The Voice That Would Not Stop Talking

Book Description

All of us have probably encountered that little voice at some point in time that talks inside our head-you know the voice. The one that says yea and the other that says nay. The one that tells you to stay when you know you should go, or the one that tries to disrupt your daily activities by interfering with your knack for life. Well, that is the voice that the author so candidly talks about in her book. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the voice never stopped talking? In this book the author describes what it was like living with that voice. She describes it like listening to your favorite talk show host who never shuts up, sort of like the ladies on The View and Kathie Lee and Hoda. The only difference is she could not turn the channel or turn off the tube to silence the voice. The voice was cruel, merciless, and told her ghastly things, similar to a journalist reporting alarming news. Only it was destined to destroy her, affecting every aspect of her life, including her ability to work, focus, and concentrate. However, before allowing the voice to completely destroy her, a family member's expertise and understanding directed her in the preeminent pathway to revitalization. This book is based on true events as the author remembers. Most of the events are written sequentially. Others she skipped around in hope to make the events a little more interesting. The author believes everyone has a story, and if sharing your story will help you or others feel encouraged, she encourages you to share your story.

Little Voice Mastery

Book Description

"Little Voice" is the chatter in the six inches between your ears that turns you into a hero one minute and a dunce the next. The 21 proven techniques presented here will reprogram the "Little Voice" in your brain in 30 seconds. In "Little Voice" Mastery, author Blair Singer delivers strategies and techniques that will give readers the ability to: Maintain power in any pressure situation and stop debilitating chatter in their brain so they can attract what they want - now. Uncover and realize lifelong dreams Break through self-sabotaging habits Build powerful, lasting confidence Resurrect the hero inside of them

Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker

Book Description

Lacey Walker needs to stop talking so she can learn to listen.

The Voices Within

Book Description

We all hear voices. Ordinary thinking is often a kind of conversation, filling our heads with speech: the voices of reason, of memory, of self-encouragement and rebuke, the inner dialogue that helps us with tough decisions or complicated problems. For others - voice-hearers, trauma-sufferers and prophets - the voices seem to come from outside: friendly voices, malicious ones, the voice of God or the Devil, the muses of art and literature. In The Voices Within, Royal Society Prize shortlisted psychologist Charles Fernyhough draws on extensive original research and a wealth of cultural touchpoints to reveal the workings of our inner voices, and how those voices link to creativity and development. From Virginia Woolf to the modern Hearing Voices Movement, Fernyhough also transforms our understanding of voice-hearers past and present. Building on the latest theories, including the new 'dialogic thinking' model, and employing state-of-the-art neuroimaging and other ground-breaking research techniques, Fernyhough has written an authoritative and engaging guide to the voices in our heads. WELLCOME COLLECTION Wellcome Collection is a free museum and library that aims to challenge how we think and feel about health. Inspired by the medical objects and curiosities collected by Henry Wellcome, it connects science, medicine, life and art. Wellcome Collection exhibitions, events and books explore a diverse range of subjects, including consciousness, forensic medicine, emotions, sexology, identity and death. Wellcome Collection is part of Wellcome, a global charitable foundation that exists to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive, funding over 14,000 researchers and projects in more than 70 countries.

The Cathedral Mall

Book Description

Just what motivates a writer to write, anyway? Is it a need to expiate past experiences, an apprehension for the direction of the future, a need to slough off inner thoughts not aceptable to voice out loud? The Cathedral Mall plays out in a real-life futuristic city constructed around a mall which provides everything, including stores, clinics, restaurants and bookstores. The suburbs are called “passageways”and go from the city to the end of civilization, out where the city ends, and war begins. Sandoval and Sandra are hunted for trying to exit La Catedral Mall without making a purchase, a capital offense in a world where buying is a religión. “Buy for your future. Buying is our future.” Chants a muezzin-type crier over the sound system of the mall named La Catedral which may have been a synagogue in the past. Sandoval gets to the city limits and there sees people who try unsuccessfully to enter, where he finds he can no longer be the person he was and seeks refuge in his father’s writings which spoke of another past, another world. A meld of science fiction and social commentary. A novel for the new millennium.

It's Not Your Fault!

Book Description

What This Book Isn't... It isn't another book with a list of things to go and do because we know that you won't actually go and do them. This book explains why you won't and what it is that's stopping you from doing what you know you should... What This Book is... It's probably the most important book that you will ever read... It's your permission to feel good about not feeling our society we've made it not alright to feel not alright and that's not alright! This book is the missing "HOW" Your greatest confusion isn't that you don't know what to do, it's knowing exactly what to do and still not doing it" This book allows you to consciously choose who and how you want to be in every area of your life This book is your book, written for you, about you, to introduce you to the real you...

No Road to Paradise

Book Description

When the imam of a small town in Southern Lebanon is diagnosed with cancer, the illness he fears and has expected for years, he takes the radical decision to abandon the life he inherited from his father. He was persuaded to wear the robe and turban in his youth to preserve the family tradition and entered into an arranged marriage. While his grandfather and father were once powerful imams, he displays no interest in the mosque. The wife, for whom he feels no affection, attends to her chores and nurses his father, now sick and bedridden, in his house. Though he worries about his two sons, who were born deaf and mute, he takes no measures to secure a special education for them.


Book Description

The Adventures of Germanus the Gaul

Book Description

It is 429 AD and the Roman Empire is falling apart. When Germanus of Gaul is summoned to Rome to have an audience with the Pontifex Maximus, the Pope pleads with him to travel to Britannia, become Archbishop, and overthrow the Vortigern, the evil mastermind who plans to conquer Rome and the Empire. When Germanus finally agrees, he has no idea what lies ahead. After he arrives home, he is horrified to find his wife murdered and his son, Patricius, missing. When a mysterious red-haired Celtic queen arrives at the funeral celebrations, she entices Germanus to take her with him back to the island, along with Lupus, his adopted son. While in Britannia, Germanus becomes torn between the different factions that are battling to impose their beliefs and dominate both island and Empire. As he fights with Britons and Celts and against Saxons and the Vortigern’s crack troops, he finds a new love and a long-lost lover, comes face-to-face with his mortality, and encounters human sacrifice. Now he must decide what kind of man he is: pagan or Christian; Roman or British; general or bishop; emperor or pope. How he decides will not only seal his fate, but also that of an entire continent. In this exciting saga, a Roman general is led on an incredible journey through battles and human sacrifice to a personal choice with the power to transform history.