Earnings Management and Value Relevance During the Mandatory Transition from Local GAAPs to IFRS in Europe

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This paper analyzes a sample of 1,722 European firms during their mandatory transition from local country accounting rules (Local GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2004 and 2005 using the same set of firm-year observations. We use this unique transition period to examine the impact of a change in accounting standards on the quality of firms' financial statements. The transition to IFRS appears to have a small but significant impact on firms' reported total assets and book equity, as well as on their reported goodwill, intangible assets, property plant and equipment, long term debt and current assets and liabilities. For the same reporting period, Return on Assets (ROA) is significantly higher under IFRS than under Local GAAP with the greater increase occurring in those firms with lower levels of ROA under Local GAAP. This transition earnings management is present in all countries, but its level is highest in those countries with weaker legal institutions and higher levels of pre-transition earnings management. These results are consistent with managers using the transition to improve their reported earnings and ROA. IFRS earnings reconciliation disclosures are value relevant even with the noted transition earnings management. The value relevance of the book value of equity is limited to the Local GAAP reports. Both, partial and full IFRS earnings reconciliations are associated with market value and returns.

Regression with Dummy Variables

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It is often necessary for social scientists to study differences in groups, such as gender or race differences in attitudes, buying behavior, or socioeconomic characteristics. When the researcher seeks to estimate group differences through the use of independent variables that are qualitative, dummy variables allow the researcher to represent information about group membership in quantitative terms without imposing unrealistic measurement assumptions on the categorical variables. Beginning with the simplest model, Hardy probes the use of dummy variable regression in increasingly complex specifications, exploring issues such as: interaction, heteroscedasticity, multiple comparisons and significance testing, the use of effects or contrast coding, testing for curvilinearity, and estimating a piecewise linear regression.

Global Comparability of Financial Reporting Under IFRS

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The globalization of financial markets worldwide has progressively pushed toward simultaneous globalization of accounting information. Thus, during the last 50 years, categories of preparers, users, and regulators have devoted their efforts to support the global comparability of financial reporting aiming at favoring the comparison of corporates’ financial performances at a cross-country level. In the same vein, IASB, national standard setters, and jurisdictions have participated in and given momentum to this process. At the same time, academic research has followed this process and tried to build a theoretical framework to address the related issues, to assess the impact on preparers, users, and regulators, while defining hindrances and obstacles to the comparability of financial reporting especially in an IFRS environment. In this context, this book reviews research studies on the comparability of financial reporting at a global level as well as highlights empirical analyses that demonstrate the extent to which global comparability has been achieved, and how it enhances value relevance of earnings across countries. It also looks at the cross-country investors’ perspectives by shaping the empirical analysis to provide further insights on the role of the "Big Four" auditing services in enhancing the comparability of earnings. The book provides an original contribution to the current debate about the comparability of financial reporting under IFRS and will be useful for researchers in the field.

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Comparative Value Relevance of GAAP Versus Non-GAAP Earnings

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I examine the value relevance of earnings measures based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) relative to non-GAAP earnings measures using six earnings measures: I/B/E/S earnings; Standard & Poor's Core earnings; cash earnings; cash flows from operations; earnings from operations adjusted to exclude special items; and income before extraordinary items. I adopt the Ohlson (1995; 1999) valuation model to test value relevance and a cumulative abnormal returns model to test the information content of these alternative earnings measures. Prior studies consistently show non-GAAP earnings are significantly more value relevant than GAAP earnings (Bradshaw and Sloan, 2002; Bhattacharya et al., 2003; Brown and Sivakumar, 2003; Albring et al., 2010) and that information risk is priced by investors (Easley and O'Hara, 2004) Therefore, factors that impact on information risk, such as, information asymmetry, earnings quality and conservatism, may affect the value relevance of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings. However, prior studies do not examine the impact of these factors on the relative and incremental value relevance GAAP versus non-GAAP earnings. I separately control and test for the impact of information asymmetry, earnings quality and conservatism on the comparative value relevance of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings. Furthermore, I argue that firm size may impact on the value relevance of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings. In addition, industry may have an effect on the value relevance of earnings, particularly for firms in the financial sector because of their capital structure and regulatory environment. However, prior studies do not investigate the impact of financial and non-financial firms and of size on the value relevance and informativeness of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings. I consider these issues by separately analysing samples of financial, non-financial, S&P 500 and non-S&P 500 firms. Prior studies generally present evidence from before the GFC and there is no published research on the value relevance of these earnings metrics that examine the impact of the GFC. Therefore, I examine the impact of the GFC on the value relevance of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings measures before, during and after the GFC. Additionally, prior research focuses on GAAP earnings and pro forma or I/B/E/S earnings. As mentioned above, I use six earnings measures. My sample is drawn from US publicly traded firms between 2002 and 2012. My results indicate that GAAP earnings are incrementally value relevant and that non-GAAP earnings are not consistently more value relevant than GAAP earnings. I find evidence that information asymmetry, earnings quality and conservatism are systematically related to the comparative value relevance of GAAP and non-GAAP earnings. I also find that sample selection impacts on the findings. In addition, investors shift their emphasis on GAAP and non-GAAP earnings over time as a consequence of the GFC and investors generally place greater emphasis on the book value of equity in pricing shares. My findings highlight the fluid nature of the relative emphasis investors place on alternative earnings measures. They provide insights on the impact of information asymmetry, earnings quality and conservatism, and of the GFC on the emphasis investors place on earnings information.

The Value Relevance of IFRS Earnings Totals and Subtotals and Non-GAAP Performance Measures

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We explore the association between earnings and price for 400 IFRS adopting firms from eight countries (Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Singapore, Sweden and the UK) in their annual reports for the years 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2013 (1,577 firm-years). We find no difference in the earnings/price association for firms that present non-GAAP earnings and those that do not. However, we find significant differences based on the non-GAAP measures presented. The disclosure of non-GAAP earnings provides value relevant information for firms that provide underlying operating (also EBIT and EBITDA) earnings but not for firms disclosing underlying net profit. For the first group the adjusting items are not associated with price, providing support for their exclusion by managers. The evidence points to non-GAAP earnings being informative, but only for firms basing adjustments and reconciliations on operating profit.

Earnings Quality

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This review lays out a research perspective on earnings quality. We provide an overview of alternative definitions and measures of earnings quality and a discussion of research design choices encountered in earnings quality research. Throughout, we focus on a capital markets setting, as opposed, for example, to a contracting or stewardship setting. Our reason for this choice stems from the view that the capital market uses of accounting information are fundamental, in the sense of providing a basis for other uses, such as stewardship. Because resource allocations are ex ante decisions while contracting/stewardship assessments are ex post evaluations of outcomes, evidence on whether, how and to what degree earnings quality influences capital market resource allocation decisions is fundamental to understanding why and how accounting matters to investors and others, including those charged with stewardship responsibilities. Demonstrating a link between earnings quality and, for example, the costs of equity and debt capital implies a basic economic role in capital allocation decisions for accounting information; this role has only recently been documented in the accounting literature. We focus on how the precision of financial information in capturing one or more underlying valuation-relevant constructs affects the assessment and use of that information by capital market participants. We emphasize that the choice of constructs to be measured is typically contextual. Our main focus is on the precision of earnings, which we view as a summary indicator of the overall quality of financial reporting. Our intent in discussing research that evaluates the capital market effects of earnings quality is both to stimulate further research in this area and to encourage research on related topics, including, for example, the role of earnings quality in contracting and stewardship.

Have IFRS Changed How Stock Prices Associate with Earnings and Book Values? Evidence from Norway

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Firms listed on European, Australian and an increasing number of other stock exchanges are required to report according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We use a Norwegian sample to examine whether the adoption of IFRS in 2005 has changed the value relevance of earnings relative to book values. IFRS are balance sheet-oriented and emphasize measurement at fair value. In contrast, Norwegian GAAP (NGAAP) are earnings-oriented and focus on measurement at transactional (historical) cost. IFRS also differ by recognizing more intangible assets, which further contributes to making IFRS less conservative than NGAAP. We find that more fair value accounting increases the value relevance of book values and decreases the value relevance of earnings. However, improved matching of expenditures on intangible assets with their future economic benefits increases the persistence of earnings and the value relevance of earnings relative to book values.