The Toff and the Deep Blue Sea

Book Description

The Honourable Richard Rawlinson (aka ‘The Toff’) is in Nice for seemingly the most innocent of reasons – engaging girls for M. Rambeau’s new Cabaret. An attempt on his life, however, reveals the real reason for his presence – to track down a missing girl. All enquiries appear to lead to the elusive Chico, who may act the clown, but is no fool.

Impartiality Against The Mob

Book Description

A fascist organisation intends to attack a meeting of workers and Gideon of Scotland Yard has the job of ensuring the police maintain law and order and do not provoke either side. At the same time, brutal murder is occurring behind an anti-immigration campaign. Gideon finds himself risking his life so as to protect the force and its reputation.

The Scene Of The Crime

Book Description

A man`s ambition and love of his beautiful wife, lead him to murder and robbery with violence. Superintendent Roger West, Scotland Yard’s best, and most down to earth, detective is called in, although not without family complications.

Inspector West Regrets

Book Description

Things are not going well for Roger West, one of Scotland Yard’s finest detectives. He has received a bloody nose; been robbed of important papers; shot at; attacked with a knife; and been accused of dereliction of duty. Moreover, the Home Office were concerned about Andrew Kelham, whose son had been murdered and cleaner strangled.

The Blood Diamond

Book Description

John Mannering (aka ‘The Baron’) had purchased the Adalgo diamond out of curiosity as it was known as the ‘Blood Diamond’, because violent death had overtaken previous owners. Soon after he was robbed, his wife kidnapped and a friend brutally murdered. Just what was the truth behind the legend and could Mannering solve the various mysteries?

The Theft of Magna Carta

Book Description

An international gang set out to steal the Sarum Magna Carta. It is protected by the most sophisticated security measures, but that won’t be allowed to get in their way. Pitted against the gang, Superintendent Roger West of Scotland Yard has to recover the document and solve one of the most ambitious crimes met in his long career.

A Sword For The Baron

Book Description

John Mannering (aka ‘The Baron’), once a master cracksman, but now a respectable London antique dealer, becomes entangled with the secrets of an ancient family, including an old murder; a pair of superb swords; and a neurotic young girl.

Good And Justice

Book Description

A Cabinet Minister suffer food poisoning and foul play is suspected. A rapist killer escapes from prison. A baby lost at childbirth – and the father threatens the Doctor involved. Meanwhile, there are gangs of thieves to be dealt with. Who better to cope than George Gideon of Scotland Yard, but he has troubles of his own ....