
Book Description

Searching for answers in the midst of the sexual abuse crisis in the church, many blamed the clerical culture. But what exactly is this clerical culture? We may know it when we see it, but how can we 'whether clergy or laypeople 'go about dismantling it and putting in place a new, healthy culture? George Wilson has spent decades working with organizations to help them discover, and often recover, their foundational calling. He is also a Jesuit priest engaged in the lives of congregations. In Clericalism: The Death of Priesthood he brings together both capacities and gives his sense of the challenges facing the church. As members of the church, Wilson maintains, we are all responsible for creating a clerical culture. And we are also responsible for that culture's transformation. Clericalism aids this transformation by helping us examine some underlying attitudes that create and preserve destructive relationships between ordained and laity. After looking at the crisis and establishing where we are now, this book challenges us with concrete suggestions for changing behaviors. We are lay and ordained, but all baptized into the royal priesthood of 1 Peter 2:9, all called to spread the Gospel and do the work of God's love in the world. Ultimately, this is a hopeful book, looking for the restoration of a genuine priesthood, free of clericalism, in which we become truly united in Christ..

The Silent Schism

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The Age of Schism

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Grassroots Unity in the Charismatic Renewal

Book Description

This book explores the nature of grassroots unity in the British charismatic renewal in the 1970s and its significance to ecumenism. The study is based on the five international conferences of the Fountain Trust and focuses on two grassroots activities: worship in general and the celebration of the Eucharist in particular. Worship in this setting nurtured unity through charisms, but the Eucharist exposed the inadequacy of this grassroots unity because of doctrinal and ecclesiological differences. This book aims to suggest a way forward by searching for the complementarity of institution and charisms, and Christology and Pneumatology in a charismatic context. It argues that the two emphases of the charismatic renewal, charisms, and the Holy Spirit, complement the institutional commitments of the church and ecumenism. The concepts of Christus praesens and Spiriti praesens are considered intrinsic to the charisms, and thus Christology and Pneumatology should both be considered significant for ecumenism. The study finally discusses the complementarity of ecumenical institutions and the charismatic renewal, the convergence of ecumenical streams, and continuity in modern ecumenical history.

The Christian Art of Dying

Book Description

A renowned ethicist who himself faced death during a recent life-threatening illness, Allen Verhey in The Christian Art of Dying sets out to recapture dying from the medical world. Seeking to counter the medicalization of death that is so prevalent today, Verhey revisits the fifteenth-century Ars Moriendi, an illustrated spiritual self-help manual on "the art of dying." Finding much wisdom in that little book but rejecting its Stoic and Platonic worldview, Verhey uncovers in the biblical accounts of Jesus' death a truly helpful paradigm for dying well and faithfully.

The Empire at the End of Time

Book Description

In The Empire at the End of Time, Frances Courtney Kneupper introduces popular eschatological prophecies of the late medieval Empire. Demonstrating how these prophecies operated to create a vision of the German community as the ordained reformers of Christendom, Kneupper also examines their connection to contemporary discourses on Church reform and political identity.