The Use of Data in Assessing and Designing Insolvency Systems

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To date, the use of empirical data in insolvency law analysis has been sporadic. This paper provides a conceptual framework for the use of data to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of insolvency systems. The paper analyzes the existing sources of data on insolvency proceedings, including general insolvency statistics, judicial statistics, statistics of insolvency regulators and other sources, and advocates for the design of special data collection mechanisms and statistics to conduct detailed assessments of insolvency systems and to assist in the design of legal reforms.

Restructuring and Insolvency in Europe: Policy Options in the Implementation of the EU Directive

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The Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency sets minimum standards for restructuring and certain insolvency matters, but its harmonization effect will be limited given multiple options for implementation, likely leading to divergent restructuring models in Europe. These options reveal different policy approaches to the regulation of restructuring and insolvency. The analysis in this paper aims to illustrate the breadth of the policy choices and their consequences for restructuring activity. States should carefully design restructuring procedures to avoid the negative economic effects of certain options that could undermine creditors’ rights or result in unpredictable outcomes, particularly in cross-border cases.

Law Reforms around the World

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Encapsulating Law Reform requires the creation of a discreet space occupied with normative self-generation, self-correction, and self-adaptation in the very anatomy of law and the architecture of legal systems. This ‘living dynamic trait’ should be a hallmark of the genetic material in the modern-day institution of law. This edited volume sheds light on Law Reform in its domestic, comparative, regional, and international settings. It examines the process of Law Reform and explains the need for a constant appraisal to keep its wheels optimally operational. The book takes a holistic approach to understanding Law Reform and calls for such an approach in the very process of Law Reform. It begins by looking at Law Reform processes from a theoretical perspective. Thereafter, it sheds light on domestic Law Reform processes in civil and common law legal systems. This is followed by a focus on Law Reform at the international level with a critical appraisal of the International Law Commission (ILC), drawing on its performance in international economic and environmental law. Included in this consideration is also the role played in Law Reform by the IMF, World Trade Organization/World Intellectual Property Organization, Multilateral Development Banks, and the African Union Commission on International Law. This volume should appeal to students, serious scholars, policy makers, judges, and the community of national and international lawyers interested in bringing effective reform in the national and international arenas.

Legal and Ethical Standards in Corporate Insolvency

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Recent financial crisis and the global financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have brought renewed interest to the regulation and practice of corporate insolvency and restructuring. Modernisation of the insolvency profession, and the regulation of its practitioners, is a contemporary concern and recent years have seen significant reforms of insolvency law. The success of such reforms can be enhanced through a clear understanding of difficulties faced by the insolvency profession in achieving successful restructuring and insolvency outcomes and through the determination of effective solutions to those difficulties. However, there is limited empirical data to inform the day-to-day practice of insolvency, nor the difficulties experienced by insolvency practitioners in pursing insolvency and restructuring solutions. This book addresses this absence of data and understanding, examining the role and practice of corporate insolvency practitioners and exploring the challenges that they encounter. Offering an empirical study together with a comparative analysis of the experiences of practitioners around the world, this book facilitates a greater understanding of corporate insolvency practice, confronting a misunderstanding of, and under-confidence in, corporate insolvency practitioners, making it key reading for academics, practitioners and regulators working in the area of corporate insolvency.


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This Selected Issues paper explores the links between wage policies, non-wage cost developments, and competitiveness. A series of program-era policies helped to partially reverse this trend, including labor market policies that cushioned the effect of the crisis on employment and brought unit labor costs broadly in line with trading partners. However, the resulting more competitive wage structure only partly translated into price adjustments due to product market rigidities (with firms retaining some profit margin) and rising non-wage cost factors (e.g., taxes and financing costs). This incomplete internal devaluation and subsequent low productivity gains reinforce the view that Greece has further to go to address its external imbalances. However, labor policy reversals following program exit in August 2018 threaten this objective. The paper shows that Greece must preserve its labor cost competitiveness while increasing efforts to facilitate price adjustment in product markets and reduce non-wage costs.

A Capital Market Union for Europe

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This note weighs the merits of a capital market union (CMU) for Europe, identifies major obstacles in its path, and recommends a set of carefully targeted policy actions. European capital markets are relatively small, resulting in strong bank-dependence, and are split sharply along national lines. Results include an uneven playing field in terms of corporate funding costs, the rationing out of collateral-constrained firms, and limited shock absorption. The benefits of integration center on expanding financial choice, ultimately to support capital formation and resilience. Capital market development and integration would support a healthy diversity in European finance. Proceeding methodically, the note identifies three key barriers to greater capital market integration in Europe: transparency, regulatory quality, and insolvency practices. Based on these findings, the note urges three policy priorities, focused on the three barriers. There is no roadblock—such steps should prove feasible without a new grand bargain.

A Maximalist Approach to Data from India's New Insolvency and Bankruptcy System

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The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has a statutory responsibility to gather and disseminate information about India's new insolvency and bankruptcy system. That system is still in its infancy, and the Board has a unique opportunity to design a comprehensive approach to generating, gathering, and disseminating data. Empirical research on bankruptcy in the U.S. illustrates that data are essential for assessing how insolvency and bankruptcy systems function, how they affect various stakeholders, and what economic and social impact they are having. Data generated by insolvency and bankruptcy systems can also be a uniquely valuable source of information about the broader economy and society, including macro-economic vulnerabilities and failures plaguing certain financial products.This chapter proposes that the Board and the adjudicating tribunals under the India's new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code adopt a maximalist approach to data, limited only by institutional capacity and basic privacy norms. It describes types of data that the new insolvency and bankruptcy system can generate, challenges in gathering and disseminating it, and the comparative advantages that the Board and the tribunals have in doing so. This chapter also proposes that the Board conduct a pilot or diagnostic study of the data currently being generated by the system to determine its reliability, consistency, and usability for both internal assessment and external research.

Strengthening the Euro Area

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The SDN will focus mostly on EA countries but also touch on other AEs for comparison purposes. The SDN will make several original contributions in each of the areas above based on new DSGE-model-based analysis, cross-country panel regressions, and individual-level (firm- or household-level) empirical work where appropriate.


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This paper highlights Bulgaria’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) sector and to assess its performance in a regional perspective. A detailed and rich firm-level dataset of state-owned and private firms was compiled for this note to compare key performance indicators of SOEs to private firms in the same sector and to similar firms in Croatia and Romania for a regional comparison. In some network industries, such as energy, SOEs are heavily loss-making. Large amounts of debt have been piled up notably in the energy and transport sectors which, to the extent that it is classified outside the general government accounts, can pose significant risk to public finances in the form of contingent liabilities if the SOEs run into financial difficulties. SOE profitability and resource allocation efficiency largely lag private firms in the same sectors, even when isolating SOEs engaged in competitive market activities and hence classified outside of general government. Coupled with comparably poor output quality, these challenges have the potential to impair competitiveness and productivity across the economy.

Policy Options for Supporting and Restructuring Firms Hit by the COVID-19 Crisis

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This paper presents principles that could guide the design of more targeted policy support and facilitate the restructuring of firms adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the paper takes stock of vulnerabilities and risks in the enterprise sector and assesses countries’ preparedness to handle a large-scale restructuring of businesses. Crisis preparedness of insolvency systems is measured according to a newly designed indicator that includes five dimensions of the insolvency and restructuring regime (out-of-court restructuring, hybrid restructuring, reorganization, liquidation, and the institutional framework). Vulnerabilities tend to be more pronounced in jurisdictions with shortcomings in crisis preparedness, and those countries need to step up efforts to improve their insolvency systems.