The Testimony of God

Book Description

In this volume Watchman Nee explains the "testimony" of God as to what it is, how it comes to us, and what our responsibility is towards it. Secondly, he exhorts us to be faithful to the testimony which has been committed to us.

Pages from My Life's Book

Book Description

Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible

Book Description

This volume--the work of a lifetime--brings together all the Joseph Smith Translation manuscript in a remarkable and useful way. Now, for the first time, readers can take a careful look at the complete text, along with photos of several actual manuscript pages. The book contains a typographic transcription of all the original manuscripts, unedited and preserved exactly as dictated by the Prophet Joseph and recorded by his scribes. In addition, this volume features essays on the background, doctrinal contributions, and editorial procedures involved in the Joseph Smith Translation, as well as the history of the manuscripts since Joseph Smith's day.


Book Description

The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.

The Testimony of Jesus: The Words of God's Holy Prophet

Book Description

“The Testimony of Jesus” had to be written and, therefore, needs to be read, studied then acted upon. The days in which we live teem with factual misrepresentations, outright falsehoods, key omissions and leaders who play fast and loose with the truth. Surely we are near the end of the age. In each of the 22 chapters, a separate facet of "The Testimony of Jesus" is brought into view. There is one standard by which we measure truth; it is the straight vertical line that points to the Highest Heaven where God is enthroned. Another name for this straight line is the Word of God or Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. When God's Word or the Scripture is misapplied, misstated or thrown into the mud, then Truth will give way to the Lie. Truth must be loved or it will make itself absent at least until it is sought again. The Light of God dims because men love darkness more than the light. Take heart, the Light of Truth will never be extinguished, for a day is coming when Jesus' testimony will be all there is. Inside "The Testimony of Jesus" we see that Jesus is the Word and the Word of God is Jesus. Sermons and books such as this run the risk of watering down what the Lord said, leaving out or explaining away the hard sayings and Scripture's troubling prophecies. It is with the utmost regard for completeness and accuracy, as well as awareness of the fearful warnings to anyone who alters Jesus' words, that the writer began and ended this noble undertaking. This book goes back to the source, the Word itself, to represent God’s Words--the red ink, black, blue or whatever color—just as the spirit of prophecy intended, for the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. The authority with which Jesus spoke packed a punch that shut the mouths of his opposition and amazed the people. The same authority from God was gifted to the Apostles then felt by the gospel's friends and enemies. It is hoped that the power of the testimony of Jesus will explode in the heart and mind of each reader in a wonderful, transforming way. Is not His Word like fire? At first, readers may become angry with the writer or with the content, but this emotion is misplaced. Why be upset with the messenger or the message? Take it up with the originator, the Creator of The Word. Maybe no one told you what Jesus, our Savior, is really like and you never discovered it for yourself. It is time we became wise. God's people perish for lack of knowledge. Why perish when God wants us to have LIFE? The proof of the book's reliability is in the Scriptures for all to see. It is in the book's pages where the passages of testimony are cited or quoted. Read them then examine their context. Do not be deceived; instead, be enlightened by the Spirit of God. "The Testimony of Jesus" encourages rational thinking and critical analysis or putting each thought to the test. The writer did, and so did the book's Bible-minded editors; readers must as well. Truth is transformational but only when we recognize it and then obey. You will read that what Jesus said came from directly from the Father. His testimony will challenge readers and inspire their faith to take a giant step forward by submitting to Him. God's idea has always been to produce Christ-likeness in His Son's disciples. In following truth wherever it leads, we find the narrow path that leads to eternal salvation. Buckle up. We may wonder why we ever sat behind the wheel for this. Some of the book may seem bumpy but the prize at the end will be well worth it. Allow the Word to dwell in you heart richly. Meditate and pray. You may not agree, but think for yourself. Let the evidence from the true and faithful witness of God do the persuading. You will want company on this magnificent journey so share "The Testimony of Jesus" with a friend and watch what happens.

The Language of God

Book Description

Dr Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists, working at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God. How does he reconcile the seemingly unreconcilable? In THE LANGUAGE OF GOD he explains his own journey from atheism to faith, and then takes the reader on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry and biology -- indeed, reason itself -- are not incompatible with belief. His book is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of all: why are we here? How did we get here? And what does life mean?

The Testimony of God

Book Description

We frequently mention the testimony of God, but what exactly is His testimony and what does this testimony mean to us? The testimony is the self revelation of God. In other words, it represents God’s heart desire, which is also God’s requirement—or we may say, God’s standard. His standard reveals himself, showing us what a God He is. When this testimony comes to man, it becomes law. On God’s side, it is testimony, but on the human side, it is law. The Lord Jesus comes to bear witness to the Father; the Holy Spirit comes to bear witness to Christ; the church is to maintain the testimony of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. The witnessing of Christ is none other than telling people who Christ is and what Christ is. It behooves us not to sin against this testimony—for whenever we do sin against it, our action will not easily be overlooked by God. In this volume Watchman Nee presents in the first part the testimony of God as to what it is, how it comes to us, and what our responsibility is towards it. In the second part, he exhorts us to be faithful to the testimony which is committed to us and to finish our course triumphantly. May such faithfulness to the very end be the case in the lives of all who read the pages of this book.

It's a Miracle

Book Description

It all started with a random 2:00 am phone call on October 1, 2001. The caller was anonymous, and the message they gave was intelligible... This is the story of a young boy who once died in a pool but was raised to life by the grace of God. The story of his mother continues from that day to include her many encounters with the Lord through dreams, heavenly signs, and life events. The many stories in this book are meant to provide encouragement, inspiration, strength, faith, and hope to all who read its words.

But God Said No

Book Description

This is the personal testimony of a senior citizen looking back over her life. Jehovah Shammah was always present. Yes, God was present and active in her life even when she was not aware of it. His protection His mercy and His love are evident in the fact that she is alive today. The reader will see the Lord's protection over her life. According to Scripture, "The Lord is my Shepherd." He is Jehovah- Rohi. This testimony gives the reader a brief view of her early years and her family as you take this journey with her. Hopefully, you will recall times when God stepped into situations in your life. This testimony invites the reader to express their thoughts along the way. To get the most out of this experience respond by writing your personal thoughts.