The Surrogate Spirit

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The Surrogate Soul

Book Description

Jack Duffy's highly anticipated meeting with the high council is upon him. With the assistance of a long lost friend, Jack scrambles to recreate the last seventy-two hours that have been mysteriously removed from his memory. With each flip of the coin, he discovers much more about Hauser, himself, and the Sentinel. In the end, Jack learns that even in the afterlife, not everything is fair. Jack must once again decide what is right for the soul that he's sent to collect, and how it directly relates to his own fate.


Book Description

Recounts of the election of PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.

Earth Changes and Beyond

Book Description

What exactly is happening on Planet Earth? What is the truth behind the various prophecies and predictions? For the first time, we now have a concise explanation carefully prepared and received by telepathic contactee Sal Rachele from a vast collective intelligence called the Founders. This book answers the who, what, where, when and even why of the Earth Changes, and includes information relating to biology, psychology, technology, metaphysics, religion, spirituality and even economics and politics. This is the most significant time in all of human history. For the first time, millions of us will have an opportunity to evolve beyond the limitations of material form into a new world of untold beauty and magnificence. The doorway into the next step of human evolution is right in front of us. The Founders are your guides into this amazing journey of soul evolution, ascension and freedom from limitation. They teach us that we are vast beings of infinite capacity and love, created in the image and likeness of our Creator. Welcome to the new world!

Soul Medicine

Book Description

The cutting edge of medicine today is not to be found in invasive therapies like drugs and surgeries. It is in the disciplines that used to be regarded as "soft" medicine: prayer, intention, energy healing, acupressure, and similar therapies. Overwhelming evidence from hundreds of scientific studies are showing that these safe, non-invasive approaches are often more effective, sometimes many times more effective, than conventional medicine. Two of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Norman Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and world-famous neurosurgeon, and Dr. Dawson Church, one of the foremost writers and researchers in vibrational healing, and the editor or author of many books on the subject, explain the fundamentals of energy medicine, its many applications to common ailments, and the latest scientific research.

The Church as the Surrogate Family

Book Description

This practical theology model provides seven theme sermons on the attributes of God and his family to provide a spiritual foundation for church youth, to facilitate the healing, sustaining, guiding, and reconciling with Jesus the Christ. This was needed to counteract some of the effects of poverty, racism, and nihilism that is prevalent in the community. The implementation of this holistic model resulted in enhanced confidence, spiritual growth, and maturity among the youth and increased growth in the church family.

Naked Poetry

Book Description

This third collection of Naked Poetry was written in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. This third collection of naturist poetry shares the same foundation as the first two volumes; the embracing of a naturist philosophy, meditation and depth psychology. If one dares to see the physical reality of oneself, perhaps an acceptance of the truths that one finds in one’s body, it will give a person the strength and courage to look even deeper, beneath the skin, to come to terms with the authentic self that each of us keeps hidden within. Stripping away clothing is just one step, perhaps the first vital step towards becoming a whole person. Beneath the clothing is just skin, something that all humans share. Yet we hide that basic, natural state as if our natural selves are somehow shameful, perhaps even evil. We cling desperately to clothing with the idea that our clothing defines us. Our identity is placed upon these clothes, which we wear to push others away from the vulnerable and soft center within which lays within each of us; our eternal self, our soul. None of us is able to find soul in things outside of our natural body: not in our clothing, not in our possessions, not in our work or play, not in our rituals and addictions, or in our relationships with others. We can only find our soul by daring to turn our gaze back onto ourselves and into ourselves.

Healing Lost Souls

Book Description

For two decades, William Baldwin has been a pioneer in the ever-expanding therapeutic fields of Spirit Releasement, Past Life Regression, and Soul-Mind Fragmentation. In his Florida practice, he uses these therapies routinely to help patients who suffer from Dissociative Trance and Dissociative Identity (formerly called Multiple Personality) Disorders. Healing Lost Souls explains the attributes of each therapy in everyday language, and provides dozens of case studies to illustrate its clinical use. Likening his work to the ancient practice of shamanism, Baldwin has found that psychological disorders are often rooted in past life traumas, the interference of attached entities of various origins, and the fragmentation of one’s soul. Baldwin stresses the importance of active patient participation throughout the stages of regression, as well as the need to treat encountered entities with respect, since they are often mere lost souls as bewildered and frightened as the patients themselves.

In this Body

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This account of life in one highland Maya community shows how, among Kaqchikels, spirit expresses itself fundamentally through the body, and not as something entirely separate from the body.

Spiritual Development the Hard Way

Book Description

Spiritual Development the Hard Way carves a pragmatic map for those who seek answers to the oldest questions of humanity. Beginning with the basic foundations of our condition, which cause any intelligent person a sense of entrapment, it explains the mechanisms, the process, and the landscape of escape from this entrapment. Using both new and ancient methods and concepts, it presents countless insights into all aspects of this journey to freedom. The primary focus of this book is on a comprehensive, practical array of techniques to employ in every aspect of life, offering creative and visionary guidance with glimpses of the final purpose of spiritual attainment.