Dramatic works

Book Description

Dramatic pieces

Book Description

English Literature

Book Description

Seventeenth-Century English Literature associates evolving seventeenth-century English perspectives of maternal support to the ascent of the cutting edge country, particularly in the vicinity of 1603 and 1675. Maternal sustain increases new noticeable quality in the early current social creative ability at the exact minute when England experiences a noteworthy change in perspective-from the customary, dynastic body politic, composed by natural bonds, to the post-dynastic, present day country, included representative and full of feeling relations. The book likewise exhibits that moving early present day points of view on Judeo-Christian relations profoundly educate the period's interlocking reassessments of maternal support and the country, particularly on account of Milton. Encircled by an understanding that the very idea of what characterizes the human is regularly impacted by Renaissance and early present day messages, this book sets up the start of the scholarly improvement of the evil frame into an adapted shape in the seventeenth century. This advancement is fixated on characters and verse of four seventeenth-century journalists: the Satan character in John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, the Tempter in John Bunyan's Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and Diabolus in Bunyan's The Holy War, the verse of John Wilmot, earl of Rochester, and Dorimant in George Etherege's Man of Mode.

Introduction. List of Dryden's works. Epistle dedicatory of the Rival ladies. Preface to Annus mirabilis. Of dramatic poesy, an essay. Prologue to Secret love or the Malden queen. Defence of an Essay of dramatic poesy. Preface to An evening's love. Of heroic plays, an essay. Epilogue to the second part of the Conquest of Granada. Defense of the epilogue. The author's apology for heroic poetry and poetic licence. Prefact to All for love. Preface to Troilus and Cressida, containing the grounds of criticism in tragedy. Preface to Ovid's Epistles. Dedication of the Spanish frair. Preface to Sylvæ (The seond miscellany) Preface to Albion and Albanus. Notes

Book Description

Essays of John Dryden: Introduction. List of Dryden's works. Epistle dedicatory of the Rival ladies. Preface to Annus mirabilis. Of dramatic poesy, an essay. Prologue to Secret love or the Maiden queen. Defence of an Essay of dramatic poesy. Preface to An evening's love. Of heroic plays, an essay. Epilogue to the second part of the Conquest of Granada. Defence of the epilogue. The author's apology for heroic poetry and poetic licence. Preface to All for love. Preface to Troilus and Cressida, containing the grounds of criticism in tragedy. Preface to Ovid's Epistles. Dedication of the Spanish friar. Preface to Sylvae (The second miscellany) Preface to Albion and Albanus. Notes

Book Description