The Word Volume 4: 1977-1980

Book Description

Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages-the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light. His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own. Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation-the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophecy "a thousand two hundred and threescore days." And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgement to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of golden age to come. This volume includes dictations by Jesus Christ through Elizabeth Clare Prophet given from 1977 to 1980.

Targum and New Testament

Book Description

The relevance of the Targums (Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible) for the understanding of the New Testament has been a matter of dispute over the past three hundred years, principally by reason of the late date of the Targum manuscripts and the nature of the Aramaic. The debate has become more focused by reason of the Qumran finds of pre-Christian Aramaic documents (1947) and the identification of a complete text of the Palestinian Targum of the Pentateuch in the Vatican Library (Codex Neofiti, 1956). Martin McNamara traces the history of the debate down to our own day and the annotated translation of all the Targums into English. He studies the language situation (Aramaic and Greek) in New Testament Palestine and the interpretation of the Scriptures in the Targums, with concepts and language similar to the New Testament. Against this background relationships between the Targums and the New Testament are examined. A way forward is suggested by regarding the tell-like structure of the Targums (with layers from different ages) and a continuum running through for certain texts.

The Influence of the French Language on the German Vocabulary

Book Description

The series Studia Linguistica Germanica, founded in 1968 by Ludwig Erich Schmitt and Stefan Sonderegger, is one of the standard publication organs for German Linguistics. The series aims to cover the whole spectrum of the subject, while concentrating on questions relating to language history and the history of linguistic ideas. It includes works on the historical grammar and semantics of German, on the relationship of language and culture, on the history of language theory, on dialectology, on lexicology / lexicography, text linguisticsand on the location of German in the European linguistic context.

The Image in Writing

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Drinking Water and Health,

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Children's Language

Book Description

First published in 1983. This series, Children’s Language, reflects the conviction that extensive work on entirely new fronts along with a great deal of reinterpretation of old-front data will be necessary before any persuasive and truly orderly account of language. For all volumes in the series there is a common scheme of operation with two tactics. First, to give authors sufficient planning time and freedom to arrive at a chapter-length account of their area of thinking which vividly shows both the progress and the problems in that area, with the author of each chapter free to find a workable proportion of new experimental contributions, review, and theory. The second tactic concerns the selection of topics for each volume. This is Volume 4. Structures about language and thought and children as employed in certain other fields may well be shaken and stimulated, particularly in education, sociology, anthropology, literature, and language remediation.

Term Rewriting

Book Description

This volume contains thoroughly revised versions of the contributions presented at the French Spring School of Theoretical Computer Science, held in Font Romeu, France in May 1993. This seminar was devoted to rewriting in a broad sense, as rewriting is now an important discipline, relating to many other areas such as formal languages, models of concurrency, tree automata, functional programming languages, constraints, symbolic computation, and automated deduction. The book includes a number of surveys contributed by senior researchers as well as a few papers presenting original research of relevance for the broader theoretical computer science community.

Resources in education

Book Description

A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 4, 1870-1990

Book Description

This is the fourth volume of A History of the University of Cambridge and explores the extraordinary growth in size and academic stature of the University between 1870 and 1990. Though the University has made great advances since the 1870s, when it was viewed as a provincial seminary, it is also the home of tradition: a federation of colleges, one over 700 years old, one of the 1970s. This book seeks to penetrate the nature of the colleges and of the federation; and to show the way in which university faculties and departments have come to vie with the colleges for this predominant role. It attempts to unravel a fascinating institutional story of the society of the University and its place in the world. It explores in depth the themes of religion and learning, and of the entry of women into a once male environment. There are portraits of seminal and characteristic figures of the Cambridge scene, and there is a sketch - inevitably selective but wide-ranging - of many disciplines, an extensive study in intellectual and academic history.