The Word of the Guru

Book Description

Millions of people have been deeply affected by the life and teachings of the Guru Narayana, who is the central figure of this book. This is a biography, not only of the Guru Narayana, but of Guruhood itself. Religions and philosophies have their sources in such men, and the aim here is to clarify this fact, without being sentimental or sensational. In doing so, many hitherto baffling enigmas of Indian life are given a rational explanation for the first time. Nataraja Guru, the disciple-successor of the Narayana Guru, uses the contemplative discipline which was characteristic of the Guru Narayana, and brings the Advaita Vedanta method into the forefront of global thought as understood today, introducing a new science of wisdom-dialectics. Nataraja Guru¿s scheme of correlation between science and mysticism amounts to an epochal advance in philosophy. The word of the Guru provides a quantity of original material for study, including fully annotated and carefully translated writings of Guru Narayana. It describes the physical and psychological conditions of South India with great brilliance. The spirituality of India is set forth here in its clearest terms, unambiguous and shorn of all limiting frontiers, suitable for readers in all parts of the world.

The Word of the Guru

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The Word of the Guru

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Discovered

Book Description

Sri Guru Granth Sahib plays a very important part in the life of the Sikh Community. It is read regularly in Gurdwaras and occasionally in homes on happy or sad occasions. The reading of the whole Granth is called Akhand-paath (non stop recitation or reading). Selections for morning and evening prayers are taken from the Granth and read daily by Sikhs. The whole life of a Sikh revolves around this book.Despite being such an important book for the whole Sikh Community it is also true that the Granth is a closed book for many Sikhs born outside India, as well as for the majority of other people both Asians and Westerners, who simply cannot read the original Gurumukhi script of the Granth or understand it meaning.


Book Description

Guru: The Rarest Life Treasure is the second book of the Guruvakya Meditations series that is designed to help you deepen your inner relationship with the Divine Source, which you might know as Krishna, Christ, God, Divine Mother, or, as is the focus of this book, the Guru or spiritual Master. In this volume, you’ll get 365 Guruvakyas so you can use a different insight each day of the year. Use them for the five-minute 3-Step Guruvakya Meditation described inside, and you’ll quickly deepen your unique connection with the source of Divine Love, the indweller of your heart, your Guru. Paramahamsa Vishwananda is an enlightened spiritual Master who has the unique ability to awaken the soul’s inner Light and Love, helping us all advance more quickly toward the ultimate goal of life. Naturally being a living example of the focus of this book, His personal connection to ‘the Guru of all Gurus’, Mahavatar Babaji, is profound and timeless.

The Word of the Guru

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Book Description

The Words of My Perfect Teacher

Book Description

Patrul Rinpoche makes the technicalities of his subject accessible through a wealth of stories, quotations, and references to everyday life. His style of mixing broad colloquialisms, stringent irony, and poetry has all the life and atmosphere of an oral teaching. Great care has been taken by the translators to render the precise meaning of the text in English while still reflecting the vigor and insight of the original Tibetan.


Book Description

FOREWORD BY JANE FONDA A timeless collection of philosophies from renaissance performer and the world’s most famous shape-shifter RuPaul, whose sage outlook has created an unprecedented career for more than thirty-five years. GuRu is packed with more than 80 beautiful photographs that illustrate the concept of building the life you want from the outside in and the inside out. "You’re born naked and the rest is drag." As someone who has deconstructed life’s hilarious facade, RuPaul has broken "the fourth wall" to expand on the concept of mind, body, and spirit. This unique perspective has allowed RuPaul to break the shackles of self-imposed limitations, but reader beware, this is a daily practice that requires diligence and touchstones to keep you walking in the sunshine of the spirit. Once you’re willing to look beyond the identity that was given to you, a hidden world of possibilities will open its doors. Throughout the history of humans on this planet, there’ve always been shaman, seers, and mediums who are able to interpret both high and low frequencies and remind humans to look beyond the surface for the truth of who we really are. And who we really are is an extension of the power that created the universe (aka: God in drag). FYI: most people are not willing to hear or accept that. That is RuPaul’s secret for success, not only in show business, but in all aspects of life, especially in navigating the emotional landmines that inhibit most sweet, sensitive souls. If you think this book is just about "doing drag," you are sorely mistaken because for RuPaul, drag is merely a device to deactivate the identity-based ego and allow space for the unlimited.