And He Shall Appear as an Angel of Light

Book Description

The predictions for the end of the world are numerous. There will be severe changes in our global climate, famines, earthquakes, diseases, and worldwide political upheaval. These are not just outlandish fantasies, but truths based on biblical facts. Fortunately, a "man of peace" will appear as an angel of light just in time to save the world from destroying itself-but what will be the price? In And He Shall Appear as an Angel of Light, author Mary E. Preston relies on Scriptures alone to discuss the coming end times and the return of Jesus Christ at the tribulation. She breaks down each prophecy into easy-to-understand language and provides supporting Bible verses to clarify her narrative. This religious study concisely covers topics that some pastors and preachers refuse to dwell on in their Sunday sermons. In addition to psalms of hope, Preston offers direct answers to many of the most troubling questions about Armageddon and its events. Issues she covers include the roles that Satan will play in the end times; the Beast and his mark; Christian persecution; and the rapture. And He Shall Appear as an Angel of Light seeks to provide you with the basic knowledge you need to prepare for the end of the world.

Prophecy Now, Prophetic Words and Divine Revelations for You, the Church and the Nations

Book Description

What does God have to say to the world in the 21st century? Prophecy Now is an end-time prophetic journal received over a nine year period. Read of the coming revivals to Britain, Europe, and America, and learn of God’s will for many nations – including the unification of Korea! Discover what God has to say about prayer, the fulfilment of the Great Commission, the end-times, Islam, global warming, the economic climate, Christian media, spiritual fathers, and much more. • The coming revivals in the nations • Times of judgment and great blessing • Warnings to those who fleece Christians • The call of the young end-time generation • The living destiny of older ‘retired’ Christians • Tares, deceptions, pruning, and false teaching • Spiritual warfare – principalities and powers defeated • Intercession – Rees Howells’ legacy and an army of intercessors Michael Backholer was born in England a few years after the end of World War II. After a powerful encounter with God in the early 1980s, and a visitation from the Lord, Michael fully surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and came into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. In 1989, he was called into the hidden life of prayer and was released from working for an earthly master. Since that time he has also served the Lord in a number of countries from the USA to South Africa, and all over Great Britain.

Advancing the Watch

Book Description

Daniel 12:9-10 instructs us that the wise of only one generation will be able to fully understand end-times prophecies. That final generation must come to this understanding in order to be properly prepared and motivated for what they will need to endure. It is imperative that our eschatology be both biblical and contemporary, For as we draw nearer and nearer To The end-times, greater clarity in understanding apocalyptic prophecies should come. In Advancing the Watch, Pastor Kirk Wesselink presents a groundbreaking look at prophecy rooted in a thoroughly consistent, conservative exposition of relative Bible passages. He maintains the dispensational, pre-tribulational, and pre-millennial foundation, but honestly challenges their traditional view of many prophetic texts. The reader is carefully instructed in how to avoid prophetic pitfalls through a straightforward primer on interpretive rules for prophecy and key foundational principles. The work builds on research stretching back over one hundred years but is willing to engage in 'constructive demolition' to advance the Church's prophecy watch. A new generation will be challenged, trained, and encouraged with a powerful, up-to-the-minute look at the fullness of God's prophetic Word by Advancing the Watch. Kirk Wesselink has been a pastor for twenty-four years and has established two new churches in New Mexico. He is a graduate of Cedarville University and Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary. He has preached across much of the country as well as internationally in conferences, camps, and ministry seminars.

The Sure Word of Prophecy

Book Description

Christian eschatology and prophecy are interwoven in the teachings of the Bible to such an extent that the knowledge of the first is limited to the extent that we comprehend the second. Every doctrine of the Christian faith has its conclusion or culmination in that future which is the burden of Biblical prophecy. An ignorance of this prophecy, or any perversion of it, seriously affects one’s concept of the pure faith. It is for this reason, therefore, that a clear Biblical expression concerning prophecy is necessary. Especially is it needed because confusion is increasing among Christians with regard to trustworthy teaching of prophecy, leading, as is usual in such cases, to lessened certainty in testimony and to decreased evangelistic zeal in winning the lost to Christ. With a view to rendering service to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, a group of believers, assisted or counselled by many well-known and trusted Bible teachers, decided to call a conference on the Christian faith in its relation to prophecy. Because of its wide capacity organizationally, its peculiar fitness to promote such a conference, and its ability to distribute benefits derived therefrom, the sponsorship rested with the American Board of Missions to the Jews. Under the direction of its energetic and capable secretary, Dr. Joseph Hoffman Cohn, the program for a Congress on Prophecy was carefully arranged and it was carried out in the Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, November 1-8, 1942.

Prophecy's Light on Today

Book Description

“The whole world of nature appears in our day to be in revolt, with all her unprecedented disturbances. And how clearly are the nations preparing by granting unrestrained powers to individual men, such as we note in Russia, Germany, Italy, and in our own country,—all preparing for the one man prophesied by our Lord in John 5:43: ‘I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.’ We are surely in the world-age of the feet of iron mixed with miry clay of Daniel’s image. “Let me repeat that this book, so full of spiritual meat and helpful, illustrative anecdotes, so interesting while so splendidly setting forth these vital, scattered Bible teachings, is destined to reach many hearts and to build up many Christians in a more vital, Spirit-filled faith.” —From the Introduction by Howard A. Kelly

The Prophetic Times

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Prophecy in the New Millennium

Book Description

An up-to-date look at unfulfilled Bible prophecy and current events, written by one of America's most recognized end times experts.

Numbers That Preach

Book Description

Your Bible, your history books, and even your newspaper headlines are full of God shouting a powerful message of hope and healing. The same author who designed 24,900 miles around the planet, also calculated 24 hours around your clock, and predetermined 24 elders around the throne. But unless you know what God is consistently speaking through the number 24, you miss the message. In fact, you don't even know there is a message. Numbers That Preach is a fun look at the otherwise hidden sermons God is declaring through His mathematical lingo. For more than twenty years, author Troy Brewer has studied Biblical text and collected interesting facts, figures and statistics that show powerful meaning in the numbers around us.