The True Star of Al Islaam

Book Description

Lifting the Veil

Book Description

This book is based upon our YouTube series "Idiots Guide to Islam", of Q & A chapters that are listened to. It is fully complimented, with more details on our web site ""The purpose of this book is to enlighten, step by step, an otherwise IGNORANT immense majority of humanity among both the so called Believers & Unbelievers about the FACTS & REALITYof the Cult of Muhammadan Islam.All references are based entirely upon the Arabic language of the Quran, Hadiths, Arab & Islamic histories.It analyses almost every concept, precept, thought, idea, expression and relevant verse of the Quran and contains extremely controversial and unusual statements and conclusions.By the time one has either read this book or listened to the series, one will become so knowledgeable on the Quran, Hadiths, Arab & 'Islamic' histories, to such an extent, that never again would one be fooled, deceived or misled regarding these subjects.


Book Description

To most in the West, 'al-Qaeda' is seen as a byword for terror: a deadly, highly organised fanatical group masterminded by Osama bin Laden. But does this tell the whole truth? Prize-winning journalist Jason Burke has spent a decade reporting from the heart of the Middle East and gaining unprecedented access to the world of radical Islam. Now, drawing on his frontline experience of recent events in Iraq and Afghanistan, on secret documents and astonishing interviews with intelligence officers, militants, mujahideen commanders and bin Laden's associates, he reveals the full story of al-Qaeda - and demolishes the myths that underpin the 'war on terror'. Burke demonstrates that in fact 'al-Qaeda' is merely a convenient label applied by the West to a far broader - and thus more dangerous - phenomenon of Islamic militancy, and shows how eradicating a single figure or group will do nothing to combat terrorism. Only by understanding the true, complex nature of al-Qaeda, he argues, can we address the real issues surrounding our security today.

It IS About Islam

Book Description

Drawing from the Koran, the hadith, and leaders of fundamentalist groups, identifies the core beliefs that inspire Islamic extremism while debunking commonly held notions about the religion.

Black Zion

Book Description

This is an exploration of the interaction between African American religions and Jewish traditions, beliefs, and spaces. The collection's argument is that religion is the missing piece of the cultural jigsaw, and black-Jewish relations need the religious roots of their problem illuminated.

Islam the Honest Truth

Book Description

A first of its kind written by a Muslim scholar, very few books are as honest in speaking about Islam as this. The author is an academic on the subject, with classical training in the religion. The book delves into areas most dare not venture into. It covers the history of the Quran to the person of Muhammad, to its major teachings, and where it got them from. The book is fully referenced with suggestions for further reading. It is intended for all, from the laity to the expert, to the Muslim and non-Muslim alike, as everyone will find something useful and beneficial. It honestly answers questions that are often posed such as 'Does Islam promote peace, and if so why is so much violence attached to this religion?' All your questions about Islam will be answered, the author uses only the most authentic sources to cite his evidence. Although primarily focusing on Islam, the book covers the origins and teachings on Judaism and Christianity, this is done because of its claims of descent from these two religions. It contains many pages of ground-breaking research. If its truth you want, then this book is for you!

Heroes of Al-Islaam (Islam) in America Book 2: Understanding the works and mission of Abdul Wali Farrad Muhammad Ali (Master Wallace Fard Muhammad)

Book Description

This pamphlet or booklet is a humble attempt by the author to shine the light of Al-Islaam, the Holy Qur'an and the language of Imaam W. Deen Mohammed on the teachings and lessons of one W. F. Muhammad. In this booklet I use the name Abdul Wali Farad Muhammad Ali for Wallace Fard Muhammad in many instances. The closes Arabic equivalent for Wallace would probably be Wali. We also use the nickname given to Mr. Fard by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, W. D. Forty.

Heroes of Al-Islaam (Islam) in America Book 3: Understanding the works and mission of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (AL Hajj Abdul Karim Ilyas Muhammad)

Book Description

This pamphlet or booklet is a humble attempt by the author to shine the light of Al-Islaam, the Holy Qur'an and the language of Imaam W. Deen Mohammed on the teachings and lessons of Mr. Elijah Muhammad. In this book, I use the spelling Imaam for Imam, Islaam for Islam because I believe it gives the novice a better sense of how the words should be pronounced. In this booklet I use the name Abdul Wali Farad Muhammad Ali for Wallace Fard Muhammad in many instances. The closes Arabic equivalent for Wallace would probably be Wali. We also use the nickname given to Mr. Fard by Imam W. Deen Mohammed, W. D. Forty. We use the Arabic equivalent of Elijah Muhammad's name Abdul Karim Ilyas Muhammad in many parts of this book to emphasize that he and his teacher Mr. Fard wanted us to reclaim our holy names.

The Ideal Muslim

Book Description

The true Islamic personality as defined by the Qur'an and Sunnah presents a comprehensive overview of the way in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his Companions lived. This picture of the practical aspects of a truly Islamic lifestyle serves as a timely reminder for all of us. At a time when unIslamic and antiIslamic influences are spreading, via modem technology, to the heartlands of Islam and even to the remotest regions, a Muslim needs to hold firm to the distinct character of our faith, as prescribed by Allah and revealed through His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Dr. Muhammad 'Ali alHashimi presents a wellthought out guide to the Islamic lifestyle. He starts with the Muslim's relationship with his Lord, which is the most important aspect of his life, and provides the foundation for all his other relationships. From there, he outlines how the Muslim should relate to every person in his life, starting with himself and his family, and moving on, by stages, to encompass every member of the community or society. Each point is supported by extensive quotations from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The True Nature of the Mahdi

Book Description

The history of religion demonstrates that all Prophets have suffered vehement opposition. Like all the prophets of God, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi was also opposed. Throughout his life, Maulvi Muhammad Husain of Batala, a staunch opponent, spared no opportunity to harm and malign the Promised Messiah. When all else failed, he began to submit false reports to the British government, alleging that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a rebel of the state and believed in the advent of a bloodthirsty, violent Mahdi, who would force all non-Muslims to Islam. It was due to these false reports that the author wrote a brief but eloquent treatise outlining his true beliefs regarding the advent of the Promised Mahdi in Islam. In this book, the author explains that the divinely appointed reformer and Mahdi to appear in the latter days would bring a message of peace and conquer the world with love; not through violence and bloodshed. He also reassures the government of his loyalty to the state and exposes the hypocrisy of Maulvi Muhammad Husain and the falsity of his reports to the government.