The Way of the Alpha Male

Book Description

Masculinity is in a state of emergency. Men are confused as to what being a man is, and even more so the great power and responsibility necessary to be a man. Social conditioning has played a major role in the way men of our generation have been taught to think and act. My purpose with this book is to give every man who is seeking guidance and straightforward talk the opportunity to educate himself and to embark on the journey to put him on his way to manhood. This book will break you away from your beta male ways and introduce the ways of the alpha male.

How to Become an Alpha Male

Book Description

Dubbed "The lazy man's way to easy sex and romance with 20 or more women a month," How to Become an Alpha Male is the no-risk, never-fail blueprint on how to 'magnetically' attract an endless flow of horny, ready-for-sex women to you... without ever having to play their games or deal with rejection. Sold as an ebook at, John Alexander's guide is now available, for the first time ever, as a hardcopy book. You see, once you have these secrets all the 'work' of meeting women will be done for you... automatically! You can just 'flip on' your magnetic powers of attraction... so to speak... and instantly bring sex, romance and more roaring into your life! Why does the Alpha Male Method work so well? Because it's based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how desperate your situation is right now).

The New Alpha Male

Book Description

Lance Allred once lived the masculine dream, succeeding in the hypercompetitive world of the NBA—only to discover that it was really a nightmare. In The New Alpha Male, Lance shares the gritty truths he's learned about modern masculinity, offering a new and much more fulfilling way forward for men from all walks of life.

Alpha Male Syndrome

Book Description

The business world swarms with alpha males—powerhouses who take charge, produce astonishing results, and bring enormous value to their organizations. But many alphas also leave a path of destruction in their wake. Competitive, belligerent, and impatient, these hard-charging leaders can run roughshod over colleagues and employees, to the detriment of their careers and the bottom line. In Alpha Male Syndrome, Kate Ludeman and Eddie Erlandson build on their Harvard Business Review article “Coaching the Alpha Male”—sounding a wake-up call to all alphas and the companies they work for. The authors show alphas how to leverage their unique strengths while confronting their destructive “flip side risks.” They describe the distinguishing dynamics of the alpha male syndrome and identify four breeds: commanders, executors, strategists, and visionaries. By understanding each type’s nuances, alphas can transform themselves into more effective leaders. And those who work with alphas can transform nightmare work groups into collaborative dream teams. Exercises, checklists, and tips enable readers to harness the enormous power of the alpha personality while minimizing the downsides of alpha behavior.

Alpha Male

Book Description

Looking for Massive Success In Every Area Of Your Life? You Can Stop Here!Do you want to be more confident? Do you want to be a leader? Do you desire financial freedom? Are you looking for the woman of your dreams?Learn how to become more self-confident, a better leader and attract the women and prosperity you deserve!The alpha male is the kind of guy who gets first class treatment in high places even when hasn't really paid for premium treatment.He exudes an aura of power and exerts authority by the way he looks, the way he talks and the way he carries himself when alone or around other people. Being an alpha male is more than just getting laid whenever and wherever you want and is more about taking responsibility for your actions. Being an alpha male isn't a one day kind of thing.What makes the difference between being the nobody beta male and the alpha male who calls the shots in different aspects of their life? Read this book to discover exactly that!In fact, every one of us has the potential to be the alpha male that they desire so much to become!In this book, I will show you how to become the person you need to be to attract massive success. I don't say that it will be easy - but I tell you it will be worth it! Now let's get right to it!A Sneak Preview Of "How To Be The Alpha Male":Introducing: The Alpha MaleCharacter Traits Of An Alpha MaleHow To Be A LeaderHow To Live Life Your WayHow To Attract The Woman Of Your DreamsHow To RADICALLY Increase Your ConfidenceHow To Use The Power Of Affirmations30 Affirmations You Can Instantly Use To Transform Your LifeMuch, much more!Ready To Make The Change? Follow Through On Something - For One Time In Your Life!

Mastering Yourself, How To Align Your Life With Your True Calling & Reach Your Full Potential

Book Description

Dear Friend, This book teaches you the hidden secrets of self-reliance so you can reach your full potential and accomplish your grandest goals and dreams. It will help you to discover your true purpose and calling in life. How to get any job or career you want. How you can get the upper hand in any personal or professional negotiation. The ultimate time management strategy that will help you maximize the use of your time, enable you to focus on your core competencies and reach your goals in the quickest most efficient way possible. It will teach you success and problem solving mindsets and skillsets that will enable you to overcome any obstacle, challenge or setback. The secrets to health, vitality and unlimited energy that keeps you free from common colds, flu and illnesses so you can enjoy your life with exceptional mental clarity, focus and efficiency

ALPHA MALE the 7 Laws of POWER

Book Description

֍DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF POWERFUL MEN and BECOME YOU ...THAT POWERFUL MAN֍ Men are often left wondering how Alpha Males have made everyone else their subjects because decisions always favor them while others bear the brunt of those decisions. There are just some Men who exude Power wherever they go without even trying, and you have often wonder why people, including you, are always trying to please them. They could basically repeat an idea that you raised that was shut down and get promoted. If the desire to feel powerful like Alpha Males is burning in you, Alpha Male: the 7 Laws of Power is the answer you need. Alpha Males are not powerful because of their families, and they were not born with it. Their Power lies in their knowledge. ◆ If you want to become an Alpha Male, you must be ready to work for it. The only way for a Man to harness Power is by learning how to do it and practicing it. ◆ Understand the different Laws of Power and learn practical and effective ways that you can use to harness various forms it has and use them when the need arises. Here are some of the things you will find in this book: ✅ The importance of having Power as an Alpha Male and why all Men should control themselvesand influence others. ✅ How to use the most potent weapon that is available to every Man. ✅ How to train your mind to think like a successful Man rather than focusing on your limitations. ✅ Understand what it means to be an Alpha Male and the traits you should develop to become one. ✅ The principles of Power and how you can channel those principles into your daily life. ✅ The mindset and psychology of Alpha Men that help them to achieve success. ✅ How to become a master at analyzing people by understanding subtle and non-subtle cues that people show. ✅ Proven mental techniques that a Man can learn to exert influence. ✅ The importance of establishing and maintaining relationships that can increase your influence. ✅ The effect of abusing Power. ✅ Become a powerful Alpha Male that is respected in relationships, workplaces, and society. ✅ The benefits of being powerful and how Power can impact and influence a Man to have the life of his dreams. ... and Much More! ◆ Power is not only available to presidents and kings; we all have the potential to become powerful. However, it could remain a potential if you do not develop it. ◆ All you need to become a powerful Alpha Male is to tap into the presently dormant potential within you. ◆ The knowledge you need to become a powerful Alpha Male is finally within reach and written inside Alpha Male: the 7 Laws of Power. Display the Power you have within and watch how your experiences will change. ֍You have the Power to change the world around you and become the Man of your dreams, a Powerful ALPHA MAN֍

The Alpha Male System

Book Description

In the days of the "metro sexual," men with alpha male traits, qualities, mannerisms and body language are becoming rarer and increasingly more sought after. The Alpha Male System by Charlie Valentino focuses on eight fundamental alpha male elements which are visible as well as desirable in all leaders of men, which women also happen to crave in abundance. Not only that, but those rare alpha male characteristics are also highly valued in the workplace. Those few alpha males who can lead people, command respect and change the dynamic, simply by walking into a room, have all the luck. Or is it luck? Discover the eight alpha male elements which will change your life along with detailed plans to attain them. Learn the distinct alpha male body language, surprisingly easy to master, which can transform the way you feel and the way people view you. Becoming an alpha male is possible for most men, as long as you're willing to put in a little effort. This detailed alpha male guide is all you need to attain those distinctive and popular traits common only to alpha males.

The 40 Laws of the Alpha Male

Book Description

Become the STRONGEST Version of Yourself Today!***BONUS*** FREE with any Download: "The 24 Tools I Used to Stop Giving A F%$& What Other People Thought About Me and How to 'Level-Up' In Life!" And get instant access to the Alpha Male Insider's Tribe!Do You Possess Any of These Traits? Extremely Anxious at Parties? Shy Around Women? People Never Listen to You? Lack the Ability to Fully Express Yourself? Take Jokes Too Seriously? Constantly in the Dreaded Friend Zone? Neurotic Approval Seeking? Follower? Any of These Sound Familiar? If they do, then there is work to be done. For a long time I found myself possessing the majority of those traits. I thought, "This is just who I am. I can't change that." Wrong. So Wrong.Most of these traits were handed to me, and probably you too, without request. With the way our society is organized (media, school, parents, etc.) these character traits proliferate. However, it wasn't until I startedUn-Learning, that I truly became the well-rounded confident man I am today. Free and Fulfilled in ways you can't currently imagine. But You Will Be Able to Soon... Here's What You'll Learn... What is an Alpha Male? A Modern Perspective The Psychology of the Alpha How Society Encourages Man-Children What Does True Confidence Look Like? Grounded: Finding Your Strength Women: Bringing Out the Masculine Energy Killing Your Father: Becoming the Man Leading Your Tribe: Where it All Started How to Instantly Increase Your Confidence And Much, Much More! Download Now!The principles you will learn in this book are VERY powerful! When properly and consistently implemented. I've seen some of the most Beta guys turn their entire life around in no time. This is very potent stuff, but it requires an action taker to make it work. As the saying goes, I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it. Download Now and Awaken the Alpha in You!

How to Be an Alpha Male

Book Description

So you want to be an alpha male? Top dog, ruler of the animal kingdom! Of course you do... Everyone wants to be the alpha male. Everyone wants to aspire to that degree of greatness. Don't be fooled into thinking an alpha male conspires and/or tricks. An alpha male is genuine and has strong morals and values. An alpha male is able to control and lead by example. An alpha male is someone that everyone wants to be. So why not you? Read this book today, and you will see what I am talking about. This book discusses the origin of the alpha male, characteristics of an alpha male, mistakes men make on their journey to becoming an alpha male, and so much more. Here are a few more of the topics covered in this book. * The definition of an alpha male * Why women love alpha males * How alpha males succeed in life * Not to care what others think * Not to seek approval * Ways not to be an alpha male * Characteristics of an alpha male * 50 rules of an alpha male * Methods of communication * Examples of how to be an alpha male * A how to section * Issues/mistakes men make Do those topics intrigue you? Are you excited to start this new journey with me? Read this book now! I promise you will become the ultimate alpha male in a matter of time. You just need confidence and dedication. Becoming an alpha male takes a little bit of work, but it pays off. Trust me... So what are you waiting for? Start the journey today!