The Transformation of American Religion

Book Description

As recently as a few decades ago, most people would have described America as a predominantly Protestant nation. Today, we are home to a colorful mix of religious faiths and practices, from a resurgent Catholic Church and a rapidly growing Islam to all forms of Buddhism and many other non-Christian religions. How did this startling transformation take place? A great many factors contributed to this transformation, writes Amanda Porterfield in this engaging look at religion in contemporary America. Religious activism, disillusionment with American culture stemming from the Vietnam war, the influx of Buddhist ideas, a heightened consciousness of gender, and the vastly broadened awareness of non-Christian religions arising from the growth of religious studies programs--all have served to undermine Protestant hegemony in the United States. But the single most important factor, says Porterfield, was the very success of Protestant ways of thinking: emphasis on the individual's relationship with God, tension between spiritual life and religious institutions, egalitarian ideas about spiritual life, and belief in the practical benefits of spirituality. Distrust of religious institutions, for instance, helped fuel a religious counterculture--the tendency to define spiritual truth against the dangers or inadequacies of the surrounding culture--and Protestantism's pragmatic view of spirituality played into the tendency to see the main function of religion as therapeutic. For anyone interested in how and why the American religious landscape has been so dramatically altered in the last forty years, The Transformation of Religion in America offers a coherent and persuasive analysis.

The Transformation of American Religion

Book Description

In this astounding account, a leading sociologist demonstrates that religion in America has become so tamed and softened that it hardly serves any of its original functions.

When God Becomes Goddess

Book Description

In this closely argued philosophical study, theologian Richard Grigg claims that faith in the United States is changing as traditional religious ideas struggle to survive in a dynamic environment. Whereas a large percentage of Americans still report that they believe in God, Grigg shows that this belief can no longer mean what it used to mean: modern science has taken over much of the cognitive territory that used to belong to religion, and uniquely contemporary problems of theodicy threaten the believer's sense that God is in fact in his heaven, while all is right with the world. Increasingly, American religion survives only if relegated to the private sphere. And yet a God that is relegated to the private sphere cannot be the God that has formed the centrepiece of the major religions of the West. When God Becomes Goddess suggests that one way in which Americans may keep the traditional Western idea of God alive – paradoxically – is to embrace the Goddess of feminist theology. Collecting a variety of feminist theologies under the rubric of enactment theology, Grigg demonstrates how these theologies offer much more than a critique of patriarchy; indeed, her gender aside, Grigg suggests that the Goddess may create an avenue through which the concept of God might be rescued from the pressing forces of secularization.

The Transformation of American Quakerism

Book Description

"Hamm has simply produced the best book on Quaker history in recent years." -- Quaker History ..". will stand as one of the most important works in the field." -- American Historical Review

Christianity and the Transformation of the Book

Book Description

When early Christians began to study the Bible, and to write their own history and that of the Jews whom they claimed to supersede, they used scholarly methods invented by the librarians and literary critics of Hellenistic Alexandria. But Origen and Eusebius, two scholars of late Roman Caesarea, did far more. Both produced new kinds of books, in which parallel columns made possible critical comparisons previously unenvisioned, whether between biblical texts or between national histories. Eusebius went even farther, creating new research tools, new forms of history and polemic, and a new kind of library to support both research and book production. Christianity and the Transformation of the Book combines broad-gauged synthesis and close textual analysis to reconstruct the kinds of books and the ways of organizing scholarly inquiry and collaboration among the Christians of Caesarea, on the coast of Roman Palestine. The book explores the dialectical relationship between intellectual history and the history of the book, even as it expands our understanding of early Christian scholarship. Christianity and the Transformation of the Book attends to the social, religious, intellectual, and institutional contexts within which Origen and Eusebius worked, as well as the details of their scholarly practices--practices that, the authors argue, continued to define major sectors of Christian learning for almost two millennia and are, in many ways, still with us today.,

After Redemption

Book Description

Challenging the traditional interpretation that the years between Reconstruction and World War I were a period when Blacks made only marginal advances in religion, politics, and social life, John Giggie contends that these years marked a critical turning point in the religious history of Southern Blacks.

Latino Catholicism

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Discusses the growing population of Hispanic-Americans worshipping in the Catholic Church in the United States.

Latin American Religion in Motion

Book Description

Latin America is undergoing a period of intense religious transformation and upheaval. This book analyzes some of the more important new discoveries about religious movements in the region. It examines important shifts such as the expansion and politicization of Protestantism, the ongoing transformation of the Catholic church, the growth of Afro-Brazilian religions, and the genuine pluralization of faith.

Changing Faiths

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American Religious History

Book Description

In this outstanding historical reader, the editor has gathered nine essays and over thirty primary documents to present a coherent picture of the history of American religion.