The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Investor-State Disputes

Book Description

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) – as the ‘treaty on treaties’ – has achieved a rich and nuanced track record of use in international law. It has now been over fifty years since the VCLT was opened for signature in 1969, and over forty years since it entered into force in 1980. As of 2022, the VCLT has been ratified by 116 States and signed by 45 others, with some non-ratifying States also recognising parts as reflective of customary international law. In the intervening decades, the VCLT has had a profound influence on the interpretation, application and development of international investment law, including in the context of investment treaty arbitration. This book presents the first consolidated analysis of how the VCLT has informed the practice of international investment law and the resolution of investor-State disputes, and the role that the VCLT may play in shaping the future of this field. The diverse contributors to this book are scholars and practitioners from around the world, who offer a variety of perspectives on the nexus between the VCLT, international investment law and investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS). Each chapter demonstrates how approaches to key issues of treaty law in investment treaty arbitration diverge or converge from the VCLT and approaches of other international courts, as well as the lessons that investment treaty arbitration could derive – or even offer – for the interpretation and application of the VCLT rules in other settings. Their insights and analyses consider aspects such as the role of the VCLT for: interpretation of more specific approaches to treaty law drafted by treaty negotiators; treaty application in circumstances of contested State territory or succession challenges; temporal challenges arising in treaty interpretation; the status of bilateral investment treaties between European Union Member States and related termination endeavours; questions concerning the validity, termination and amendment of investment treaties, including as part of ongoing ISDS reform processes; current multilateral reform proposals, including the possibility of an appellate mechanism or a multilateral investment court; grappling with the challenge of fragmentation in international investment law, including the role of prior decisions in treaty interpretation, the challenges introduced by treaty conflict and the multitude of approaches that may be taken by national courts when implementing treaties like the New York Convention; and treaty interpretation and drafting as aided by emerging technologies, such as data analytics, machine learning, smart contracts and blockchain. The book’s appendix provides a highly valuable tabular summary of ISDS arbitral practice relating to the VCLT, collating key references from over 350 different procedural orders, decisions and awards. By revisiting the role that the VCLT has played in the development of this field of law, this invaluable book unlocks insights into how the VCLT might be used to support its ongoing development and the resolution of the next generation of investor-State disputes. This book is essential reading for a variety of stakeholders, including arbitrators, counsel, scholars and government officials, who will benefit from its in-depth and practical analysis of the VCLT’s relevance to and impact on investment law and investor-State arbitration and its role in shaping where this field of public international law might be headed in the decades to come.

Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the Principle of Systemic Integration in International Investment Law and Arbitration

Book Description

Das Werk zeigt Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern am Beispiel der Diskriminierungsverbote, dem Verbot der rechtswidrigen Enteignung und dem Gebot der fairen und gerechten Behandlung Möglichkeiten auf, wie die wohl wichtigste Problematik des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechtes, der faire Interessenausgleich zwischen Investitionsschutzrechten und dem Regulierungsbedürfnis des Gaststaates, im Wege der harmonischen Vertragsinterpretation auf Grundlage des Artikel 31(3)(c) WVK und dem sogenannten "Prinzip der systematischer Integration" gelingen kann bzw. wo dieser Ansatz seine Grenzen hat. Dazu wird zunächst die Relevanz "systemfremder" Normen im Investitionsschutzrecht erläutert herausgearbeitet. Nach einer detaillierten Darstellung der oben genannten Interpretationsmethoden, werden vor allem die Ansätze in der Rechtsprechung auf Grundlage der verschiedensten Vertragsregime und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeiten analysiert.

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

Book Description

Examines the key features of the Vienna Convention (reservations and modifications, application, interpretation, suspension and settlement of dispute), as well as discussing its scope and significance.

Between the Lines of the Vienna Convention?

Book Description

The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties makes no express reference to many of the most common canons and interpretative principles derived from international jurisprudence over many years. This volume represents the first modern, freestanding analysis of such canons and principles, their role in treaty interpretation and their relationship with the Vienna Convention regime. A top-flight roster of respected scholars and practitioners of public international law offers an in-depth examination of, among other things: • the origins of canons and interpretive principles; • their utility and limits in treaty interpretation; and • the application of numerous individual canons and interpretive principles, including effet utile, expressio unius, lex specialis, ejusdem generis, in dubio mitius, in pari materia, ex abundante cautela, the principles of contemporaneity and evolutive interpretation, and more. Extensive analysis of case law and scholarship provides insightful interpretive guidance across virtually every subfield of public international law. With its valuable insights into when the application of particular canons or principles of interpretation is most likely to be appropriate and persuasive, the volume will be of great value to lawyers representing parties (whether states, corporations or individuals) before international dispute resolution bodies, as well as to judges and arbitrators, legal officials at ministries of foreign affairs, and scholars of public international law.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

Book Description

The Commentary on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides an in-depth article-by-article analysis of all of the Vienna Convention’s provisions. Each provision’s analysis consists of (I) Purpose and Function of the Article, (II) Historical Background with Negotiating History, (III) Elements of the Article and finally (IV) Treaties of International Organizations. In short, the present Commentary contains a comprehensive legal analysis of all aspects of the international law of treaties. Furthermore, where the law of treaties reaches into other fields of international law, e.g. the law of state responsibility, the relevant interfaces are discussed and contextualized. With its focus on international practice, the Commentary is an invaluable reference for both academia and practitioners of international law.

International Investment Law

Book Description

International investment law is a subject of growing importance and complexity. Anyone interested in international investment law will appreciate the comprehensive, thoughtful and detailed exploration of this area which this distinguished group of German scholars have provided.

Interaction and Conflict of Treaties in Investment Arbitration

Book Description

This new book is the first to focus on the interaction between international investment law and other systems of international law. It takes a giant step towards determining a hierarchy of conflicting treaty norms, and establishing a legitimacy threshold for the investor-State arbitral system.The author approaches the existing challenges - the rights of foreign investors under investment treaties, disputes between the host States trying to protect the health and safety of their citizens versus the treaty rights of foreign companies, and the conflict between international investment law and human rights law, environmental law, and EU law - from the perspective of treaty conflicts.The work covers every issue that you might expect to find in this contentious area, including: - Flexibility in the amount of compensation payable to foreign investors; - Implications of including non-investment provisions in investment treaties; - Efficacy of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties rules on treaty interpretation; - Legal bases for the interaction of investment and non-investment treaties; - The ECJ's views on EC Treaty/TFEU investment treaty conflicts.You'll find a wealth of interpretive methodologies, remedial mechanisms, and legally and practically plausible examples that investor-State tribunals can use in their adjudicative techniques. The author argues that the solution to the legitimacy crisis of the investor-State arbitral system lies in the taking up and resolution of the issue of treaty conflicts by the tribunals themselves.The author addresses the issues relating to the system's legitimacy, and develops concrete substantive rules of international investment law that fit in with other parallel systems existing within international law.The work is divided into four main areas: - The evolution of investment treaties - The law of treaty conflicts - Treaty conflicts in investor-state arbitration - Investment treaty conflicts and the European Union.This book will help you solve the problem of treaty conflicts by determining the hierarchy between conflicting treaty norms. It will be essential reading for investment arbitrators, cross-border investors, States who are parties to investment treaties, foreign investment policy makers, and others working in arbitration, human rights, environmental law, and international trade.

Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

Book Description

The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, regulating treaties between States, lies at the heart of international law. This commentary interprets the Conventiona (TM)s 85 articles clearly and precisely. It covers such major topics as reservations to treaties, their interpretation and the grounds for terminating a treaty, for instance breach. Emphasis is placed on the practice of States and tribunals and on academic writings. It contains further sections on customary international law and the Conventiona (TM)s history while providing up-to-date information on ratifications and reservations. This commentary is a must for practitioners and academics wishing to establish the meaning and scope of the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

Book Description

Treaties form a basis for the daily conduct of international relations, and thus it is vital to see how they are made, amended, interpreted, and enforced. This volume presents insights into how the law of treaties has worked over the past 40 years, since the 1969 Vienna Convention was adopted as the comprehensive treaty to regulate the law of international agreements. The book capitalizes on 40 years of international experience, with a group of expert contributors describing and analyzing the subject. Multiple issues of the Convention are covered, including the aspects of conclusion, interpretation, reservation, amendment and modification, validity, and other issues.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

Book Description

The Commentary on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides an in-depth article-by-article analysis of all provisions of the Vienna Convention. The texts are uniformly structured: (I) Purpose and Function of the Article, (II) Historical Background and Negotiating History, and (III) Elements of the Article. The Vienna Convention on Treaties between States and IOs and between IOs is taken into account where appropriate. In sum, the present Commentary contains a comprehensive legal analysis of all aspects of the international law of treaties. Where the law of treaties reaches into other fields of international law, e.g. the law of state responsibility, the relevant interfaces are discussed and contextualized. With its focus on international practice, the Commentary is addressed to academia, as well as to practitioners of international law.