Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory

Book Description

In recent years, many students have been introduced to topology in high school mathematics. Having met the Mobius band, the seven bridges of Konigsberg, Euler's polyhedron formula, and knots, the student is led to expect that these picturesque ideas will come to full flower in university topology courses. What a disappointment "undergraduate topology" proves to be! In most institutions it is either a service course for analysts, on abstract spaces, or else an introduction to homological algebra in which the only geometric activity is the completion of commutative diagrams. Pictures are kept to a minimum, and at the end the student still does nr~ understand the simplest topological facts, such as the rcason why knots exist. In my opinion, a well-balanced introduction to topology should stress its intuitive geometric aspect, while admitting the legitimate interest that analysts and algebraists have in the subject. At any rate, this is the aim of the present book. In support of this view, I have followed the historical development where practicable, since it clearly shows the influence of geometric thought at all stages. This is not to claim that topology received its main impetus from geometric recreations like the seven bridges; rather, it resulted from the l'isualization of problems from other parts of mathematics-complex analysis (Riemann), mechanics (Poincare), and group theory (Dehn). It is these connec tions to other parts of mathematics which make topology an important as well as a beautiful subject.

Classical Groups and Related Topics

Book Description

During his lifetime, L. K. Hua played a leading role in and exerted a great influence upon the development in China of modern mathematics, both pure and applied. His mathematical career began in 1931 at Tsinghua University where he continued as a professor for many years. Hua made many significant contributions to number theory, algebra, geometry, complex analysis, numerical analysis, and operations research. In particular, he initiated the study of classical groups in China and developed new matrix methods which, as applied by him as well as his followers, were instrumental in the successful attack of many problems. To honor his memory, a joint China-U.S. conference on Classical Groups and Related Topics was held at Tsinghua University in Beijing in May 1987. This volume represents the proceedings of that conference and contains both survey articles and research papers focusing on classical groups and closely related topics.

The Classical Groups

Book Description

In this renowned volume, Hermann Weyl discusses the symmetric, full linear, orthogonal, and symplectic groups and determines their different invariants and representations. Using basic concepts from algebra, he examines the various properties of the groups. Analysis and topology are used wherever appropriate. The book also covers topics such as matrix algebras, semigroups, commutators, and spinors, which are of great importance in understanding the group-theoretic structure of quantum mechanics. Hermann Weyl was among the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century. He made fundamental contributions to most branches of mathematics, but he is best remembered as one of the major developers of group theory, a powerful formal method for analyzing abstract and physical systems in which symmetry is present. In The Classical Groups, his most important book, Weyl provided a detailed introduction to the development of group theory, and he did it in a way that motivated and entertained his readers. Departing from most theoretical mathematics books of the time, he introduced historical events and people as well as theorems and proofs. One learned not only about the theory of invariants but also when and where they were originated, and by whom. He once said of his writing, "My work always tried to unite the truth with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful." Weyl believed in the overall unity of mathematics and that it should be integrated into other fields. He had serious interest in modern physics, especially quantum mechanics, a field to which The Classical Groups has proved important, as it has to quantum chemistry and other fields. Among the five books Weyl published with Princeton, Algebraic Theory of Numbers inaugurated the Annals of Mathematics Studies book series, a crucial and enduring foundation of Princeton's mathematics list and the most distinguished book series in mathematics.

A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis

Book Description

A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis is an introduction to that part of analysis on locally compact groups that can be done with minimal assumptions on the nature of the group. As a generalization of classical Fourier analysis, this abstract theory creates a foundation for a great deal of modern analysis, and it contains a number of elegant resul

Problems on Mapping Class Groups and Related Topics

Book Description

The appearance of mapping class groups in mathematics is ubiquitous. The book presents 23 papers containing problems about mapping class groups, the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, Teichmuller geometry, and related areas. Each paper focusses completely on open problems and directions. The problems range in scope from specific computations, to broad programs. The goal is to have a rich source of problems which have been formulated explicitly and accessibly. The book is divided into four parts. Part I contains problems on the combinatorial and (co)homological group-theoretic aspects of mapping class groups, and the way in which these relate to problems in geometry and topology. Part II concentrates on connections with classification problems in 3-manifold theory, the theory of symplectic 4-manifolds, and algebraic geometry. A wide variety of problems, from understanding billiard trajectories to the classification of Kleinian groups, can be reduced to differential and synthetic geometry problems about moduli space. Such problems and connections are discussed in Part III. Mapping class groups are related, both concretely and philosophically, to a number of other groups, such as braid groups, lattices in semisimple Lie groups, and automorphism groups of free groups. Part IV concentrates on problems surrounding these relationships. This book should be of interest to anyone studying geometry, topology, algebraic geometry or infinite groups. It is meant to provide inspiration for everyone from graduate students to senior researchers.

Linear Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

Covers existence and approximation theorems in functional analysis, L-squared inequalities, necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of solutions (variable coefficients), and L-squared estimates and pseudo-convexity. Includes further reading and bibliographic references.

Homotopy Type and Homology

Book Description

This monograph represents an attempt to classify homotopy types of simply connected CW-complexes. It provides methods and examples of explicit homotopy classifications, and includes applications to the classification of manifolds.