The Weekend that Changed the World

Book Description

This Book answers key questions that surround Jesus' death and argues that the events of that fateful weekend in Jerusalem changed the world forever. Layer upon layer of detail draws the reader into the frightening hours leading up to Jesus' death. The volume traces the movements of all involved in his tragic execution and follows the story to the empty tomb, examining the improbability that anyone could be raised from death. Walker discusses at length the location of Jesus' burial, drawing on the evidence of the Gospels, archaeology, and church history, and focuses on the two likely sites: the Garden Tomb and the church of the Holy Sepulchre. Walker also explores the impact of Jesus' resurrection on Christians then and now, noting how the message of the Garden Tomb has been a source of inspiration to millions of people from all over the World: "He Is Not Here, For He Is Risen."

The Weekend That Changed the World

Book Description

What is needed in the age in which we live? Historian Will Durant once said: "There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion." But for religion to satisfy the human heart, it must deal with mankind's most basic problem - restoring his relationship with God. This does not just mean a return to the values of our Judeo-Christian heritage, but the living, transforming power that comes through faith in the person of Jesus Christ.

The Weekend That Changed Wall Street

Book Description

A first-person account of the white-knuckle weekend that brought the financial world to its knees, from one of America's most famous business reporters. As bankers and government officials scrambled to keep the economy from total collapse during the weekend of September 12-14, 2008, top CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo was taking frantic phone calls from the most powerful players on Wall Street and in Washington. Through these intimate conversations, she had an unequaled perspective on the crisis and its aftermath, the personalities involved, and the emotions at work. Now she draws on her high-level network to provide an eyewitness account of the biggest events of the financial crisis, including lengthy interviews with former treasury secretary Henry Paulson, former AIG chairman Hank Greenberg, and former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain, among many others. Writing with both authority and dramatic flair, Bartiromo also tackles the big questions: how did an unmatched period of market euphoria and growth turn sour, catapulting the economy into a dangerous slide? And in the long run, how will the near catastrophe really change Wall Street?

A Weekend to Change Your Life

Book Description

New York Times bestselling author Joan Anderson gives women practical advice and inspiration for building creative, independent, and fulfilling lives through discovering who they truly are and who they can be. Like Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Joan Anderson’s bestselling A Year by the Sea revealed a far larger than expected constituency, in the form of thousands of women struggling to realize their full potential. After years of focusing on the needs of others as a wife and mother, Anderson devoted a year to rediscovering herself and reinvigorating her dreams. The questions she asked herself and the insights she gained became the core of the popular weekend workshops Anderson developed to help women figure out how—after being all things to all people—they can finally become what they need to be for themselves. A Weekend to Change Your Life brings Anderson’s techniques to women everywhere, providing a step-by-step path readers can follow at their own pace. Drawing on her own life and on the experiences of the women she meets at her workshops, Anderson shows women how to move beyond the roles they play in relationship to others and reclaim their individuality. Through illustrations and gentle instruction, she illuminates the rewards of nurturing long-neglected talents, revitalizing plans sacrificed to the demands of family life, and redefining oneself by embracing new possibilities. Wake Up, Sister. It’s Your Turn A full life requires cultivation. The minute we take our hands off the plow, fail to reseed, forget to fertilize, we’ve lost our crop. And yet, most women I know, while in the service of some greater good have let their very lives wilt on the vine. Having been taught the fine art of accommodation, most of us have developed a knack for selfless behavior. We’ve dulled our personal lives while propping up everyone else’s, and we’re no longer able even to imagine having any sort of adventure, romance, meaning, or purpose for ourselves. In short, we’ve gotten way off track and taken the wrong road to self-satisfaction, foolishly thinking that after all of the doing, giving, trying, and overworking someone will offer us a reward. But Prince Charming was a bad joke and all the fairy godmothers are dead. Instead of happy ever after, most of us end up with the ache. We wake up each day with an inner gnawing, a hunger for more, a craving for an overhaul, but we are too listless, tired, or depressed to do anything about it. We have spent the greater part of our lives pouring ourselves out like a pitcher. No wonder we feel so empty. But we lack the necessary energy, a helpful roadmap, and any type of guidance and support. Well, it’s time to change all of that. —From A Weekend to Change Your Life

Waiting for the Weekend

Book Description

Explores the origin, history, and meaning of leisure time.

The Weekend That Changed Wall Street

Book Description

During a single historic weekend, September 12-14 2008, the fate of Lehman Brothers was sealed, Merrill Lynch barely survived and AIG became a ward of the federal government. Top CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo spent the entire weekend taking frantic phone calls from the most powerful players on Wall Street. Now she draws on her high-level connections to provide an eyewitness account of the biggest events of the financial crisis, including a huge number of in-depth interviews.

Housewives Can Change the World

Book Description

What is this key? How and why did I get it, anyway? What is it used for? My story started long before I became a housewife. Since a very young age, I have seen God at work preparing me for "such a time as this." Though I didn't know God until I was twenty-one years old, He knew me from my mother's womb, and He had a plan for my life. Satan had a plan too, but "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." I am grateful God came to earth through His Son Jesus Christ to save and call people like me. We are saved by what Jesus did on the cross and not by what we do. Therefore, there is no pressure to perform. Because God shows no favoritism we are also free from jealousy, envy and strife. The good news is that this is for everyone! We are all free to hear His voice! We are all free to obey! He gave all of us the keys of the Kingdom when we got saved. SO WHY THIS ONE KEY?

Children of a Changed World Bundle

Book Description

The Survivor’s Alliance is expanding. The big Circuit wagons wind through the isolated villages and towns bringing news and goods, but storms, raiders and wild animals are only a few of the trials as Willow guides her crew through a harrowing journey. Things never go as planned. Their journeys will take some unexpected twists culminating in the biggest surprise of all.

The Weekend Everything Changed: Meditations on the Cross

Book Description

In twelve brief meditations, John Yates examines the men and women who figured prominently at the time of the cross and the Resurrection. His hope is that these reflections will help you to better understand the flesh and blood personalities whose lives were changed so completely by the Lord Jesus. His entire life can never be studied exhaustively. In just this one single weekend, Good Friday to Easter, He changed the world, changed history, changed everything for those who believe.All royalties from this book will be donated to The Falls Church Anglican. The amazing story of this church is told in The Awakening of Washington's Church, by J.B. Simmons.