The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian

Book Description

The Author’s Note This book does not purport to be an exposition of Ephesians verse by verse, or doctrine by doctrine. Some rich nuggets out of this vast gold mine will not be dug up at all, but left for you to mine for yourself. The book will deal with the content of the epistle rather than its contents. The message will be distinctly personal, for it is written of what one’s eyes have seen and ears beard, and what has entered into one’s own heart of all those wondrous things which God has prepared for them that love Him. If this message stimulates you to dig deep and to dwell deep in Ephesians, then the most fervent prayer for it will have been answered. The message purposely will be practical. Our desire is to show the essential order in and connection between the first three chapters, which deal with doctrine, and the last three, which deal with experience. We shall see in Ephesians how our wealth is to be manifested in our walk and maintained in our warfare.

Spiritual Warfare for Every Christian

Book Description

Simply one of the best books on Spiritual Warfare available! God has called Christians to overcome the world and drive back the forces of evil and darkness at work within it. Spiritual warfare isn't just casting out demons; it's Spirit-controlled thinking and attitudes. Dean delivers a no-nonsense, both-feet-planted-on-the-ground approach to the unseen world.Includes study guide.

The Essence of the New Testament

Book Description

The Essence of the New Testament surveys all of the books in the New Testament, from Matthew to Revelation.

Life on the Highest Plane

Book Description

Life on the Highest Plane has blessed several generations with its blend of biblical teaching and personal application. Ruth Paxson presents the biblical progression of the spiritual life from that of the natural person (the unsaved) to the carnal person (the immature believer) to the spiritual person (the mature believer). This last position is God's intention for all believers--a life lived on the highest spiritual plane.

Lord, Is It Warfare?

Book Description

This eleven-week devotional study will help readers recognize Satan's tactics & learn how to resist them. Discover how to build an unshakable faith that leads to spiritual victory. More than 200,000 sold. Updated edition.

Walking as Mature Christians

Book Description

The Apostle Paul realized that he was an infant in the faith after his encounter with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus. He experienced what was required to become a member of Christ's body and to walk as a mature Christian. Therefore, he wanted to share these truths with the Ephesians and with us. What does he do? First, he presents doctrine regarding the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, and God the Father. Then, he focuses on the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Why? He knew we needed to acquire knowledge of God's Word and develop a personal relationship with the Triune God. He concludes this portion of Scripture with comforting words and stern warnings. The former assures us of attaining spiritual maturity, whereas the latter warns against the predators espousing false doctrine, trickery, cunning craftiness, and deceit, which are only overcome by an intimate knowledge of the Son of God.

Lord, Is It Warfare? Teach Me to Stand

Book Description

Enjoy the expanded and updated editions of the best-selling "Lord" Bible Study Series from Kay Arthur. The "Lord" study series is an insightful, warm-hearted Bible study series designed to meet readers where they are--and help them discover God's answers to their deepest needs. Are You Fully Equipped for Spiritual Battle? Once you become a Christian, you enter a war zone. The problem is, you may not even realize it. But that's about to change. Lord, Is It Warfare? will equip you to recognize and understand the spiritual warfare that is inevitable for those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ. You'll learn all the battle tactics and devices of your adversary, Satan. And you'll discover scriptural ways to overcome the enemy by turning to Christ, who loves you and offers you all the strength, wisdom, and power you need for victory. Let Kay Arthur guide you through the Scriptures every day in this comprehensive inductive study. Your time with God in His Word will minister to you and help you stand strong in the face of spiritual conflict. And these are truths you can share easily with others, individually or in small groups.

Walking Wisely

Book Description

The Apostle Paul leaves no stone, teaching, or truth untouched as he continues developing a pathway for each of us built upon the foundation of the Triune God. He has carefully and prayer-fully utilized the words in this magnificent letter to clearly, concisely, and forcefully relate the truths revealed to him by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Paul, in this illuminating sixth chapter of Ephesians, weaves together enlightening commands and counsel that will enhance the lives of people Walking With Jesus. He tells the believers what to do and what not to do in simple, straightforward language. He succinctly describes Christlike conduct, before expounding upon the lifestyles of those who will have no inheritance in the Kingdom of God and Christ. These tough words make one stop and think. At least, they should. The Apostle continues Walking With Jesus by urging Christ's followers to walk wisely and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. After building this part of God's pathway, Paul focuses our attention on the two most important relationships in one's life: (i) marriage; and (ii) Christ and His church. The truths presented by the Apostle provide Christ's companions, as the walk together, with an increasing faith plus joy, knowledge, love, strength, and wisdom. May we ask for nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.

Holy Ways to Wealth

Book Description

This is a masterpiece of dissertation calculated to prepare truly Christian minds for a journey to prosperity. Sir V.C Gabriel Jesus teaches us to seek first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added to you. In writing this book, Vidal Gabriel has before him the Kingdom principles of Jesus. His aim is to help Christians get their priorities right; so that, in due time, all things may be added to them. Rev Dr D. Curtis

Christians in an Age of Wealth

Book Description

In this book, Craig Blomberg addresses the tough questions about the place and purpose of wealth and material possessions in a Christian’s life. He points to the goodness of wealth, as God originally designed it, but also surveys the Bible’s many warnings against making an idol out of money. So are material possessions a blessing for which we should long? And what are the dangers that the use or abuse of material possessions can produce? Blomberg expounds upon how the sharing of goods and possessions is the key safeguard against both greed and covetousness. He expands on the concept of giving generously, even sacrificially, to those who are needier, demonstrating how Christians can participate in God’s original good design for abundance and demonstrate the world-altering gospel of Christ. Is there any one key to keeping possessions in their proper, God-intended perspective? Are there limits on how rich we should become or on how poor we should allow others to get? What does a truly Christian economic system look like? How does the Bible’s teaching on wealth fit into the gospel?