The Sword of Judith

Book Description

The Book of Judith tells the story of a fictitious Jewish woman beheading the general of the most powerful imaginable army to free her people. The parabolic story was set as an example of how God will help the righteous. Judith's heroic action not only became a validating charter myth of Judaism itself but has also been appropriated by many Christian and secular groupings, and has been an inspiration for numerous literary texts and works of art. It continues to exercise its power over artists, authors and academics and is becoming a major field of research in its own right. The Sword of Judith is the first multidisciplinary collection of essays to discuss representations of Judith throughout the centuries. It transforms our understanding across a wide range of disciplines. The collection includes new archival source studies, the translation of unpublished manuscripts, the translation of texts unavailable in English, and Judith images and music.

Queen of Swords

Book Description

Melisende, princess of the Franks, is heir to the Crusader Kingdom since she has no brothers. The crown would go to the man who married her, and after to her son. But in this "richly textured tapestry steeped in history" ("Booklist"), she proves to be a strong woman who would not submit easily to a husband's rule, nor for long.

The Rose and the Sword

Book Description

Contemporary and fantasy tales are used to introduce four archetypal characters representing positive and negative aspects of feminine and masculine energies that are followed by psychological commentary and exercises to help integrate the feminine and masculine energies in your life.


Book Description

Moving and inspirational thoughts on what aging means (and can mean) to all of us. A warm, caring book that shows how to make the later years a source of hope.

The Sabbath World

Book Description

What is the Sabbath, anyway? The holy day of rest? The first effort to protect the rights of workers? A smart way to manage stress in a world in which computers never get turned off and work never comes to an end? Or simply an oppressive, outmoded rite? In The Sabbath World, Judith Shulevitz explores the Jewish and Christian day of rest, from its origins in the ancient world to its complicated observance in the modern one. Braiding ideas together with memories, Shulevitz delves into the legends, history, and philosophy that have grown up around a custom that has lessons for all of us, not just the religious. The shared day of nonwork has built communities, sustained cultures, and connected us to the memory of our ancestors and to our better selves, but it has also aroused as much resentment as love. The Sabbath World tells this surprising story together with an account of Shulevitz’s own struggle to keep this difficult, rewarding day.


Book Description

There is another world. It is the birthplace of all our nightmares. Vampires, werewolves, demons, deadly creatures that have no name or form ... they are all real. Galen Sword, born within that world was destined to be an adept warrior, heir to the Victor of the Greater Clan Pendragon. Yet as a child, his birthright and his memories were stolen from him, and he was exiled to a world without substance, without magic, without hope: Our world. But twenty years later, mysterious chain of events restores Galen's memory of who he is, and hints at what he might become. Now Galen will stop at nothing to find the truth-and his home. But with no powers of his own, his only tools are those of science. Galen and his team are caught up in the deadly politics of the First World as the Greater Clan Seyshen provokes a war between vampires and shapeshifters that's ready to explode into the streets of New York.


Book Description

He was Galen Sword by day. . . but who was he by night? Galen Sword was known as a rich New York City playboy. The public didn't know that his Porsche contained state-of-the-art equipment designed to track down an extraordinary creature, or that Galen was actually on a dangerous quest to find another world. . .his world. Shadowy memories of being sent away from his beloved parents had given Galen an obsession: to get back to a parallel universe where he had been heir to a powerful dynasty -- but had been born unaccountably and unacceptably human. To find his way home now, he had to capture a beast that crossed over from that world into the city's dark streets looking for prey: a werewolf. . . alive, deadly, and very real. But trying to stop Galen was a race of brutal, magical beings, armed with the power that was terrifying and perhaps unbeatable.

Dark Hunter

Book Description

When clans Tepesh and Arkady unite to destroy Galen, he must forge a dangerous alliance between the vampire, Orion, and a mysterious dark hunter with a startling secret. With them, Galen at last takes his struggle through the layer to learn the truth about his return, and of an ancient monstrous enemy about to conquer both his worlds.

The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts, Volume 2: The Apostolic Fathers Includes Clement of Rome, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Ju

Book Description

The Bible, as we hold it today, is esteemed by many religious institutions and especially Conservative Christians to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God. This doctrinal position affirms that the Bible is unlike all other books or collections of works in that it is free of error due to having been "given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). While no other text can claim this same unique authority, the Apostolic Fathers included in this volume (also called the Ante-Nicene Fathers), covers the Early Christian writings from the beginning of Christianity until the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea, which was convened in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. As such, writings contained in this volume of The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts (Volume Two: The Apostolic Fathers: Includes Clement, Anthenagorus, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus), provides literature that follows the chronology of New Testament texts, which frequently are used or assigned as supplemental works within academic settings to help students and scholars discover or better understand cultural and historical context of the early Christian Church. These ancient texts provide commentators valuable insight into what many ancient Jews and early Christians believed when, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets" (Heb. 1:1). The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts is therefore intended to be a supplemental resource for assisting serious researchers and students in the study of the Bible and the early Church age. Contained in this volume: The works of Clement, Anthenagorus, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus.

Handsome Women

Book Description

2 social-climbing sisters learn about life.