Baltimore's Health Guide for Car Accident Victims

Book Description

If you have been recently injured in a car accident, you are probably confused and worried about what to do next. I bet you are asking yourself questions like the following: "Will my car be repaired?" "Will my medical bills be paid?" "Will I ever get better?""Will I be paid for the time I'm missing from work?" "What do I do if the other person doesn't have car insurance?" "What will the insurance company offer me for my injuries?" If you or someone you care about has any of these concerns, please keep reading this special Victims Health Guide. My name is Blake Kalkstein, D.C, and I've been helping injured people get fast relief from auto accident injuries in Baltimore.Whiplash injury is a very real type of problem that costs communities billions in health care and disability dollars. Studies have recently shown that about 10-20% of the population suffers from neck pain, and car accidents/traumas are a big cause of this type of pain.But you've probably wondered how something so minor as a fender-bender to your bumper could be such a pain in neck..... Maybe your doctor told you, "give it a couple of weeks"..."you'll be fine."But you're not fine. Your neck hurts when you work at the computer, when the dog pulls too hard on the leash... maybe sleep has become more difficult with a lot of tossing and turning, or you've become dizzy...or always tired when you used to be full of energy and pep.Maybe you've noticed how your neck moves differently since the accident. Looking over the shoulder perhaps isn't as easy as before. Does all of this sound familiar? It's quite surprising when you look at whiplash research and its global impact-the entire body is affected. You probably didn't think that headaches or fatigue were part of the whiplash bargain, but they are.Your Bumper Doesn't Tell the Whole Story... You can't look at a dent in the bumper and conclude that the neck wasn't injured. For instance, they're called 5 mph bumpers for a reason-designed to not be damaged in very low speed collisions. This is good for the bumper, but not necessarily for your neck!What researchers have discovered is that when collisions are of enough force, this causes the vehicle to crumple and absorb energy. Low speed collisions will often not cause the crumple zones to be engaged. If you have a rigid fixed bumper (seen on many older cars and trucks), that does not crumple-this can make the whiplash injury even more severe. For the above reasons, you might be even more injured in an accident below 20 mph than one above that speed.There are of course limits to this effect. Collisions at very high speeds (above 40 mph) will often cause the occupants to suffer severe injuries, even though the crumple zones are absorbing some of the energy.You may have heard someone profess skepticism for your whiplash injury. Maybe they thought you were gaming the system or out to make a fast buck. Where does this perception come from? Probably the insurance companies, who may have a profit-motive for denying the realty of whiplash injuries. Some physicians are simply ignorant about whiplash trauma, perform cursory spinal examinations, or offer treatments that have little or no scientific evidence to back them up. But is there really such a thing as "Whiplash?" The science says, "YES!"Whiplash-a soft tissue injury to the neck-is also called neck sprain or neck strain. It is characterized by a collection of symptoms that occur following damage to the neck, usually because of sudden extension and flexion.The disorder commonly occurs as the result of an automobile accident and may include injury to the joints of the spine, disks, and ligaments, cervical muscles, and nerve roots. Symptoms such as neck pain may be present right after the injury or may be delayed for several days... especially days 3, 4 and 5 after the accident.

You're Not a Dummy...

Book Description

If you have been recently injured in a car accident, you are probably confused and worried about what to do next. I bet you are asking yourself questions like the following: "Will my car be repaired?" "Will my medical bills be paid?" "Will I ever get better?" "Will I be paid for the time I'm missing from work?" "What do I do if the other person doesn't have car insurance?" "What will the insurance company offer me for my injuries?" If you or someone you care about has any of these concerns, please keep reading this special Car Accident Victim's Guide. My name is David M. Warwick, D.C, and I've been helping injured people get fast relief from auto accident injuries in Lacey / Olympia for almost 20 years. Whiplash injury is a "very real" problem that costs communities billions in health care and disability dollars. Studies have recently shown that about 10-20% of the population suffers from neck pain, and car accidents/traumas are a big cause of this type of pain. But you've probably wondered how something as minor as a fender-bender to your bumper could be such a pain in neck..... Maybe your doctor told you "give it a couple of weeks.."."you'll be fine." But you're not fine. Your neck hurts when you work at the computer, when the dog pulls too hard on the leash... maybe sleep has become more difficult with a lot of tossing and turning, or you've become dizzy...or always tired when you used to be full of energy and pep. Maybe you've noticed how your neck moves differently since the accident. Looking over the shoulder perhaps isn't as easy as before. Does all of this sound familiar? It's quite surprising when you look at whiplash research and its global impact-the entire body is affected. You probably didn't think that headaches or fatigue were part of the whiplash bargain, but they are. Don't take my word for it.....I have included a sample of my many satisfied patients that have written testimonials. I have also included a collection of the most relevant articles I have published in my popular "In Good Hands" newsletter over the last few years. It's easy to make your first appointment with me. All you have to do is call my office today at (360) 951-4504 and schedule an evaluation to see if we can help you. We'll do everything possible to get you in the same day...even if we have to stay late or work through lunch! You're too young to suffer with terrible auto accident injuries. Let's handle them today. Ok, here's what to do right now... Call (360) 951-4504 Today!

The Washington State Car Accident Victims Health Guide

Book Description

In this book, learn about the damaging effects of a car accident, even at low speeds. Learn ways to prevent injuries if you are in an accident. This book is a step-by-step approach on how to avoid extensive injuries, and what to do both medically and legally if you are in an unfortunate car collision.

Surviving an Auto Accident

Book Description

A resource that guides accident victims through the recovery maze.

Car Crash

Book Description

When you get into a car accident, there are certain steps you may want to take in order to help make sure everyone is safe, to follow the law and to get the insurance claim process started. In this book, a 25 year veteran physician in the care of these injuries who has interfaced with attorneys and insurance companies teaches you the steps to take to get your injuries healed properly and your wallet made whole. These are secrets the multi-billion dollar insurance industry does not want you to know.

The Las Vegas Car Accident Victim's Health Guide

Book Description

A treatment guide for injury treatment after a Las Vegas car accident. Dr. Michael Reiss has been treating car accident injuries in Las Vegas since 1997 in his Chiropractic practice, the Las Vegas Car Accident Treatment Center. This comprehensive, researched publication details the importance of treatment after sustaining whiplash injuries.

Crash Course

Book Description

Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction. In Crash Course, Diane Poole Heller and Laurence Heller take readers through a series of case histories and exercises to explain and treat the health problems and trauma brought on by car accidents.

After the Car Crash!

Book Description

Crash! Bang! You are in a car accident. What do I have to do to recover my health and get compensated? The research documents that over 50% of people injured in car accidents NEVER FULLY RECOVER THEIR HEALTH. You don't know that your insurance company with catchy slogans to make you believe they have your best interest at heart is lying in wait to trap you with tricks and tactics to minimize your care and compensation to protect their profit margins and huge CEO compensation. Do you need an attorney? How much will all this cost? In this book, a 25 year veteran physician in the care of these injuries who has interfaced with attorneys and insurance companies teaches you the steps to take to get your injuries healed properly and your wallet made whole. These are secrets the multi-billion dollar insurance industry does not want you to know.

The Car Crash Manual

Book Description

You may have just been in a car accident and you are not feeling like yourself. You may be experiencing pain and disorientation as well as shock. You may not know where to turn. How do I find a good lawyer?, What kind of doctors should I see ? , Is my family physician enough? Iam getting mail from my insurance company about copays and authorizations - whart does it all mean? Should I go back to work even if I don't feel well ? I am very anxious to drive again , I worry all the time and I'm not sleeping at night - What can I do to help myself? All these questions and more are answered in the After the crash - car crash manual. Navigating the maze of lawyers, doctors, and insurance companies after a majr auto accident.