Hydromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere

Book Description

The report is concerned with the analysis of hydromagnetic waves which are generated in various regions of the magnetosphere and propagated to the earth in the extremely low frequency spectrum. Two different aspects of the problem are investigated, namely, propagation through inhomogeneous regions of the ionosphere and propagation and excitation of waves in current carrying regions of the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Propagation through inhomogeneous regions is studied by two different methods: Transmission coefficients for hydromagnetic waves are obtained by assuming a linearly varying inhomogeneous region and by transforming the wave equation into a hypergeometric equation such that various types of inhomogeneities can be handled (Epstein theory). Assuming a hydromagnetic wave incident from above and propagating parallel to the earth's magnetic field, power transmission coefficients are calculated for various times of day. Propagation of hydromagnetic waves through a current carrying plasma is investigated on the basis of macroscopic equations in which additional terms arising from the presence of a constant current density are included. A general dispersion relation for small amplitude waves is derived. For propagation normal to the steady magnetic field, when the currents are normal to both, the direction of propagation and the static magnetic field, it is found that amplification takes place. For longitudinal propagation with currents in the transverse plane, the propagation constant remains unaffected. For longitudinal propagation, with currents also along the direction of propagation, the propagation constant has a resonance at the ion-cyclotron frequency for both, right and left hand polarization. (Author).

A Study of the Transmission of Plane Hydromagnetic Waves Through the Upper Atmosphere

Book Description

A new conductivity dyadic was used to study the propagation of ordinary and extraordinary modes of wave propagation in a partially-ionized gas. The conductivity tensor included effects of all collisions and the motion of neutral particles. Medium parameters were those of the earth's upper atmosphere. The range of frequencies considered was that of geomagnetic micro-pulsations, 0.00110.0 cps. Geomagnetic equatorial regions received special attention. Incoming incident waves were assumed on a plane-stratified ionosphere. Resultant steady-state frequency responses, impulse responses, current density, electric field, and power dissipation profiles, and power spectra for daytime and nighttime atmospheres were computed. A study of coupling between the two characteristic modes showed appreciable collisional coupling in the lowest ionosphere. (Author).

The Transmission of Geomagnetic Micropulsations Through the Ionosphere and Lower Exosphere

Book Description

This report is part of RAND's continuing interest in the detection of high-altitude nuclear explosions. In particular, it is concerned with low-frequency hydromagnetic waves similar to those generated by such explosions, and which are detected by ground-current measurements at world-wide locations. In this report, attention is directed to the response of the ionosphere to such low-frequency hydromagnetic disturbances. The purpose is to separate the effects of the medium from those of the source on the transmitted disturbance. (Author).

Equatorial Transmission of Geomagnetic Micropulsations Through the Ionosphere and Lower Exosphere

Book Description

Part of a continuing study on the detection of high-altitude nuclear explosions. The Memorandum reports on low-frequency hydromagnetic waves similar to those generated by such explosions, and detectable by ground-current measurements at worldwide locations. Particular attention is given to the response of the ionosphere to such low-frequency hydromagnetic disturbances. The purpose is to separate the effects of the medium from those of the source on the transmitted disturbance. (Author).

The Transmission of Audio-frequency Electro-magnetic Waves Through the Terrestrial Ionosphere in the Magneto-ionic Mode

Book Description

Results reported in Technical Report O! R DED TO NIGHT-TIME CONDITIONS. It is found that both by day and by night a total ionospheric transmission optimum in the neighbourhood of 3-5 kc/s exists for whistler mode propagation. Results are consistent with experimental values of Storey. (Author).

Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves Through Normal and Disturbed Ionospheres

Book Description

The report presents the results of an analysis of the transmission of electromagnetic waves through the ionosphere. The objective of the calculations is to provide estimates of the propagation losses to be expected on communication links between satellites and the ground. A wide range of frequencies, 0.001 to 10 to the 10th power Hz, is considered, and normal and disturbed nighttime and daytime conditions are analyzed. The models and computational methods are summarized briefly in Section 2, extensive numerical results for the total transmission loss and height dependence of ionospheric attenuation are presented in Section 3, and the conclusions are given in Section 4. (Author).