Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe

Book Description

Digital technology for the production, transmission, and reception of television is expected to replace analogue transmission throughout the world. The timetable for this transition is uncertain and different projections have been made for virtually every country in the world. This book gives the exhaustive details of the issues of this changeover in Europe and elsewhere. The details are placed within the context of the massive changes, which the television industry has been subjected to over the past 25 years. The rollout of digital terrestrial television (DTTV) in Europe is a significant issue for every country included in this survey. It is of such importance because DTTV is the centerpiece of many governments' policies toward making Europe the world leader in new information and communication technologies. These same governments are all wrestling with the issues of how to use the technology in ways that create both commercial and non-commercial value. European perspectives on the social, cultural, and political nature of broadcasting vary significantly from those in other parts of the world and require that the introduction of DTTV should be handled differently to its introduction elsewhere. There are enormous technical, political, and economic aspects to be considered and these vary from country to country in Europe. The two editors bring a perspective to this study as media economists who come to the European scene from other parts of the world. The book covers DTTV in depth, and it also includes discussions of cable, satellite, broadband, and Internet technology for comparison.

Broadcasters and Radio Spectrum

Book Description

Most of the countries in the European Union are immersed in the analogue-digital switchover, and it is envisaged that by the end of 2012 all of the countries will have changed over to digital television, giving rise to the digital dividend in Europe. The recently harmonisation of the 800MHz band as the European digital dividend will have different impact on EU member states. In this paper we will address the question regarding the impact of digital dividend harmonisation on national planning for the development of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in United Kingdom and Spain. Taking these two countries as our reference points, we will see that their DTT transition models differ greatly. In the UK, the digital transition was based on a centralised model designed to release a major portion of the spectrum, whereas the Spanish model is highly decentralized, both regionally and locally. In Spain, the introduction of digital television has sought to respond to regional and local communication needs, virtually casting aside the release of the digital dividend for the provision of wireless communications services other than broadcasting. The lack of European coordination and the limited foresight of the Spanish authorities regarding the increase in spectrum demand will make the digital transition in Spain far more expensive, given the need to reassign the frequencies subject to European harmonisation. Unlike the UK, which had already envisaged the release of a large amount of spectrum, in Spain, the impact of European harmonisation on national DTT planning will inevitably be greater. The structure of this paper will consist of an identification of the regulatory framework and the directives issued by EU institutions in relation to European policy on the development of digital terrestrial television, a prior and necessary step to complete our understanding of EU actions involving the digital dividend. Having analysed harmonisation process of the digital dividend in the EU, we will pay attention to its impact on the national DTT plans of United Kingdom and Spain. -- Broadcasters ;Spectrum ; Digital Dividend ; Harmonization ; European Union

The Digital Dividend of Terrestrial Broadcasting

Book Description

The “digital revolution” of the last two decades has pervaded innumerable aspects of our daily lives and changed our planet irreversibly. The shift from analog to digital broadcasting has facilitated a seemingly infinite variety of new applications—audience interactivity being but one example. The greater efficiency and compression of digital media have endowed broadcasters with a “digital dividend” of spare transmission capacity over and above the requirements of terrestrial broadcasting. The question is, who will use it, and how? Comparing the European experience with that of broadcasters elsewhere in the world, the author sketches the current status of international frequency management, quantifies the value of the “dividend” itself, analyzes the details of the analog-to-digital switchovers already completed, and posits what the future holds for the sector. As we grapple with new devices, inconceivable a mere generation ago, that allow us to access digital media instantly, anywhere and at any time of day, this book is a potent reminder that what we have witnessed so far may be just the first wavering steps along a road whose destination we can only guess at.

Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe

Book Description

Report (revised annually) by Europe's top consultants on digital terrestrial television in Europe. The year-long study was sponsored by a number of European network operators from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. This 2-volume set includes a 50-page summary called The Dynamics of Transition and the 200-page detailed report called Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe - The Full Report

The Arrival of iDTV / Interactive Digital Television

Book Description

Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: With the recent emergence of Interactive Television (iTV) in Europe, the TV set will rival the PC as an interface for interactive services in the European home. The purpose of this report is to look at the current situation and future prospects of Internet provision via TV in order to then identify possible changes within the traditional Internet world. Based on these findings, the study will give recommendations to Internet businesses regarding the appropriate choice of strategies to be pursued. In a first step, however, this report will introduce Interactive Television (iTV) and sum up its current and predicted market situation in Europe. This report consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to Interactive Television and the Internet and states why the Net on TV stands the chance to influence the PC-based Internet world. In Chapter 2a detailed picture of Interactive Television and its features is created. Further, the European TV landscape is analyzed, looking at the current situation and future prospects of Interactive Television. After an assessment of the implications of TV-based Internet access, possible changes in the traditional Internet world are indicated. Chapter 3 outlines the methods used for the information gathering process of the primary and secondary research. Chapter 4 complements and evaluates the information stated in Chapter 2 with insights obtained from three industry specialists. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the key findings of this report and gives recommendations to Internet ventures regarding the appropriate choice of strategy in order to exploit the opportunities arising from iDTV. Inhaltsverzeichnis:Table of Contents: DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITYI EXECUTIVE SUMMARYII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIV TABLE OF CONTENTSV TABLE OF FIGURESVIII TABLE OF TABLESIX CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1 1.1Intro1 1.2Introducing The Protagonists2 1.2.1What Is Interactive Television?2 1.2.2Internet - Some Facts And Figures3 Internet4 And Growth5 Devices6 1.3iTV Might Have An Impact On The Internet World9 1.4Objectives And Scope Of The Study10 1.4.1Principal Aims10 1.4.2General Limitations10 1.4.3Geographical Scope10 1.4.4Technological Scope12 CHAPTER 2: SECONDARY RESEARCH13 2.1Introduction13 2.2Characteristics And Features Of iTV13 2.2.1Broadcasting And Interactivity13 Transmission [...]

FCC Record

Book Description

The Digital Television Revolution

Book Description

This account of the global switch to digital television, from its origins to its emerging outcomes, provides an understanding of how digital television is converging with the Internet. It pictures a future in which the democratic role of the media, freedom of expression and democratic participation can be enhanced.

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula

Book Description

Volume 2 of A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula brings to an end this collective work that aims at surveying the network of interliterary relations in the Iberian Peninsula. No attempt at such a comparative history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula has been made until now. In this volume, the focus is placed on images (Section 1), genres (Section 2), forms of mediation (Section 3), and cultural studies and literary repertoires (Section 4). To these four sections an epilogue is added, in which specialists in literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the (sub)disciplines of comparative history and comparative literary history, search for links between Volumes 1 and 2 from the point of view of general contributions to the field of Iberian comparative studies, and assess the entire project that now reaches completion with contributions from almost one hundred scholars.

OECD Communications Outlook 1999

Book Description

The OECD Communications Outlook presents the most recent comparable data on the performance of the communications sector in OECD countries and on their policy frameworks.