Theology from Listening: Finding the Core of Liberal Quaker Theological Thought

Book Description

Rhiannon Grant explores continuities in liberal Quaker theology through close analysis of material produced by Quaker meetings and individuals. She concludes that liberal Quaker theology possesses a core claim: the belief that direct, unmediated contact with the Divine is possible.

The Quaker World

Book Description

The Quaker World is an outstanding, comprehensive and lively introduction to this complex Christian denomination. Exploring the global reach of the Quaker community, the book begins with a discussion of the living community, as it is now, in all its diversity and complexity. The book covers well-known areas of Quaker development, such as the formation of Liberal Quakerism in North America, alongside topics which have received much less scholarly attention in the past, such as the history of Quakers in Bolivia and the spread of Quakerism in Western Kenya. It includes over sixty chapters by a distinguished international and interdisciplinary team of contributors and is organised into three clear parts: Global Quakerism Spirituality Embodiment Within these sections, key themes are examined, including global Quaker activity, significant Quaker movements, biographies of key religious figures, important organisations, pacifism, politics, the abolition of slavery, education, industry, human rights, racism, refugees, gender, disability, sexuality and environmentalism. The Quaker World provides an authoritative and accessible source of information on all topics important to Quaker Studies. As such, it is essential reading for students studying world religions, Christianity and comparative religion, and it will also be of interest to those in related fields such as sociology, political science, anthropology and ethics.

James Nayler and the Quest for Historic Quaker Identity

Book Description

Scholars continue to dispute the foundations of Quakerism. James Nayler, his prophetic Bristol 'sign' of 1656, and George Fox's relation to him have been of especial interest in defining the movement's identity. Conventionally, historians and theologians have taken either a 'traditional' approach, which assesses Nayler by the standards of orthodoxy, or a 'revisionist' one, which absolves him by the standards of early Quaker relativism and Christology. This study by Euan David McArthur mediates between these positions, finding that Nayler and Fox developed an ambiguous theology, but adopted a consistent approach to Quaker performances. The latter dissuaded against performances such as Nayler's 'sign'; Nayler is argued, instead, to have diverged from other Quaker leaders following disputations between 1655 and 1656. The lessons his person and actions hold for us are concluded to be complex, but worthy of study for a wide range of historians and thinkers.

Quaker Quicks - Hearing the Light

Book Description

Quaker Quicks - Hearing the Light begins with the foundations of Quaker theology, which is based in the Quaker method of unprogrammed, silent worship. This act of gathering as a community to wait and listen to God is at the heart of Quakerism and essential to understanding Quaker theology, which is embedded in the practice as well as explained by it. Rhiannon Grant shows how Central Quaker theological claims, such as that everyone has that of God within them, that God offers support and guidance to all who choose to listen, and that Quakers as a community are led by God to treat everyone equally, resist war, and live simply, can be understood through a consideration of this distinctive worship practice. Rhiannon Grant also explores what it means to say that this form of theology is liberal - although many Quakers are politically liberal, they have also been called "conservative radicals" (Kenneth Boulding), and the liberalism involved is not mainly political but an attitude towards diversity of thought, opinion, and especially religious belief. While united by the practice of unprogrammed worship, Quakers have no written creed and no specific beliefs are required of members. Instead, there is a prevailing attitude of continued searching, an acceptance that new evidence may appear, and a willingness to learn from others, including members of other faith communities. At a time of great religious and political division, this radical approach to faith and learning that Grant sheds light upon, has never been more prescient.

Liberal Quaker Reconciliation Theology: A Constructive Approach

Book Description

This work brings the fields of Christian theologies of atonement and reconciliation and Liberal Quaker theology into dialogue, and lays the foundation for developing an original Liberal Quaker reconciliation theology. This dialogue focuses specifically on the metaphorical language employed to describe the relationship of interdependence between humans and God, which both traditions hold as integral to their conceptions of human and divine existence. It focuses on these areas: the sin of human division and exclusion; atonement and reunification of humans and God as a response to sin; and the metaphors Liberal Quaker use to describe this interdependent relationship, specifically the metaphor of Light. This unique approach develops an original model of reconciliatory interdependence between humans and God that is rooted in both Christological and Universalist Liberal Quaker metaphorical and theological categories and utilizes the Liberal Quaker language of God as interdependent Light towards a new theology.

Kissing Fish

Book Description

Christianity receives a lot of attention in the media, but the most frequently discussed version represents a type of Christianity that sometimes turns people away from the Church. Kissing Fish presents a postmodern systematic theology of progressive Christianity, a growing movement that reclaims the radical message of the Gospel. This informative, contemplative, and entertaining book will guide you through the beliefs that inspire us to love one another in the transformative way that Jesus proclaimed, including practices that will take your faith to a new level. Kissing Fish is a scholarly yet thoroughly accessible introduction to progressive Christianity. While the intended target audience for this work would seem to be those who have either left the Christian faith or never adopted it at all; the work is filled with pearls of wisdom for all of us, whether associated with Christianity or not. Kissing Fish is a truly remarkable work, serving both as a reminder of the beauty and grace that form the central tenets of the faith, while offering a graceful yet prophetic rebuttal to its more exclusionary tendencies. Kissing Fish is part theological text and part tell-all personal spiritual journey. Imagine a down-to-earth combination of the works of Marcus Borg, Anne Lamott, Jim Wallis, Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Diana Butler-Bass, Brian McLaren, Walter Wink, Wes Howard-Brook, and Donald Miller. A profound romp that informs and inspires.

Pentecostal Ecclesiology

Book Description

This reader in Pentecostal ecclesiology, edited by Chris Green, brings together in a single volume a number of critically important previously-published essays written by leading Pentecostal and charismatic scholars addressing the theology of the church, sacraments, and ministry in the Pentecostal/charismatic traditions. Contributors include: Estrelda Alexander, Peter Althouse, Jonathan E. Alvarado, Ken Archer, Daniela Augustine, Simon Chan, Graciela Esparza, Jenny Everts, Chris E. W. Green, Walter Hollenweger, Cheryl Bridges Johns, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Andy Lord, Frank Macchia, Clark Pinnock, Margaret M. Poloma, Lisa Stephenson, Wolfgang Vondey, and Amos Yong.

Quaker Quicks - Quakers Do What! Why?

Book Description

Structured around questions which non-Quakers often ask, this book explores Quaker practices, explaining them in the context of Quaker theology and present-day diversity. It describes how Quakers make decisions and why they have preferred this method, as well as looking at the Quaker rejection of common Christian practices like baptism. Each short chapter gives an answer, considers why that is so, describes some of the diversity within Quaker groups, and points to other resources which could be used to find out more.

British Quakers and Religious Language

Book Description

In British Quakers and Religious Language, Rhiannon Grant explores the ways in which this community discusses the Divine. She identifies characteristic patterns of language use and uncovers the philosophical and theological claims that support these patterns.

The Unheard Voice of God

Book Description

With the wealth of colorful characters described in the book of Judges, scholars and general readers alike have a strong fascination for Israel’s leaders in its earliest days. Theologians and biblical scholars from Luther on have found it difficult to relate to these figures. From a Pentecostal point of view, in particular, those characters can sometimes be an embarrassment, as their personal lives appear to be in stark tension with the purity-conscious, holy life to be expected of those touched by the Spirit of God. Apart from the moments of power, where is God in the lives of these characters? As the title suggests, it is time to listen and learn from God’s role and perspective in these stories, who in faithfulness to his covenant acts with constant patience to save his flawed servants. Through a fresh hearing of The Unheard Voice of God the positive message of the book of Judges can become more apparent and accessible. Readers are shown a crucial part of the book’s dynamics which they may have missed.