The Transfiguration of Christ and Creation

Book Description

The biblical story of Jesus' Transfiguration on a high mountain bristles with meanings germane to present-day concerns and spiritual longings. Together with its later artistic representations, this episode from the synoptic gospels seizes the imagination as an icon of mystical hope, beauty, and possibility. What might such an iconic episode, long honored liturgically in the Eastern church, disclose not only about Jesus, but also about the prospect of seeing our human nature transformed? And as interpreted by Christian tradition since the patristic era, what might it tell us about the worth of envisioning not just a conservation or preservation of natural resources but a transfiguration of all creation, and about how this feast of beauty could re-energize current discussions of Christianity's relation to environmental attitudes and policy? Such questions are addressed in this book through an original blend of personal reflection with commentary on relevant theological and scriptural texts, literary works, music, and art.

The Transfiguration of Christ

Book Description

All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of Jesus's transfiguration. Yet there has been surprisingly little written about this key event, and many readers struggle to understand its significance and place in redemptive history, let alone how it might be applied. Here, Patrick Schreiner provides a clear and accessible study of the transfiguration with an eye toward its theological significance and practical application. Namely, this event points to Jesus's double sonship, revealing the preexistent glory of the eternal Son and the future glory of the suffering Messianic Son. Further, the transfiguration points to Christians' own formation and transfiguration. Schreiner traces the transfiguration theme through Scripture and employs hermeneutical, trinitarian, and christological categories to assist his exegesis, thus challenging modern readings. This enlightening study will be of interest to students, pastors, and serious lay readers.

Transfiguration and Hope

Book Description

To read and visualize the transfiguration of Christ is to enter its mystery and encounter its hope. Like the Gospel writers and the disciples who climbed the mountain with Jesus, we struggle to tell the story and explain its meaning. Yet this astounding event reveals God’s ultimate purpose in sending his Son—the complete restoration of humanity and all creation—our transfiguration in Christ. The light and glory of that moment reveal a destiny that is infinite and eternal, made possible by the power of grace. Transfiguration is the trajectory and goal of our spiritual journey. Across time and space, Christians have reflected on the mystery and hope epitomized in the transfiguration, yet their voices have been heard primarily within their own cultural and ecclesiastical contexts. This study gathers many of those voices from the panorama of Scripture and church history and finds in them the common theme of radical transformation in Christ. The point of this theological conversation is spiritual transfiguration and hope for each of us as we reach toward the future Christ has shown us in himself.


Book Description

Dorothy Lee argues passionately for restoring the study of The Transfiguration to the centre of the theological stage, and she succeeds triumphantly. Whereas a theology of transfiguration has long been an essential part of the Eastern theologoical tradition, it has often seemed strange to our Western rational minds. The book argues that the transfiguration functions as an epiphany revealing Jesus' true identity and also an apocalyptic vision, depicting God's transforming future. A chapter is devoted to each of the four New Testament narratives of the transfiguration, setting the story within the wider literary and theological framework of the text. Traces of the transfiguration are examined in other parts of the New Testament, particularly in The Gospel of John, where the symbolism is close to that of the transfiguration. Finally, the author draws out the symbolism and theological implications of the transfiguration for an understanding of Christ, God's radical future and the transformation of all creation, drawing on the icons of Eastern Christianity and Western theologies of beauty. This book is a small masterpiece and a model of clarity and lucid exposition.

The Incomparable Christ

Book Description

Author J. Oswald Sanders, a lawyer turned 20th century missionary statesman, follows Jesus from His pre-existence to His earthly life and coming Second Advent. Throughout he upholds Jesus as the powerful and perfect Savior of the world, arguing against any who would diminish His uniqueness.

The Transfiguration

Book Description

Our Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, from the very beginning, declared "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: .." This is a great mystery, and I am now more convinced by the Scriptures than ever, that this man who God had in His heart to create was to eventually be fully complete in Christ Jesus, the Word, that was made flesh. It started in the garden when He made Adam a living soul. This process of the full stature and maturation of redeemed humanity continued after the fall of Adam in the garden. The Scripture declares that Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. This implies to the enlightened that God had a final divine ingredient to place in humanity which included deity. God, through His grace, has given birth to a New Creation with new species born of the incorruptible seed of the Word. We are God's offspring, destined to be like Christ; not only in Spirit as we are now, but we are to receive a spiritual body that is made of the same substance Jesus received during the awesome resurrection power displayed when He was resurrected from both spiritual and physical death. Jesus is the first born of many children. Our Father wants us to grow in the living reality of this Sonship. Our Father is the Husbandman, and He is building a Kingdom in the earth that is exploding into the fullness of His brightness. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge and the glory of the Lord. There is nothing the enemy of darkness can do to stop the kingdom of light. This is an awakening generation that will, by the grace of God, throw away the knowledge and the ways of the world, counting it all dung for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. We are not satisfied with the formality and ritualism that has reduced many believers to spiritual blindness by giving them a false identity, luring them into the deception that has plagued humanity since the fall of Adam. We are awakening to the light of the Word that declares Jesus has made us kings and priests unto God. Prepare to meet your Heavenly Father God on the level of the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Get ready to rejoice evermore in the Good News of the Gospel and the glad tidings of peace! You are the redeemed of the Lord!

Light from Light

Book Description

Invites skeptics and seekers to discover the intellectual richness of the Catholic faith, opening readers to the theological and philosophical depths of Christianity: the nature of belief, the mystery of God, the story of Christ, the work of the Spirit, the life of the church, and the resurrection of the dead. --Book jacket.

Maximus the Confessor

Book Description

This study contextualizes the achievement of a strategically crucial figure in Byzantium's turbulent seventh century, the monk and theologian Maximus the Confessor (580-662). Building on newer biographical research and a growing international body of scholarship, as well as on fresh examination of his diverse literary corpus, Paul Blowers develops a profile integrating the two principal initiatives of Maximus's career: first, his reinterpretation of the christocentric economy of creation and salvation as a framework for expounding the spiritual and ascetical life of monastic and non-monastic Christians; and second, his intensifying public involvement in the last phase of the ancient christological debates, the monothelete controversy, wherein Maximus helped lead an East-West coalition against Byzantine imperial attempts doctrinally to limit Jesus Christ to a single (divine) activity and will devoid of properly human volition. Blowers identifies what he terms Maximus's "cosmo-politeian" worldview, a contemplative and ascetical vision of the participation of all created beings in the novel politeia, or reordered existence, inaugurated by Christ's "new theandric energy". Maximus ultimately insinuated his teaching on the christoformity and cruciformity of the human vocation with his rigorous explication of the precise constitution of Christ's own composite person. In outlining this cosmo-politeian theory, Blowers additionally sets forth a "theo-dramatic" reading of Maximus, inspired by Hans Urs von Balthasar, which depicts the motion of creation and history according to the christocentric "plot" or interplay of divine and creaturely freedoms. Blowers also amplifies how Maximus's cumulative achievement challenged imperial ideology in the seventh century--the repercussions of which cost him his life-and how it generated multiple recontextualizations in the later history of theology.