The Use of Economic Instruments in Nordic Environmental Policy 2014–2017

Book Description

This is the eighth quadrennial report on the use of economic instruments in Nordic environmental policy published by the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economics. The report comprises two parts. Part I summarises the use of economic instruments in environmental policies of the five countries, during the period 2014-2017. It provides an overview of new instruments and major changes to existing instruments, a detailed country-by-country description of these developments, and a cross-country comparison. Part II provides an overview of the use of voluntary environmental agreements in different environmental sectors across the Nordic countries. It includes an overview and synthesis of studies that have evaluated the effects of voluntary environmental agreements.

Use of Economic Instruments in Nordic Environmental Policy 2018–2021

Book Description

Available online: This is the nineth quadrennial report on the use of economic instruments in Nordic environmental policy published by the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economics. The report contains two parts. Part 1 summarizes the most significant developments in the use of economic instruments in the environmental policies in the Nordic countries. It provides an overview of new instruments or major changes to existing instruments from 2018 to 2021 in the Nordic countries. The biggest changes are seen in the transport sector and in the field of energy and air pollution. Part 2 provides an overview of policies and instruments the Nordic countries have used to promote clean technologies. Most common is the use of a mix of environmental taxes and subsidies. Each country has chosen different technological paths depending on national and sector characteristics, as well as national preferences.

The Use of Economic Instruments in Nordic Environmental Policy 2014-2017

Book Description

This is the eighth quadrennial report on the use of economic instruments in Nordic environmental policy published by the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economics. The report comprises two parts. Part I summarises the use of economic instruments in environmental policies of the five countries, during the period 2014-2017. It provides an overview of new instruments and major changes to existing instruments, a detailed country-by-country description of these developments, and a cross-country comparison. Part II provides an overview of the use of voluntary environmental agreements in different environmental sectors across the Nordic countries. It includes an overview and synthesis of studies that have evaluated the effects of voluntary environmental agreements.

Policy brief:

Book Description

The objective of this policy brief is to present a high-level overview of the use of economic instruments in environmental policies in the Nordic countries from the 1990's up to 2017. This overview is based on previously published reports on the use of economic instruments in Nordic environmental policy. Focus is on the development in use of economic instruments in each of the five Nordic countries, and the region as a whole. More specifically, the policy brief presents: • An overview of number of economic instruments by country and by sector • The revenue from the use of economic instruments by country and by sector • Discussion of the use of economic instruments in relation to the transition to a green economy.

How can the Nordic mix of policy instruments become more effective?

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Available online: The Nordic economies are strongly integrated but have chosen different pathways and climate policy instruments to reduce their climate impact. Therefore, the Nordic economic actors have different incentives, even though they operate in the same integrated markets. This can lead to negative spill-over effects on neighbouring countries.This report presents examples of such negative effects within transportation, waste management, energy production. Following an analysis of these, the report identifies a series of barriers for the countries to avoiding the counterproductive, spill-over effects. The report concludes by summing up recommendations for possible improvements the Nordic collaboration.The report has been prepared by COWI. It has included a desk study, stakeholder interviews and two cross-Nordic workshops to verify the findings and identify Nordic challenges and opportunities

Non-exhaust Particulate Emissions from Road Transport An Ignored Environmental Policy Challenge

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Non-exhaust emissions of particulate matter constitute a little-known but rising share of emissions from road traffic and have significant negative impacts on public health. This report synthesizes the current state of knowledge about the nature, causes, and consequences of non-exhaust particulate emissions. It also projects how particulate matter emissions from non-exhaust sources may evolve in future years and reflects on policy instrument mixes that can address this largely ignored environmental issue.

Air Pollution and Climate Change

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OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Sweden 2014

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This report is the third OECD review of Sweden’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on Sweden's longstanding commitment to mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases and its management of marine ecosystem services and water.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Denmark 2019

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This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Denmark. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on waste, materials management and the circular economy and chemicals management.

Economic Policy Instruments for Plastic Waste

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Achieving a high quality of waste plastic materials and recycling processes is a key challenge in closing the resource loops for plastics. This report reviews the status and trends for plastic waste flows and treatment in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Furthermore, it gives an overview of existing policy instruments and the main challenges for designing policy instruments for improved recycling of plastic waste in these Nordic countries. The report identifies potential market failures associated with closing the resource loops for plastics. It reviews the economics research literature on policy instrument design for achieving optimal recycling rates and makes policy recommendations from the Nordic perspective. Finally, it presents results from a survey on market conditions to managers in the recycling and plastic manufacturing industry in Sweden.