The Two Natures in the Child of God

Book Description

How does the dual nature of man-both flesh and spirit-challenge our adoration of God? How can we understand this duality within ourselves in order to better celebrate our love for Him? Here, in this concise 1905 work, one of the most respected Bible scholars of the 19th century takes this difficult question to hand and explores, in profound, inspiring depth, how it can become the grounds not for doubt but for reassurance, the best proof we can ever have that we are God's handiwork and a new source of deep solace and joy. British clergyman ETHELBERT WILLIAM BULLINGER (1837-1913) is author of numerous books including Commentary on Revelation, Great Cloud of Witnesses, and How to Enjoy the Bible.

The Two Natures in the Child of God

Book Description

E.W. Bullinger was an Anglican clergyman, theologian, and Christian writer. Bullinger was also known for being a prominent Biblican scholar and his book The Witness of the Stars is a classic among both Christian and astronomy students. The Two Natures in the Child of God, published in 1906, is an excellent book in which Bullinger examines how the two natures of man, body and spirit, work together to reassure Christians in their love for God.

Two Natures in the Child of God

Book Description

How does the dual nature of man-both flesh and spirit-challenge our adoration of God? How can we understand this duality within ourselves in order to better celebrate our love for Him? Here, in this concise 1905 work, one of the most respected Bible scholars of the 19th century takes this difficult question to hand and explores, in profound, inspiring depth, how it can become the grounds not for doubt but for reassurance, the best proof we can ever have that we are God's handiwork and a new source of deep solace and joy.

The Basic Gospel

Book Description

The Basic Gospel You want more. You want a deeper more meaningful relationship with Christ. You want to mature and grow. But how? The place to start is the basic Gospel...the essential truths of the faith. Get the basics right. Stand firm in God's grace. Rest in Jesus's finished work on the cross. Learn who you are in Christ. And experience the riches of Christ's abundant life like never before.


Book Description

One of history's greatest Biblical scholars, E. W. Bullinger proved through the internal evidence of the Scriptures the inerrant accuracy of God's Word. His major works: A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament; Figures of Speech Used in the Bible; and The Companion Bible are unparalleled reference works indispensably utilized in Biblical research. While Bullinger's major reference works continue to be widely studied, most people are unfamiliar with the bulk of his publications. Each of these expositions in this volume provides great illumination and inspiration to all those who continue to seek after truth.

Changing Natures

Book Description

Tired of living your life below the place of victory the Lord has destined for you? Now is the time to experience the total life-change that only Jesus Christ can give you. There is no need to continue struggling to overcome your old nature - when Christ has promised to change you from the inside out! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature, the old things are passed away, and the new has come." (2 Cor. 5:17)