The World's Worst Conspiracies

Book Description

The World's Worst Conspiracies is a compilation of the most fascinating, bizarre and compelling conspiracy theories in the world today. Delving into speculation about the assassination of JFK, chemtrails, the emergence of the 'New World Order', the sinister experiments at CERN, possible cover-ups regarding Area 51 and the so-called Clinton Body Count, this collection provides an essential reference for everyone interested in learning more about the secret forces that may be controlling our world. Taking a balanced and measured approach, it explores why these theories have taken hold, and how much truth lies at their foundations. Do you believe them?

Conspiracy Encyclopedia

Book Description

Conspiracies are everywhere. they are the lifeblood of politics, business and our daily lives. this truly international and all-embracing encyclopedia explains the details of the world's major popular conspiracies, listing them chronologically under subject matter and cross-referencing them continually (because so many conspiracy theories interact on some level). Conspiracies are often international in their sweep and their impact. the brutal stabbing of Julius Caesar (the conspiracy which has defined political assassinations ever since) plunged the Roman Empire into civil war, which then engulfed much of the known western world. More recently the Cambridge spies (Philby, Blunt, MacLean and Burgess) helped Russia throughout WWII and then re-defined the Cold War afterwards, Philby's defection casting a 30-year shadow over CIA/Anglo-American relations. though conspiracies define our everyday lives, there is no body of serious academic research to understand their role, nature or defining characteristics. Most historians prefer to adhere to the cock-up theory of history, in which everything happens by accident or incompetence. Although this view is favoured by academics and historians, it is rejected by a large part of the general public who prefer the evidence of their own lives. However they consume their media, what they see is a mesh of conspiracies that define the texture of their everyday lives, often for the worst. Most people believe that there is a grain of truth in most theories about conspiracies. this book is for them.

Conspiracies of the Ruling Class

Book Description

A ruling class have emerged in America against the hopes and designs of our Founding Fathers. Over the last hundred years, they have rejected the Constitution and expanded their own power, slowly at first and now rapidly. These people believe their actions are justified because they think they are smarter than the rest of us -- so smart they can run our lives better than we can. But for all the power and resources at their command, they have failed. Miserably. Society has become increasingly unequal, even as we're promised "equality." Our government finances are out of control, our basic infrastructure is broken, and education is unaffordable and mediocre. And yet the Ruling Class think the solution is for us to grant them ever more control. We can stop this -- but to do so we must unite. Lawrence Lindsey, economic advisor to three Republican presidents, lays out his plan for how we can use common sense to change the way our country is run, with liberty for every person to pursue his or her own dreams.

Awful Archives

Book Description

An exploration of exaggerated cases of conspiracy theories which helps to reveal why traditional modes of argument fail against unwarranted, unsound, or untrue evidence.

The Big Book of Conspiracies

Book Description

With an Introduction by Rev. Ian Stang of the Church of the Subgenius Compiled by Doug Moench and 39 of the world's top comic artists, this collection presents some of the world's weirdest conspiracy theories. Did the Nazi Party help form the CIA? Did aliens form the Nazi Party? Are descendants of Jesus living in France? Is Jim Morrison still alive? The answers to these questions and many more may be found inside this book - or then again not.

The World's Strangest Forgotten Conspiracy Theories

Book Description

Explore More of the World Most Astonishing and Mystifying Forgotten Conspiracy Theories. Not only are these possible cover-ups and controversial conspiracy theories fascinating, but they will also surprise you. Find out for yourself where the truth lies. We live in a complicated world with multiple viewpoints and agendas. And as what we thought were tried and true standards of truth become ever more diluted with doubt and uncertainty, the citizens of this beautiful blue Earth find it increasingly difficult to know what to believe. Should we believe what our leaders tell us? Should we take what we hear on the news as sacrosanct? What about long-held beliefs in religion? Or even long-held tenants of science? Is nothing sacred? In this book, we explore 12 wide-ranging conspiracy theories. If there is even a kernel of truth in any of them, they have the potential to rock the very foundations of human society to their core. Inside, find conspiracies about: time travel secret treaties with aliens secret societies calling all the shots mind control brainwashing and more! Time travel, secret treaties with aliens, secret societies calling all the shots... there are some conspiracies that seem so bizarre that we quickly brush them to the side and we even laugh about them. And even if we do outwardly laugh, deep down they all leave us asking the same question: what if they are TRUE? Scroll back up and order your copy now!

The Greatest Hoax

Book Description

Inhofer presents his perspectives and opinions on the proposed "carbon tax" and energy regulations currently part of the global warming debate among members of the Congress and the U.S. government.

Conspiracy Theories

Book Description

A Stunning Look At The Worlds Most Intriguing Conspiracy Theories And Cover Ups... Have you ever wondered what really happened when some of the worlds most amazing conspiracy theories were brought to light? You're about to discover many of the worlds most popular conspiracy theories and what is really known to be true about them, what is thought to be fake and what most people believe. Don't we all love a great conspiracy theory? Thinking that something could be far more intriguing and unusual that what meets the eye. All around the world, people have experienced many weird things that cannot always be explained...well some people may know but are they telling us everything they know? Was JFK really shot by Oswald? What is the REAL purpose of Area 51? Was 9/11 a cover up for something more sinister? These are just some of the conspiracy theories that we cover in this book, plus many more, even some that you may never have heard of...

Real Enemies

Book Description

This timely book links the explosion of conspiracy theories about the U.S. government in recent years to the revelations of real government conspiracies. It traces anti-government theories from the birth of the modern state in World War I to the current war on terror.


Book Description

At any time in our history, you will find significant and seemingly indisputable events occurring, the kind that can change the course of our lives -- the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Yet for every one of them, somebody, somewhere will loudly dispute the 'official' account, doubting that the truth has been told. In today's environment, with trust in authorities at an all-time low, conspiracy theories have found a new currency, and websites and social networking ensure they receive a wider and more rapid spread than ever before. But how do we separate truth from imagination? Was Princess Diana murdered, as many people think, despite all the official denials? Did NASA really go to the Moon, when anomalies in the photographic record suggest otherwise? Could 9/11 really have been set up by agencies within the USA itself? The Kindle edition includes an update on all the conspiracy theories that have emerged in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. The author opens the conspiracy casebook by examining the mindset of those who believe in conspiracies, and considers whether the dismissive attitude towards them has been fair. Part Two looks into history to establish that conspiracies do occur, credibility should therefore be given to belief in some of the alleged plots and cover-ups of today. This leads into a well-argued examination of some of the most popular conspiracies of our times, including theories over assassinations, UFO cover-ups, and widely voiced concerns over 9/11 and the 'New World Order'. Part Three draws the conclusion that while not all conspiracy theories can be proven, they do at least draw attention to paths not to take, and can be valuable in helping to create a better world where new trust and hope can be forged. Are we living in a world of control, of oppression, of habitual deception? Is this really how things are, or simply human nature massively distorted through a dark lens? The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.