The Wisdom of Alexander the Great

Book Description

"Exceptional leaders are the ones who are able to analyze problems, optimize resources, inspire loyalty, and execute strategy. There is no more stunning example in history than Alexander the Great, whose leadership skills were so immense that they still resonate some 2,000 years later. "The Wisdom of Alexander the Great" reveals four leadership processes distilled from the life and extraordinary accomplishments of Alexander, King of Macedonia. Readers will learn how he: * reframed problems in order to meet seemingly insurmountable challenges * built alliances by using his strength to generate trust and respect, not just fear * established identity and ""branded"" himself a unifier, thus keeping the home base secure while continuing to expand his empire * recognized and assimilated the cultures and symbols of different peoples, becoming a powerful and trusted figure everywhere he went "The Wisdom of Alexander the Great" relates 34 riveting episodes from Alexander's expansion through Asia Minor, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Middle East, the Persian Empire, and India. Each example, tied to a modern-day counterpart, imparts valuable lessons from the timeless legend of one of the greatest leaders in history."

Alexander the Great

Book Description

In the first authoritative biography of Alexander the Great written for a general audience in a generation, classicist and historian Philip Freeman tells the remarkable life of the great conqueror. The celebrated Macedonian king has been one of the most enduring figures in history. He was a general of such skill and renown that for two thousand years other great leaders studied his strategy and tactics, from Hannibal to Napoleon, with countless more in between. He flashed across the sky of history like a comet, glowing brightly and burning out quickly: crowned at age nineteen, dead by thirty-two. He established the greatest empire of the ancient world; Greek coins and statues are found as far east as Afghanistan. Our interest in him has never faded. Alexander was born into the royal family of Macedonia, the kingdom that would soon rule over Greece. Tutored as a boy by Aristotle, Alexander had an inquisitive mind that would serve him well when he faced formidable obstacles during his military campaigns. Shortly after taking command of the army, he launched an invasion of the Persian empire, and continued his conquests as far south as the deserts of Egypt and as far east as the mountains of present-day Pakistan and the plains of India. Alexander spent nearly all his adult life away from his homeland, and he and his men helped spread the Greek language throughout western Asia, where it would become the lingua franca of the ancient world. Within a short time after Alexander’s death in Baghdad, his empire began to fracture. Best known among his successors are the Ptolemies of Egypt, whose empire lasted until Cleopatra. In his lively and authoritative biography of Alexander, classical scholar and historian Philip Freeman describes Alexander’s astonishing achievements and provides insight into the mercurial character of the great conqueror. Alexander could be petty and magnanimous, cruel and merciful, impulsive and farsighted. Above all, he was ferociously, intensely competitive and could not tolerate losing—which he rarely did. As Freeman explains, without Alexander, the influence of Greece on the ancient world would surely not have been as great as it was, even if his motivation was not to spread Greek culture for beneficial purposes but instead to unify his empire. Only a handful of people have influenced history as Alexander did, which is why he continues to fascinate us.

A History of Alexander the Great in World Culture

Book Description

Explores how Alexander the Great has influenced literature, art and culture in Europe and the Middle East over two millennia.

The Confessions of Alexander the Great

Book Description

Tells history through the eyes of the greatest military commander of all time, Alexander the Great, who died one month shy of his thirty-third birthday. Broken up into thirty-three chapters, this book offers a first-person narrative glimpse into the body, soul and mind of the most important secular figure in history.

Alexander the Great

Book Description

Alexander the Great

Book Description

This book explains what made Alexander 'Great' according to the people and expectations of his time and place.

Alexander the Great in His World

Book Description

Alexander the Great is one of the most celebrated figures ofantiquity. In this book, Carol G. Thomas places this powerfulfigure within the context of his time, place, culture, and ancestryin order to discover what influences shaped his life andcareer. The book begins with an exploration of the Macedonia thatconditioned the lives of its inhabitants. It also traces suchinfluences on Alexander's life as his royal Argead ancestry, hisfather, Philip II, and his mother, Olympias. The author examinesAlexander's engagement with Greek culture, especially hisrelationship with Aristotle, and contemplates how other societalfactors - especially the highly militarized Macedonian kingdom andthe nature of Macedonia's relationship with neighboring states -contributed to his achievement. What was the significance of these influences on the man whosucceeded in conquering most of the known world from the AdriaticSea to the Indus River? The author focuses on this question inexploring ancient landscapes and resurrecting key figures fromantiquity in order to penetrate the motivation, goals, and innerbeing of Alexander the Great.

The Wisdom of Alexander The Great

Book Description

Buku ini sangat luar biasa, membahas pelajaran-pelajaran berharga tentang kepemimpinan yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi berbagai persoalan dalam dunia manajemen. Buku ini ditulis untuk para eksekutif super sibuk, manajer, pemimpin militer, atau siapapun di tengah waktu luang mereka.

Empire of Alexander the Great

Book Description

A look at what made Alexander a brilliant military tactician and a charismatic leader. It also explores what the Eastern world learned through contact with Alexander and what Alexander brought the West from the Persian Empire.

Through The Life Of Alexander The Great

Book Description

Alexander the Great served as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. During his time of leadership, he united Greece, reestablished the Corinthian League and conquered the Persian Empire. Alexander the Great - A Figure Marked in Greatness Rather than simply opening this book by staling the facts of how Alexander the Great was bom and his early years, I will do so by driving a more important point; that since his very early years he was being prepared to live a life of greatness. He did not coincidentally become known as "the Great" by chance. Also, popular culture build a narrative around him that is highly consistent with greatness, leadership, might and even wisdom. Bom in 356 BCE, to king Philip H, and one of his wives, Olympias of Epirus, Alexander the Great inherited the kingdom of Macedonia, which at the part was part of the Hellenistic culture and what we know today as Ancient Greece. Alexander's only full sibling was his sister Cleopatra, who later also became queen regent of Epirus. He also had other half brothers and sisters from his father's other wives, although there is no full clarity in the academic world who all of those wives of Philip H and who all the half siblings of Alexander were. Get your copy today!