The Young God Chasers

Book Description

- Leader's guide- Small Group Leader's discussion pages- Drama scripts- Illustrated pages to make overhead transparencies- Take-home pages - And much, much more Don't wait Start the adventure with Seeking the King.

The Young God Chasers

Book Description

The Young God Chasers curriculum has been designed to take children ages 5-11on a three-year adventure getting to know God and the Word. The curriculum isall-inclusive and is fully reproducible. (Christian)

The Dreamer

Book Description

The Dreamer Seeker's older sister, Moira, has dreams and longings in her heart about the future. Trapper and Fantasy convince her that only in the World Beyond the Kingdom will her dreams come true. But they have lied to Moira. She doesn't realize that the path she has chosen will end in the Valley of Lost Dreams. The Doorkeeper didn't stop the children with his usual question, "Do you REALLY want to see the King?" Instead, he quickly opened the door just in time for the army of children to race through. They slid down the shining hallwaynot for fun today, but just because it was faster than walkingand flung themselves through the door of the Throne Room. "King, King!" Seeker cried out. "Moira left the Kingdom!" "I know," the King said quietly. "You KNOW?!" Seeker exclaimed. "Then why don't you do something?! You have to go and get her and make her come back!" The King shook his head. "No, Seeker. Not until she really wants me to."

In Search of Wanderer

Book Description

In Search of Wanderer Through the window of the Secret Place, Seeker and his sister, Moira, discover the truth. Their father, Wanderer, has not been seen for two years. His disappearance was a mystery. Now Seeker and his sister must do all they can to rescue Wanderer... before it's too late! Two incredibly ugly dragons snarled as they came to stand by Wanderer. The dragons laughed viciously as they pulled the chains tighter, but Wanderer didn't seem to notice. He was almost asleep... When Seeker saw the awful creatures beside his father, courage filled his heart! He would do battle in the name of the King! Seeker began to roll up his sleeves when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. "No, Seeker," said the King. "Not this time." Moira turned to the King in desperation. "But, King, that's our father! We can't just leave him there! Isn't there something we can do to help him?!" The King looked at Seeker and Moira's earnest young faces, and nodded. "Yes. There is something you can do..."

Armor of Light

Book Description

Armor of LightThrough the Window of the Secret Place the King shows Seeker and his friends the Land of Darkness. They see a child called NoName who is being held captive by two terribly disgusting dragons: Anger and Abuse. The King gives Seeker the Armor of Light and sends him to bring NoName...out of the Darkness and into the light!Suddenly...

The Wild Ones

Book Description

Wild Ones, Arise! There is a move of God that is stirring and a remnant has heard the call—Wild, radical lovers of Jesus that have been hidden for far too long. Once the burnt out. The outcast. The voiceless and muzzled. Now they arise as the burning ones to release the word of the Lord and fire of Heaven into the four corners of...

Secrets of the Secret Place: Companion Study Guide (Legacy Edition)

Book Description

Companion Study Guide Legacy Edition: Use this Companion Study Guide for both personal and group study. Group study will be more effective if each person gets their own copy of both Secrets and the Companion Study Guide. This Study Guide will help you go deeper with the Lord, and will help you glean the things the Lord is speaking to you personally. It also provides clear guidelines for leading small groups in a study of Secrets. Used together, these two books comprise an unparalleled equipping tool for moving believers into the incredible joys of pursuing an intimate relationship with Christ. Go after Jesus together with your friends!

Race for Freedom

Book Description

Jordan escaped slavery once. Must he escape again? Ashadowy figure lurks on the dark riverfront near the Christina. Libby is sure that it must be the cruel slave trader Riggs, who has vowed that no slave of his will ever escape alive. Does Riggs suspect that the runaway Jordan is hiding on her pa’s steamboat? Track Libby, Caleb, and Jordan in the second book of the Freedom Seeker’s series as they race to keep Jordon free from the clutches of slavery. Libby and Caleb scan the crowds of passengers bound for the Minnesota Territory. Has Riggs slipped by and boarded the Christina unnoticed? From the golden age of steamboats, the rush of immigrants to new lands, and the dangers of the Underground Railroad come true-to-life stories of courage, integrity, and suspense in the Freedom Seekers series.

The God Chasers

Book Description

What is a God chaser? A God chaser is an individual whose hunger exceeds his reach. A God chaser is a person whose passion for God's presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch him. A child chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. The pursuer becomes the captive; the pursued the captor. -- Back Cover.

God Chasers

Book Description

Does your heart yearn to have an intimate relationship with your Lord? Perhaps you long to draw closer to your heavenly Father, but you don't know how or where to start. The God Chasers Expanded Edition will help you begin a journey that will change your life.