Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

Active galactic nuclei (AGN), the most powerful objects in the universe, continue to receive a great deal of attention from observational astronomers & theorists. This book collects the results presented at a meeting held at Georgia State University in May 1990 on the topic of variability in active galactic nuclei. It is clear that careful analysis of variability over many wave bands is likely to give clues to the nature of the central engine in AGN. The contributions are grouped in themes: multifrequency variability, UV-optical-IR variability, radio variability, & X-ray variability. One of the most exciting results reported here is that many blazars exhibit micro-variability. There is an important group of papers on NGC 5548 & other Seyfert galaxies. The meeting in Atlanta provided the first opportunity for discussion for those who participated in the worldwide campaign to observe NGC 5548, & new results are also announced for many quasars, Seyfert galaxies, BL Lacertae objects, & radio galaxies. The observational data are interspersed with theoretical insights that enable us to better understand the physical conditions & processes in galactic nuclei, including giant black holes thought to lurk in their cores.

Relativistic Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

Written by a carefully selected consortium of researchers working in the field, this book fills the gap for an up-to-date summary of the observational and theoretical status. As such, this monograph includes all used wavelengths, from radio to gamma, the FERMI telescope, a history and theory refresher, and jets from gamma ray bursts. For astronomers, nuclear physicists, and plasmaphysicists.

Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

This volume summarizes recent developments in our understanding of active galactic nuclei, including quasars, seyfert galaxies and radio galaxies. The predominant emphasis is put on observational results with information from essentially all wave bands, but important theoretical results are also presented. Among the contributions are discussions of the different types of active galaxies, the nature of the central engine, the wiggly structure of radio jets, the dynamics of the gas in jets, the study of millimeter and extreme ultraviolet regions, and a discussion of the observed continuum of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The intended readers are professional astronomers and astrophysicists as well as graduate students in this field of research.

Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

This volume summarizes recent developments in our understanding of active galactic nuclei, including quasars, seyfert galaxies and radio galaxies. The predominant emphasis is put on observational results with information from essentially all wave bands, but important theoretical results are also presented. Among the contributions are discussions of the different types of active galaxies, the nature of the central engine, the wiggly structure of radio jets, the dynamics of the gas in jets, the study of millimeter and extreme ultraviolet regions, and a discussion of the observed continuum of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The intended readers are professional astronomers and astrophysicists as well as graduate students in this field of research.

X-ray Studies of the Central Engine in Active Galactic Nuclei with Suzaku

Book Description

The aim of this research was to use the X-ray satellite Suzaku to establish a picture of a central engine that effectively converts the gravitational energy of accreting matter onto the supermassive black hole to a huge amount of radiation in an active galactic nucleus. Although the engine is known to consist of a Comptonizing corona and an accretion disk, its image has remained unclear because primary emissions, coming directly from the engine, cannot be identified in X-ray spectra without models. The book describes a technique of time variability assisted spectral decomposition to model-independently examine X-ray signals, and how this was applied to the Suzaku archive data of active galactic nuclei. As a result, at least three distinct primary X-ray components have been discovered in an X-ray from an active galactic nucleus, presumably indicating a novel picture that the engine is composed of multiple coronae with different physical properties in an accretion flow. Furthermore, the determination of the spectral shapes of the primary X-rays has a significant impact on estimations of black hole spins, because it is essential to quantify reprocessed X-ray spectra. The successful model-independent decomposition of X-ray spectral components with flux variations of active galactic nuclei is likely to be effective in future data analyses from the soon-to-be-launched Japanese X-ray satellite ASTRO-H, which is capable of achieving unprecedented fine spectros copy and broad energy band coverage.

The Formation and Disruption of Black Hole Jets

Book Description

This book reviews the phenomenology displayed by relativistic jets as well as the most recent theoretical efforts to understand the physical mechanisms at their origin. Relativistic jets have been observed and studied in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) for about half a century and are believed to be fueled by accretion onto a supermassive black hole at the center of the host galaxy. Since the first discovery of relativistic jets associated with so-called "micro-quasars" much more recently, it has seemed clear that much of the physics governing the relativistic outflows in stellar X-ray binaries harboring black holes and in AGN must be common, but acting on very different spatial and temporal scales. With new observational and theoretical results piling up every day, this book attempts to synthesize a consistent, unified physical picture of the formation and disruption of jets in accreting black-hole systems. The chapters in this book offer overviews accessible not only to specialists but also to graduate students and astrophysicists working in other areas. Covered topics comprise Relativistic jets in stellar systems Launching of AGN jets Parsec-scale AGN jets Kiloparsec-scale AGN jets Black hole magnetospheres Theory of relativistic jets The structure and dynamics of the inner accretion disk The origin of the jet magnetic field X-ray observations, phenomenology, and connection with theory

An Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

How can we test if a supermassive black hole lies at the heart of every active galactic nucleus? What are LINERS, BL Lacs, N galaxies, broad-line radio galaxies and radio-quiet quasars and how do they compare? This timely textbook answers these questions in a clear, comprehensive and self-contained introduction to active galactic nuclei - for graduate students in astronomy and physics. The study of AGN is one of the most dynamic areas of contemporary astronomy, involving one fifth of all research astronomers. This textbook provides a systematic review of the observed properties of AGN across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, examines the underlying physics, and shows how the brightest AGN, quasars, can be used to probe the farthest reaches of the Universe. This book serves as both an entry point to the research literature and as a valuable reference for researchers in the field.