The wide horizon strategy

Book Description

Se si lancia una rana in un pentolone di acqua bollente salterà fuori e si salverà, se invece la si appoggia delicatamente nel pentolone di acqua appena tiepida e poi la si cuoce a fuoco lento la rana non coglierà il pericolo incombente e sarà felice di restare a mollo. In un mondo ove quasi quattro miliardi di nuovi capitalisti tra Cina, India, Brasile e Russia trovano ovvio lavorare diciotto ore al giorno e puntare ad arricchirsi, chiunque predichi i diritti, la lentezza, la qualità della vita, il benessere nelle piccole cose di tutti giorni e la retorica dei buoni sentimenti, dell’etica, della decrescita e dell’eguaglianza sociale sta solo preparando un bagnetto tiepido per tutti coloro a cui la predica è rivolta. Essere veloci, strategici, globali, competenti e radicalmente innovativi è la sola chance per non ritrovarsi cotti a fuoco lento. Una strategia lungimirante rivolta ad ampliare gli orizzonti e a puntare in alto è la via maestra per uscire dal mediocre grigiore dell’austerity in cui moltissimi, per miopia, trovano facile fare le vittime pur di non affrontare davvero gli scenari evolutivi straordinari che ci attenderanno se sapremo pensare in grande ed in modo imprenditorialmente rivoluzionario. I 50 stratagemmi della Wide Horizon Strategy evitano una cottura a fuoco lento e aprono la via per cogliere le opportunità che i venti di distruzione creatrice sempre portano con sé per chi non cede a facili vittimismi e pessimismi. Andrea Pitasi ( fondamentalmente è uno che si è rotto le scatole di perditempo, vittimisti sfaccendati, indecisi, cortigiani e parassiti vari e che sa che fare progetti alla velocità della luce è il miglior modo per facilitare l’incontro tra Wide Horizon Leader, le vere risorse auree delle istituzioni, dell’accademia e delle libere professioni e dell’impresa su scala planetaria. Professore universitario e libero professionista, unisce strategia e creatività attraverso un approccio imprenditoriale alla conoscenza e alle sfide planetarie del prossimo futuro nella sua prolifica attività di scrittore di narrativa, saggista, fotografo e global thinker che ha ispirato la nascita di organizzazioni quali Wealth Evolution System ( e WCSA - Word Complexity Science Academy (

Wider horizons

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Three Horizons

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A practical framework for thinking about the future... and an exploration of 'future consciousness' and how to develop it


Book Description

The gift of turning deserts into gardens features the emerging new elite, which must not waste its resources feeding those who turn gardens into deserts. The elite of the past needed to control the masses to be in power. The elite of the past needed the mystery of sacred symbols and fear, just like in politics and religion, to scare and control the masses. The elite of today and tomorrow need to shape the trends and fluctuations of intangible and invisible knowledge to turn it into wealth, just like in finance and science. This is the key to power for the new elite, who no longer need to control the masses. These new elite live at a very cosmopolitan, global and self-investing level at which life becomes pure abstraction. This high concept, cosmopolitan novel portrays this emerging elite named Hypercitizens. Andrea Pitasi is a university professor, a strategic advisor, an investor and lives the hypercitizen vision and style.

Global Strategy

Book Description

This comprehensive volume from Wiley's Global Dimensions of Business series explores the topic of international strategic management at an MBA or Executive Education level. Authored by an accomplished teacher who possesses a strong understanding of the market, this text offers clear frameworks coupled with lively, international case studies. Written by an experienced teacher possessing a strong research profile and a clear understanding of the market. Emphasizes organizational competences and provides a direct bridge to the strategy frameworks and concepts essential to MBA and Executive Education programs. Focuses on capabilities, capability-building and knowledge, and highlights the distinction between input and leveraging in terms of capabilities. Reviews additional opportunities for making performance gains in the international environment and the additional complexity involved in managing in a global – rather than domestic – environment. All chapters include sections on essential reading, student questions, summaries, case examples, and ‘key terms.’

Safeguarding the Bioeconomy

Book Description

Research and innovation in the life sciences is driving rapid growth in agriculture, biomedical science, information science and computing, energy, and other sectors of the U.S. economy. This economic activity, conceptually referred to as the bioeconomy, presents many opportunities to create jobs, improve the quality of life, and continue to drive economic growth. While the United States has been a leader in advancements in the biological sciences, other countries are also actively investing in and expanding their capabilities in this area. Maintaining competitiveness in the bioeconomy is key to maintaining the economic health and security of the United States and other nations. Safeguarding the Bioeconomy evaluates preexisting and potential approaches for assessing the value of the bioeconomy and identifies intangible assets not sufficiently captured or that are missing from U.S. assessments. This study considers strategies for safeguarding and sustaining the economic activity driven by research and innovation in the life sciences. It also presents ideas for horizon scanning mechanisms to identify new technologies, markets, and data sources that have the potential to drive future development of the bioeconomy.

Small Things – Wide Horizons

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This publication honours Birgitta Hardh on her 70th birthday. Birgitta Hardh is one of the leading experts on European Viking Age, engaged in diverse research projects, and also a vital collaborator in various networks specializing in the period. Through time, Birgitta has extended her research to comprise other periods of the Iron Age.

Network Strategy

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Research at the intersection of social networks and strategic management identifies a range of performance-enhancing network position advantages - access to partners, information, innovation, and resources - that are distributed differentially across network positions. This book discusses network processes.

Strategic Policy Design

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Modern organizations, whether public or private, are animated by a universal imperative: to achieve prominent goals that fulfill their mandates and uphold deeply held values and ideals. To realize this imperative, leaders entrusted to pursue organizational missions need to exercise a core set of strategic skills, discern opportunities, identify worthy goals, and implement pursuing actions. Strategic Policy Design introduces an integrated architecture for strategic thinking that enhances leadership skills in gauging conditions and crystallizing plans. This framework promotes a structured approach to strategic tasks by offering templates for decision making, from articulating a strategic mission, understanding the environment in which an organization operates, and rallying people and resources toward attaining strategic goals to a portable, versatile framework for the development and writing of strategy-oriented communications. For practitioners of policy, this book offers clarity of strategic thinking and introduces a new framework with which to perceive policy environments, identify and define goals, and organize strategies. For students, this book explores the skill and art in exercising leadership, encompassing both pragmatism and idealism. By learning and applying the showcased techniques, students will be equipped with a heightened awareness of policy domains, goal construction, and operational planning. Students in public-sector studies will find this book of interest, as will those studying political science, public administration, law, foreign affairs, international development, history, military sciences, and similar majors. The organizational perspective in strategy will also appeal to students in both business and non-profit sectors.