The Wretched Relationship Between Shia and the Imams

Book Description

Most of the Shia today are unaware of the fact that Imams of the Prophet's Family, his household members and his progeny were always condemning, chastising, rebutting, rebuking and criticizing them for their constant evil deeds and designs; their betrayal of the Members of the Prophets family, insincerity, irreligiousity, pervasive innovations, polytheistic practices, abusing of the Prophets companions, disloyalty, betrayals of the Muslims, cowardice, infidelity, corruption (of religion, intension and purpose) and tending towards unbelief. It is our desire in this little discourse to elaborate, explain and show that the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) and his family has suffered a lot from the hand of the Shia; that all their sufferings are as a result of Shia betrayals and that the progeny of the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet's companions and our predecessors; the learned scholars of Islam have all condemned and prayed against the Shia for their misconducts, sinister motives, false display of love of the Prophet's progeny and betrayal of Islam and Muslims. We have made it a point of duty to depend on Shia sources with regard to primary presentation of evidences in this regard, by the will of Allah.It is know clear to you what is meant by Shia and their different groupings and we are concerned in this book with the extremist Shia (represented today by the Shia Rafida, Imamiyyah, Ithna Ashriyyah, Isma'iliyyah, Druze and Jarudiyyah or Houthiyyah) for they the ones that frustrated Imam Ali's effort to fight for justice and spread Islam in areas where Islam has not yet reached during the time of the first three Caliphs; they are the ones that made Imam Ali cried and wept bitterly in his life; they are the ones that made his heart bleed in sorrow, anguish, pain and grief; they are the ones from whom he prayed and supplicated to Allah for separation and parting of ways even with death; they are the ones upon whom he prayed to Allah to never bless with good rulers; they are the ones that betrayed his son Imam Hasan, stole his property and tried to kill him; they are the ones who invited Imam Husain to come to them and later on betrayed him, abandoned him, handed him over to the enemy and fully participated in killing him, members of the Prophet's family and progeny and their loyal followers; and they are the ones who took the survivors of Karbala to Damascus as captives etc, etc. Their atrocities, hatred for the family of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) and his progeny and hatred for Islam and Mulisms will be clear to you as you read this book.

The Suffering of the Ahl ul Bayt and their Followers (Shia) throughout History

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Imam Baqir (as) said "Since the death of the Holy Prophet (s) we Ahl ul bayt have been humiliated, made distant and have been deprived and killed and made to leave our home town and we felt frightened for our blood and the blood of our followers. The cheaters, through their lies, got nearer to the leaders, judges and governors in every city and our enemies told false and invalid traditions relating to their past leaders and quoted narrations that we had never told. They only wanted to humiliate us and wanted to accuse us of falsehood, and wanted to get nearer to their leaders through lies. After the passing away of Hassan (a.s) this became very common during the time of Muawiyah. At that time, in every city, Shias were killed, their hands and feet were cut off and they were hanged on accusations of their being near to us and talking about their love for us."

Incoherence of Shia Creed

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"It is important that each sane, responsible person put aside partisanship, righted his intension and use the reasoning upon which Allah has created people and not to relegate it to what he was indoctrinated by members of his sect." IBN AL-WAZIRBefore the reader is a priceless book written by Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in defense of Islam, Muslims and the Prophet's companions (r.a). The author wrote the original book in four big volumes under the title, Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah fi Naqd Kalam ahlul-Rafd and 'Itizal (The fair path of the Prophet on refuting Shia Rafidah and Mu'atazlites), which was printed under the title, Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah fi Naqd Kalam ash-Shia wal-Qadriyyah (The path of Sunnah of the Prophet on refuting Shia and Qadriyyah). This book was abridged recently by Sheikh Abdullah Ghunaiman, a Professor in the Islamic University, Madina, Saudi Arabia, under the title, Mukhtasar Minhaj as-Sunnah (An abridged path of the Sunnah). Before him the book was abridged by the student of Ibn Taimiyyah, Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Uthman al-Dhabi, under the title, Al-Muntaqa min Mihaj al-'Itidal fi Naqd Kalam Ahlul Rafd wal 'Itizal (An abridged path of the Sunnah).In his introduction to the book, Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah stated: ": A number of people of the Ahlus Sunnah and Jama'ah (community) brought to me a book that was written by one Rafidah, (Shia) scholars of our time who is displaying his merchandise and inviting people to the creed of Imamiyyah Rafidah; whoever he can be able to invite among rulers, leaders and other ignorant men, whose knowledge of science and religion is limited and who lacks the knowledge of Muslim's principles of religion. He was aided in his cause by those who traditionally aid the Rafidah of the Batinites, atheists, who in their hearts are philosophers, who worship celestial bodies and who are actually outside the fold of those who follows the Messengers of Allah (s.a.w), do not believe in following the religion of Islam and do not forbid following religions other than Islam; nay they believe that creeds are just like political parties which one can identify with at his wish and that Prophethood is a general fair politics that has been laid down for people's common well-being in this world." Thus, this book is a polemical response and a critique of the one written by the Rafidi scholar and you will find it strong, lucid and self-explained, by the Will of Allah.

The Vanished Imam

Book Description

In the summer of 1978, Musa al Sadr, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Shia sect in Lebanon, disappeared mysteriously while on a visit to Libya. As in the Shia myth of the "Hidden Imam," this modern-day Imam left his followers upholding his legacy and awaiting his return. Considered an outsider when he had arrived in Lebanon in 1959 from his native Iran, he gradually assumed the role of charismatic mullah, and was instrumental in transforming the Shia, a quiescent and downtrodden Islamic minority, into committed political activists. What sort of person was Musa al Sadr? What beliefs in the Shia doctrine did his life embody? Where did he fit into the tangle of Lebanon's warring factions? What was behind his disappearance? In this fascinating and compelling narrative, Fouad Ajami resurrects the Shia's neglected history, both distant and recent, and interweaves the life and work of Musa al Sadr with the larger strands of the Shia past.

Citadel of Shia Imams

Book Description

Unfairly demonized by its adversaries—including the Sunni Arab countries, along with the US and EU—Iran is wary of the world's powers, after having been preyed upon to achieve other countries' political aims. Iranians are Shia Muslims, a minority sect comprising only 10 to 15% of the billion-plus Muslims in the world. Shias’ persecution and marginalization began in ancient times after the demise of the Prophet of Islam in 632, and has continued ever since. In modern times, their worldwide oppression has been spearheaded by Saudi Arabia—whose religion considers Shias to be apostates who deserve to be killed—and its allies, a persecution that began with the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which was followed by the unprovoked invasion of Iran by Iraq in 1980, and the successful defence of this invasion by Iran's revolutionary forces. Building upon this history, Iran, the Citadel of Shia Imams details the alarming aggression of the Sunni countries of the Middle East against the Shia-led regimes of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen—a relentless persecution of Shia Muslims and extreme injustice and aggression towards them, the details of which need to be brought to light. The unfortunate and reckless support of Saudi Arabia and its allies by the US and many other Western nations has perpetuated a blatant infringement upon the human rights of Iranians and Shia Muslims elsewhere. The oppression of Iranians continues in the form of toughened US sanctions, contrary to international law.

The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Politics and Ideology

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This comprehensive handbook examines relationships between religion, politics and ideology, with a focus on several world religions — Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism — in a variety of contexts, regions and countries. Relationships between religion, politics and ideology help mould people’s attitudes about the way that political systems, both domestically and internationally, are organised and operate. While conceptually separate, religion, politics and ideology often become intertwined and as a result their relationships evolve over time. This volume brings together a number of expert contributors who explore a wide range of topical and controversial issues, including gender, nationalism, communism, fascism, populism and Islamism. Such topics inform the overall aim of the handbook: to provide a comprehensive summary of the relationships between religion, politics and ideology, including basic issues and new approaches. This handbook is a major research resource for students, researchers and professionals from various disciplinary backgrounds, including religious studies, political science, international relations, and sociology.


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A compilation of lectures by Dr Ali Shariati on the concept of martyrdom, and the importance of martyrdom in Shi'ite ideologyThis book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Ahlulbayt Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. Ahlulbayt Organization ( is a registered Organization that operates and is sustained through collaborative efforts of volunteers in many countries around the world, and it welcomes your involvement and support. Its objectives are numerous, yet its main goal is to spread the truth about the Islamic faith in general and the Shi`a School of Thought in particular due to the latter being misrepresented, misunderstood and its tenets often assaulted by many ignorant folks, Muslims and non-Muslims. Organization's purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge through a global medium, the Internet, to locations where such resources are not commonly or easily accessible or are resented, resisted and fought! In addition, For a complete list of our published books please refer to our website ( or send us an email to [email protected]

The Shia Revival (Updated Edition)

Book Description

“Historically incisive, geographically broad-reaching, and brimming with illuminating anecdotes.” —Max Rodenbeck, New York Review of Books One of America’s leading commentators on current events in the Middle East, Iranian-born scholar Vali Nasr brilliantly dissects the political and theological antagonisms within Islam in this “smart, clear and timely” book (Washington Post). Still essential and still timely ten years after its original publication, The Shia Revival provides a unique and objective understanding of the 1,400-year bitter struggle between Shias and Sunnis and sheds crucial light on its modern-day consequences. A new epilogue elucidates the rise of ISIS and ongoing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Demystifying Shia Creed

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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Glory is to Allah Lord of the Worlds, Whose praise should precede all writing and every speech! May the blessings of Allah rest on Muhammad, His Prophet and Apostle, on his family and companions by whose guidance error I escaped! Before the reader is a priceless book written by Ayatullah Sayyid Abul Fadl bin Rida al- Borqei al - Qummi titled: Naqd al - Muraja'at (a critique of The Right Path). The book; the right path, was written by Sayyid Abdul Husain Sharafuddin al - Musawi, an Iraqi Shia scholar who settled in Lebanon, for the purpose of teaching the Shia that the truth to the righteousness of their creed are supported by Ahlus Sunnah texts and for the purpose of converting the ignorant, unsuspecting Ahlus Sunnah to Shia creed or at least to put doubt in their minds with their belief in Islam Many Muslim scholars have written replies and critiques to the book written by Abdul Husain (The Right Path), each one taking a particular form of methodology. The one before the reader is different in methodology to all other critiques and above all it was written by a former Shia scholar who has reached the position of an authority (Mujtahid) in the Shia Imamiyyah sect; and none can inform you about a thing other than a learned, expert in it.The book; The Right Path, is one of the books that the Shia Imamiyyah gives a lot of attention this days. It was translated into many languages and thousand of copies were printed and distributed free of charge. Today Shia counts this book among their main references. They gave more attention to this book because their four main books (of hadith and jurisprudence) and other books are full of things that blackened the Shia Imamiyyah, Ithna Ashriyyah sect for they contained a lot of shameful and corrupt creeds and it is impossible to say that what are narrated in those books is the religion of members of the Prophet's household. Thus, the book "The Right Guidance" and other books that are calling and inviting to Shiism hide the creed, superstitions, fairy tales, fables, exaggerations, and extremist creeds that those core Shia books contained. The author of this book, al - Borqei (may Allah have mercy on him), has mentioned a little of the contents of one of those books - which is al - Kafi by Kulaini - in this book.The author explained why he wrote the book thus: After all these situations one of those who love me sent to me a book titled Muraja'at (correspondences or letters - the book was translated into English under the title: The Right Path), he asked me to look into it and to sieve from it illusions from facts, it's scum from the reality. The book was written by Sayyid Abdul Huasain Sharafudden one of the scholars of Shia Imamiyyah, he claimed that the Shia sect is the school of thought of the progeny, people of the prophet's household. He composed the book into questions which he allegedly said were asked by a Sunni scholar and which he himself answered. The author of the book displayed distress and sorrow that each group of the Muslims sects held tenaciously to its creed and shows obstinacy against the other sect saying: "The reality of those brothers who are joined by one principle and one creed unfortunately display violent disagreements...and this induced distress and sorrow! So what is the way out?" He continued his digression saying: " I entered Egypt ...and met by luck one of it's greatest scholars...I complained to him about my feelings and he made similar complaints to me...that was a blessed period between us to ponder over ways by which Allah will unite our words, and mend with it the cracks in the Islamic community. Among the principles we agreed upon are that the two sect; Shia and Ahlus Sunnah are Muslims ...and their differences are not in the principles and the fundamentals...and there is no disagreement between them other than what occur between scholars who apply their independent judgments.

The Shia Revival: How Conflicts Within Islam Will Shape the Future

Book Description

Considers the ways in which struggles between the Shia and Sunni in the Middle East will affect the region's future, offering insight into the power conflicts between Iran and Saudi Arabia for political and spiritual leadership of the Muslim world.