The Theory of Ethical Economy in the Historical School

Book Description

The Historical School of Economics develops a historical theory of the economy and of business ethics. It investigates the ethical and cultural determinants of economic behaviour and economic institutions and forms an ethical and cultural theory of economics and business and the origin what, in the present, is called "institutional economics". Being one of the first comprehensive studies in the English language of the German "Historical and Ethical School of Economics", the book presents the theory from Wilhelm Roscher to Gustav Schmoller, the foundations of historism and the humanities of Wilhelm Dilthey and their present relevance. It also makes visible which impact the Historical School has for the foundations of contemporary business ethics and the cultural theory of the economy.

The Theory of Ethical Economy in the Historical School

Book Description

The present volume seeks to inaugurate a new discussion of two schools of historical thought by social scientists, economists, and phi losophers in the English language. The tradition of the "Historical and Ethical School of Economics" established by Friedrich List, Wilhelm Roscher, and Gustav Schmollerand the tradition of historism in the hu manities represented by Wilhelm Dilthey are examined not so much for their own historical interest as for their potential systematic contribu tion to the contemporary debates on business ethics, economics, sociol ogy, and philosophy. The book contains the proceedings of the 1994 SEEP-Conference on Economics and Ethics held under the title "Economics and Ethics in the Historical School of Economics. Achievements and Present Relevance. Part A: The Older Historical School, Schmoller, Dilthey, and Others" with the financial support of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Cologne, at Kloster Marlenrode near Hitdesheim and Hannover, Gennany, on March 23rd to 27th, 1994. The SEEP-Conferences on Economics and Ethics are organised an nually by the editor and the editorial board of Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy (SEEP). The 1994 SEEP-Conference was the frrst of two conferences on the Historical School and will be followed by a conference in 1996 on the topic "Economics and Ethics in the His torical School of Economics. Achievements and Present Relevance. Part B: Heinrich Rickert, Max Weber, Werner Sombart, and Others", concen trating on the discussion in the 20th century.

Methodology of the Social Sciences, Ethics, and Economics in the Newer Historical School

Book Description

The volume at hand gives an exposition of the tradition of the Historical School of Economics and of the Geisteswissenschaften or human sciences, the latter in their development within the Historical School as well as in Neo-Kantianism and the sociology of knowledge. It continues the discussion started in the year 1994 on the Older Historical School of Economics and the 19th century German contribution to an ethical theory of economics with the Newer Historical School of the 20th century. Economists, social scientists, and philosophers examine the contribution of this tradition and its impact for present theory. The schools of thought and their approaches to economics as well as to the cultural and social sciences are examined here not as much for their historical interest as for their poten tial systematic contribution to the contemporary debates on economic ethics, economics, sociology, and philosophy. The volume at hand contains the proceedings of the Fourth Annual SEEP-Conference on Economic Ethics and Philosophy in 1996, "Economics and Ethics in the Historical School. Part B: Max Weber, Heinrich Rickert, Max Scheler, Werner Sombart, Arthur Spiethoff, John Commons, Alfred Marshall, and Others", held at Marienrode Monastery near Hannover, Germa ny, on March 27-30th, 1996, together with several additional invited papers.

The German Historical School

Book Description

This book clarifies the approach of the German Historical School by the reconstruction of their achievements in terms of rational and historical context.

Principles of Ethical Economy

Book Description

John Maynard Keynes wrote to his grandchildren more than fifty years ago about their economic possibilities, and thus about our own: "I see us free, there fore, to return to some of the most sure and certain principles of religion and traditional virtue - that avarice is a vice, that the exaction of usury is a misde meanour. . . . We shall once more value ends above means and prefer the good to the useful" ("Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren," pp. 371-72). In the year 1930 Keynes regarded these prospects as realizable only after a time span ofone hundred years, ofwhich we have now achieved more than half. The pres ent book does not share Keynes's view that the possibility of an integration of ethics and economics is dependent exclusively on the state of economic devel opment, though this integration is certainly made easier by an advantageous total economic situation. The conditions of an economy that is becoming post of ethics, cultural industrial and post-modern are favorable for the unification theory, and economics. Economic development makes a new establishment of economic ethics and a theory ofethical economy necessary. Herdecke and Hanover, October 1987 P. K. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword v Introduction . 0. 1. Ethical Economy and Political Economy . . 0. 1. 1. Ethical Economy as Theory ofthe Ethical Presuppositions of the Economy and Economic Ethics 3 0. 1. 2.

The Historicity of Economics

Book Description

In this volume, continuities and discontinuities between Historical School of Economics and Old Institutional Economics are examined with regard to common research objectives and methods. Similarly, those between these two economic movements and New Institutional Economics as well as new economic sociology are discussed. The following questions functioned as a guideline for the contributing economists, sociologists, historians, and philosophers: Can we meaningfully speak of the Historical School of Economics (HSE) as an economic research program? What are the commonalities between the HSE and American old economic institutionalism? Does the HSE represent a part of the "lost anteroom" of New Institutional Economics and new economic sociology? How and why should the HSE matter to how we do economic and social theory today?

Ethical Universals in International Business

Book Description

Increased understanding in international business grows both from an awareness of cultural differences as well as from an appreciation of underlying shared values across cultures. This volume focuses on the latter. It assembles the best thinking of scholars from around the world in an attempt to clarify and deepen our understanding of these ethical universals. Scholars from Germany, England, Canada, Japan, China, and the United States have contributed to this volume. They also represent diverse disciplines: economics, philosophy, business ethics, history, religion, education, and political theory. Nevertheless, they unite in their conviction that the most important values and principles in international business do no vary with geography.

The Economics and Ethics of Private Property

Book Description

The collapse of socialism across Eastern Europe - as manifested most dramatically by the events of the forever memorable November 9, 1989, when the Germans of East and West reunited, moved and overjoyed, on top of the Berlin Wall - has added more support and urgency to the central thesis of this volume than I had ever hoped for. Whether the following studies deal with economic topics, such as employment, interest, money, banking, business cycles, taxes, public goods, or growth; with philosophical problems as the foundations of know ledge, and of economics and ethics in particular; or the reconstruction and theoretical explanation of historical and sociological phenomena such as exploitation, the rise and fall of civilizations, international politics, war, imperialism, and the role of ideas and ideological movements in the course of social evolution - each ultimately contributes to but one conclusion: The right to private property is an indisputably valid, absolute principle of ethics and the basis for continuous 'optimal' economic progress. To rise from the ruins of socialism and overcome the stagnation of the Western welfare states, nothing will suffice but the uncompromizing privatization of all socialized, that is, government, property and the establishment of a contractual society based on the recognition of the absoluteness of private property rights. *** In writing the following studies I received help from many sides. Special thanks go to my wife Margaret, who again took on the task of de Germanizing my English; to Llewellyn H.