and steady steps, unmindful of the tumult of the world, and not deviating a hand-breadth from the way prescribed. Let us meet him who would direct us otherwise, with a voice of thunder, and exclaim, "Get you behind me, Satan, for you savor not the things that be of God, but those that be of man!" The Almighty will then be favorable to us; we shall then carry the peace of God, that choicest pearl! in our bosoms; and literal accomplishments of the divine promises, which we have taken for our compass, and for a lamp unto our feet, will daily fall upon our path, like lights from heaven." Contents: THE ANNOUNCEMENT THE ANOINTING THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM CHRIST WASHING HIS DISCIPLES' FEET THE PASSOVER THE INSTITUTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER "LORD, IS IT I?" JUDAS ISCARIOT THE WOE DENOUNCED THE WALK TO GETHSEMANE THE CONVERSE BY THE WAY GETHSEMANE - CONFLICT AND VICTORY GETHSEMANE - IMPORT AND RESULT THE SUDDEN ASSAULT THE TRAITOR'S KISS THE SWORD AND THE CUP OFFERING AND SACRIFICE CHRIST BEFORE ANNAS THE JUDICIAL PROCEDURE THE FALL OF PETER THE GREAT CONFESSION PETER'S TEARS "PROPHESY UNTO US, THOU CHRIST!" CHRIST BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN THE END OF THE TRAITOR CHRIST BEFORE PILATE THE ACCUSATIONS CHRIST A KING "WHAT IS TRUTH?" THE LAMB OF GOD CHRIST BEFORE HEROD PILATE OUR ADVOCATE JESUS OR BARABBAS BARABBAS THE SCOURGING "ECCE HOMO!" THE CLOSE OF THE PROCEEDINGS THE WAY TO THE CROSS SIMON OF CYRENE THE DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM THE CRUCIFIXION THE DIVIDING OF THE RAIMENT THE INSCRIPTION "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM" THE MALEFACTOR THE LEGACY OF LOVE "ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI!" "I THIRST!" "IT IS FINISHED!" "FATHER, INTO THY HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT!" THE SIGNS THAT FOLLOWED THE WOUND OF THE LANCE THE INTERMENT

The Suffering Savior

Book Description

The Suffering Saviour

Book Description

This series of devotional meditations on the final scenes in the life of Christ on earth has been prized by successive generations of Christians ever since its original publication in 1854. Translated almost immediately into English and frequently republished, the book has been described as the greatest single volume of the entire nineteenth century on the last days of Christ's eartly ministry. Krummacher organizes his meditations around the structure of the Old Testament tabernacle. The first section, The Outer Court, covers the time from Jesus' announcement of His approaching death to His discourses on the way to Gethsemane. The central section, the longest, is entitled The Holy Place. It deals with Gethsemane, Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, all the judicial proceedings, Christ's scourging, and the journey to Calvary. The final section, The Most Holy Place, covers the crucifixion itself, Christ's sayings from the cross, His agony and death, and His burial. This is a book to which all Christians, and especially preachers, will want to return frequently, to have their hearts warmed afresh, and their love to, and zeal for, their Saviour rekindled.

The Suffering Saviour

Book Description

"...A series of meditations on the events of Holy Week...Its dramatized discourses interpret and portray the events of the last days of our Lord..." [back cover].