The Wild Geese of the Antrim MacDonnells

Book Description

Part 1 covers the Spanish Netherlands. Captain Sorley, a nephew of Randall MacDonnell, the first Earl of Antrim, joined the O'Neill regiment in 1615. Involved in several invasion projects he also collected important bardic manuscripts. Two illegitimate sons of the first earl were also there: Daniel, a Franciscan at Louvain, and Maurice, a soldier involved in complex schemes concerning Scotland, Ireland and the Civil War.

The Wild Geese of the Antrim MacDonnells

Book Description

Part 1 covers the Spanish Netherlands. Captain Sorley, a nephew of Randall MacDonnell, the first Earl of Antrim, joined the O'Neill regiment in 1615. Involved in several invasion projects he also collected important bardic manuscripts. Two illegitimate sons of the first earl were also there: Daniel, a Franciscan at Louvain, and Maurice, a soldier involved in complex schemes concerning Scotland, Ireland and the Civil War.

British and Irish Experiences and Impressions of Central Europe, c.1560–1688

Book Description

Whilst much recent scholarly work has sought to place early modern British and Irish history within a broader continental context, most of this has focused on western or northern Europe. In order to redress the balance, this new study by David Worthington explores the connections linking writers and expatriates from the later Tudor and Stuart kingdoms with the two major dynastic conglomerates east of the Rhine, the Austrian Habsburg lands and Poland-Lithuania. Drawing on a variety of sources, including journals, diaries, letters and travel accounts, the book not only shows the high level of scholarly interest evidenced within contemporary English language works about the region, but how many more British and Irish people ventured there than is generally recognised. As well as the soldiers, merchants and diplomats one might expect, we discover more unexpected and colourful characters, including a polymath Irish moral theologian in Vienna, an orphaned English poetess in Prague, a Welsh humanist in Cracow, and a Scottish physician and botanist at the Vasa court in Warsaw. This examination of the diverse range of Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English religious, intellectual, political, military and commercial contacts with central Europe provides not only a more balanced view of British and Irish history, but also continues the process of reintegrating the histories of the European regions. Furthermore, by extending the focus of research beyond widely studied areas, towards other more illuminating, international aspects, the book challenges scholars to analyse these networks within less parochial, and more transnational settings.


Book Description

Exposes new relationships between literary representation and colonialism, focusing on the metaphorizing colonialist discourse of imperial power in the tropics.

The Irish in the Spanish Armies in the Seventeenth Century

Book Description

Provides a wealth of detail on how "the wild geese" - the Irish who refused to submit to the English - played a significant role in the armies of Spain. It is well-known that many Irishmen who refused to submit to the English in the reigns of Elizabeth and the early Stuart kings, including the famous earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, went to fight for the king of Spain, but what they did when they joined the Spanish armies is much less well-known. This book provides a wealth of detail on the activities of the Irish in the Spanish armies in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It outlines who the Irish soldiers were, how they were recruited and the terms under which they served. It discusses their military roles both in the wars in Flanders between the Spanish and their former Dutch subjects, and, later, in the Hispanic peninsula, showing how the Irish were often employed as elite troops who made significant contributions to major military actions, such as the siege of Breda in 1624. It examines military tactics, explores the politics of the Spanish armies, showing how the Irish fitted in, and discusses how, when the rebellion of 1641 broke out in Ireland, many Irish soldiers returned to Ireland to resume the fight against the English. Eduardo de Mesa completed hisdoctorate at University College Dublin. He is the author of La pacificación de Flandes. Spínola y las campañas de Frisia (1604-1609) (2009), and Discurso Militar del Marqués de Aytona (2008), co-author of La Monarquía de Felipe III (2008), and author of numerous articles, chapters in edited collections, and encyclopedia entries.

Scots in Habsburg Service

Book Description

This book offers an original approach to the study of the Scottish diaspora in Europe. It highlights the activities of a group of emigrants and exiles who served the twin-headed Habsburg dynasty during the first half of the seventeenth century.

The plantation of Ulster

Book Description

This book is the first major academic study of the Ulster Plantation in over 25 years. The pivotal importance of the Plantation to the shared histories of Ireland and Britain would be difficult to overstate. It helped secure the English conquest of Ireland, and dramatically transformed Ireland’s physical, political, religious and cultural landscapes. The legacies of the Plantation are still contested to this day, but as the Peace Process evolves and the violence of the previous forty years begins to recede into memory, vital space has been created for a timely reappraisal of the plantation process and its role in identity formation within Ulster, Ireland and beyond. This collection of essays by leading scholars in the field offers an important redress in terms of the previous coverage of the plantations, moving away from an exclusive colonial perspective, to include the native Catholic experience, and in so doing will hopefully stimulate further research into this crucial episode in Irish and British history.

Ireland and the Jacobite Cause, 1685-1766

Book Description

"A close study of early eighteenth-century Irish politics questions both the 'shipwreck' of the Irish Catholic polity and the unassailed march of the Protestant 'nation'. Irish Protestant unease during successive Jacobite invasion scares and the imposition and maintenance of the penal laws show that they did not underestimate the potential of the Irish Jacobite challenge."--BOOK JACKET.