Theoretical Challenges in the Dynamics of Complex Fluids

Book Description

No-one who took part in the NATO Advanced Studies Institute from which this book emerges will have forgotten the experience. True, the necessary conditions for a very successful workshop were satisfied: a field of physics bursting with new power and new puzzles, a matchless team of lecturers, an international gathering of students many of whom had themselves contributed at the forefront of their subject, an admirable overlap of experiment and theory, a good mix of experimenters and theorists, an enviable environment. But who could have foreseen the way the workshop became a focus for future directions, how fresh scientific ideas tumbled out of the discussion periods, how the context of teaching the field produced such fruitfulness of research at the highest level? The organisers did have some specific aims in mind. Perhaps foremost was the desire to compare notes among different areas within the sub field of soft condensed matter physics fast becoming known as "complex fluids". For readers seeking a definition, the prosaic "fluids with bits in" can be passed rapidly over in favour of the elegant discussion of slow variables by Scott Milner in his chapter. The uniting goals of the subject are to model the essential molecular or mesoscopic structure theoretically, and to probe this structure as well as the bulk response of the system experimentally. Our famous examples were: colloids, polymers, liquid crystals, block co-polymers and self-assembling surfactant systems.

Complex Fluids in Biological Systems

Book Description

This book serves as an introduction to the continuum mechanics and mathematical modeling of complex fluids in living systems. The form and function of living systems are intimately tied to the nature of surrounding fluid environments, which commonly exhibit nonlinear and history dependent responses to forces and displacements. With ever-increasing capabilities in the visualization and manipulation of biological systems, research on the fundamental phenomena, models, measurements, and analysis of complex fluids has taken a number of exciting directions. In this book, many of the world’s foremost experts explore key topics such as: Macro- and micro-rheological techniques for measuring the material properties of complex biofluids and the subtleties of data interpretation Experimental observations and rheology of complex biological materials, including mucus, cell membranes, the cytoskeleton, and blood The motility of microorganisms in complex fluids and the dynamics of active suspensions Challenges and solutions in the numerical simulation of biologically relevant complex fluid flows This volume will be accessible to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in engineering, mathematics, biology, and the physical sciences, but will appeal to anyone interested in the intricate and beautiful nature of complex fluids in the context of living systems.

New Approaches to Problems in Liquid State Theory

Book Description

The theory of simple and complex fluids has made considerable recent progress, due to the emergence of new concepts and theoretical tools, and also to the availability of a large body of new experimental data on increas ingly complex systems, as well as far-reaching methodological developments in numerical simulations. This AS! aimed at providing a comprehensive overview of the most significant theoretical developments, supplemented by a few presentations of cutting-edge simulation and experimental work. The impact of the Institute in the overall landscape of Statistical Mechanics received an important recognition with its inclusion in the list of satellite events of STATPHYS20, the triennal international conference on Statistical Physics held in Paris in July 1998. These Proceedings contain the texts of the 13 Lecture Courses and 9 Invited Seminars delivered at Patti. Two clear trends emerge from these Proceedings: first, the diversity of new and unexpected theoretical results relating to classic models of liq uids, which have recently been subjected to fresh scrutiny; and secondly the parallel emergence of new concepts, models and methods, aimed at investigating complex fluids and phenomena, like the phase behaviour of fluids in pores, macromolecular assemblies, and the glass transition. Many of the new tools have their roots in traditional liquid state theory, and, in conjunction with fresh input from related fields, allow it wider applicability.

Dynamics and Patterns in Complex Fluids

Book Description

The fourth Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, devoted to the topic of dynamics and patterns in complex fluids, was held on October 26 and 27, 1989, in Nishinomiya City, Japan, where ten invited speakers gave their lectures. A one-day meeting, comprising short talks and poster sessions, was then held on the same topic on October 28 at the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University. The present volume contains the 10 invited papers and 38 contributed papers presented at these two meetings. The symposium was sponsored by Nishinomiya City, where Prof. Hideki Yukawa once lived and where he wrote the celebrated paper describing the work that was later honored by a Nobel prize. The topic of the fourth symposium was chosen from one of the most vigorously evolving and highly interdisciplinary fields in condensed matter physics. The field of complex fluids is very diverse and still in its infancy and, as a result, the definition of a complex fluid varies greatly from one researcher to the next. One of the objectives of the symposium was to clarify its definition by explicitly posing a number of potentially rich problems waiting to be explored. Indeed, experimentalists are disclosing a variety of intriguing dynamical phenomena in complex systems such as polymers, liquid crystals, gels, colloids, and surfactant systems. We, the organizers, hope that the symposium will contribute to the increasing importance of the field in the coming years.

Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Many introductions to fluid dynamics offer an illustrative approach that demonstrates some aspects of fluid behavior, but often leave you without the tools necessary to confront new problems. For more than a decade, Fluid Dynamics: Theoretical and Computational Approaches has supplied these missing tools with a constructive approach that mad

Drop, Bubble and Particle Dynamics in Complex Fluids

Book Description

The presence of drops, bubbles, and particles affects the behavior and response of complex multiphase fluids. In many applications, these complex fluids have more than one non-Newtonian component, e.g., polymer melts, liquid crystals, and blood plasma. In fact, most fluids exhibit non-Newtonian behaviors, such as yield stress, viscoelastity, viscoplasticity, shear thinning, or shear thickening, under certain flow conditions. Even in the complex fluids composed of Newtonian components, the coupling between different components and the evolution of internal boundaries often lead to a complex rheology. Thus the dynamics of drops, bubbles, and particles in both Newtonian fluids and non-Newtonian fluids are crucial to the understanding of the macroscopic behavior of complex fluids. This Special Issue aims to gather a wide variety of papers that focus on drop, bubble and particle dynamics in complex fluids. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, drop deformation, rising drops, pair-wise drop interactions, drop migration in channel flows, and the interaction of particles with flow systems such as pastes and slurries, glasses, suspensions, and emulsions. We emphasize numerical simulations, but also welcome experimental and theoretical contributions.

Dynamics Of Complex Fluids: Proceedings Of The Second Royal Society-unilever Indo-uk Forum In Materials Science And Engineering

Book Description

This volume records the presentations and discussions at the Second Royal Society-Unilever Indo-UK Forum on 'Dynamics of Complex Fluids' which was the culmination of the six-month programme on this topic organised at the Issac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University.The authors of this important volume present an up-to-date, wide-ranging view on developments in the analysis of complex fluid behaviour. Emphasis is placed upon the relation between small-scale structure and large-scale response: this brings together the approaches of molecular physics and continuum mechanics.Experiments, constitutive models and computer simulations are combined to yield new insights into the flow behaviour of polymer melts and solutions, colloidal and neutral particle suspensions, and pastes and soils.