The Weight of Your Words

Book Description

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me? This lie has been taught to children for years. We claim it strengthens them. Allows them to let the harsh words of other children roll off their backs. But the truth is that words have power. Power to encourage. Power to heal. But also power to intimidate, power to scourge, and power to wound.How are you using the power of words? What we say has both spiritual and physical implications. Revelation 21:8 tells us that liars have their place in the Lake of Fire. And we all have seen the devastation wreaked by rumors on innocent reputations. Yet with the same intensity, kind words can soothe a broken spirit and restore shattered relationships. Your words also say a lot about you. Jesus said, 'For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks' (Matthew 12:34). If our hearts are not in tune with God, neither will be our words. In The Weight of Your Words, Joseph Stowell shares the truth about the tongue straight from the Bible, God's Word to His people. He challenges us to not allow our mouths to be controlled by our anger or our circumstances, but rather, to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives. Take inventory of your words and your heart attitude with Joseph Stowell in The Weight of Your Words.

Christian Ethics (Revised Edition)

Book Description

What Does the Bible Teach about How to Live in Today's World? How should Christians live when the surrounding culture is increasingly hostile to Christian moral values? Granted, the Bible is our guide—but how can we know if we are interpreting it rightly with regard to ethical questions about wealth and poverty, marriage and divorce, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, ethical business practices, environmental stewardship, and dozens of other issues? And on a very practical level, how can we know God's will in the ordinary decisions of life? To address questions like these, Wayne Grudem, author of the bestselling book Systematic Theology, draws on 40 years of teaching classes in ethics to write this wide-ranging introduction to biblical moral reasoning, organized according to the structure of the Ten Commandments. He issues a challenging call for Christians to live lives of personal holiness and offers a vision of the Christian life that is full of joy and blessing through living each day in a way that is pleasing to God. Written by Wayne Grudem: Bestselling author of Systematic Theology and the What the Bible Says About series Biblical and Applicable: Teaches readers how to protect 7 central tenets of God's law: God's honor, human authority, life, marriage, property, truth, and purity of heart Accessible: An ideal textbook for Christian college and seminary ethics classes, with straightforward language and a bibliography for the topic at the end of each chapter Replaces ISBN 978-1-4335-4965-6

God, Just Tell Me What to Do

Book Description

The epistle of James is unusual in tone and content among the New Testament letters, containing many moral precepts and challenging readers to seek godly wisdom on such topics as poverty and riches trials and temptation hearing and obeying the Word of God faith versus works taming the tongue friendship with the world versus friendship with God patience in suffering The wisdom of this letter speaks to us across the ages as every issue James addresses is as urgent and timely today as when he first wrote it. For the person who wants to be wise, time spent soaking up the wisdom of James, the half-brother of Jesus, is time wisely spent.

The Trouble with Jesus

Book Description

Our pluralistic society accepts all... all except Jesus. Joseph Stowell brings to light our need to be undaunted advocates for Jesus in a world that has no tolerance for Him or His followers. How do you reach those who do not have a churched background, or are openly hostile to the good news of Jesus Christ? Would you miss church to go fishing with your colleague at work? What should or would you do when golfing with three non-believing friends, and they want to play for 'prize money'? Joseph Stowell's style is biblical and insightful, but always within reach of today's reader.

Resisting Gossip

Book Description

With gossip being so prevalent in our culture, it can be hard to resist listening to and sharing stories about other people's business. But what does God say about gossip? In Resisting Gossip, Pastor Matt Mitchell not only outlines the scriptural warnings against gossip, but also demonstrates how the truth of the gospel can deliver believers from this temptation.

Fundamental Christian Ethics

Book Description

In Fundamental Christian Ethics, Daniel R. Heimbach offers clarity and hope for ethically navigating a pluralistic culture. Heimbach engages with diverse ethical issues such as abortion, sexuality, religious liberty, and racism from biblical, theological, historical, and philosophical angles. He delivers a comprehensive textbook for scholars, teachers, pastors, and laypersons to understand God’s ethical reality and to cultivate virtuous character in the people of God.

Bully Pulpit

Book Description

Are churches looking for the wrong kind of leaders? The last decade has witnessed a rising number of churches wrecked by spiritual abuse--harsh, heavy-handed, domineering behavior from those in a position of spiritual authority. And high-profile cases are only a small portion of this widespread problem. Behind the scenes are many more cases of spiritual abuse that we will never hear about. Victims suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn. Of course, most pastors and leaders are godly, wonderful people who don't abuse their sheep. They shepherd their flocks gently and patiently. But we can't ignore the growing number who do not. We have tolerated and even celebrated the kind of leaders Jesus warned us against. We need gentle shepherds now more than ever, and in Bully Pulpit, seminary president and biblical scholar Michael J. Kruger offers a unique perspective for both church leaders and church members on the problem of spiritual abuse, how to spot it, and how to handle it in the church. "Every Christian from pulpit to pew needs to read this wise and timely work." - Karen Swallow Prior "Both urgent and timely." - Sam Storms "Thoughtful, wise, and biblical." - Mark Vroegop

Change Your Words, Change Your Life

Book Description

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer discusses the importance of words in Change Your Words, Change Your Life: "Words are a big deal. They are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our words to carry. . . . I believe that our words can increase or decrease our level of joy. They can affect the answers to our prayers and have a positive or negative effect on our future. . . . One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have." Building on the premises of her bestselling books, Power Thoughts and Living Beyond Your Feelings, Joyce examines how we use words-the vehicles that convey our thoughts and emotions-and provides a series of guidelines for cultivating talk that is constructive, healthy, healing, and used for good results. Topics include: The Impact of Words How to Tame Your Tongue How to be Happy When to talk and when not to talk Speaking Faith and Not Fear The Corrosion of Complaints Do you really have to give your opinion? The importance of keeping your word The power of speaking God's word How to have a smart mouth In "A Dictionary of God's Word" at the end of the book, Joyce provides dozens of scripture verses, arranged by topic, and recommends that we read them aloud to strengthen our vocabulary of healing words.

How Will You Measure Your Life? (Harvard Business Review Classics)

Book Description

In the spring of 2010, Harvard Business School’s graduating class asked HBS professor Clay Christensen to address them—but not on how to apply his principles and thinking to their post-HBS careers. The students wanted to know how to apply his wisdom to their personal lives. He shared with them a set of guidelines that have helped him find meaning in his own life, which led to this now-classic article. Although Christensen’s thinking is rooted in his deep religious faith, these are strategies anyone can use. Since 1922, Harvard Business Review has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.


Book Description

Returning home, Fallon discovers her father unconscious and their house overrun by men she doesn't know. The stakes are high, and the odds are stacked against her: her younger sister is on the brink of death, needing expensive medical treatment they can't afford. Driven by desperation, their father attempted the unthinkable—robbing the casino where Fallon works, only to fail disastrously. Leone Pressutti instills fear in anyone who crosses him. For five years working for him, she has never been on his radar until now. Fallon's boss is a notorious man in the underworld with a chilling proposition. He offers Fallon a dangerous chance to save her family: compete in and win a high-stakes poker championship, and he will cover her sister's medical expenses. Her freedom and her sister's life hang in the balance. But there's a catch—if Fallon loses, her father pays with his life, and she becomes Leone's. Fallon believes it's an easy win; she is no amateur, and she has one skill she thinks Leone doesn't know about, and that's counting cards. Fallon steps into the dangerous world of underground poker, where each hand brings her closer to salvation or ruin. As she nears the last table, Fallon finds herself drawn into a game far more complex and perilous than she ever imagined. The final hurdle? A showdown against Leone himself, where she learns the bitter truth: in this game of power and seduction, the house always wins.