Theory of Stein Spaces

Book Description

1. The classical theorem of Mittag-Leffler was generalized to the case of several complex variables by Cousin in 1895. In its one variable version this says that, if one prescribes the principal parts of a merom orphic function on a domain in the complex plane e, then there exists a meromorphic function defined on that domain having exactly those principal parts. Cousin and subsequent authors could only prove the analogous theorem in several variables for certain types of domains (e. g. product domains where each factor is a domain in the complex plane). In fact it turned out that this problem can not be solved on an arbitrary domain in em, m ~ 2. The best known example for this is a "notched" bicylinder in 2 2 e . This is obtained by removing the set { (z , z ) E e 11 z I ~ !, I z 1 ~ !}, from 1 2 1 2 2 the unit bicylinder, ~ :={(z , z ) E e llz1

Theory of Stein Spaces

Book Description

From the reviews: "Theory of Stein Spaces provides a rich variety of methods, results, and motivations - a book with masterful mathematical care and judgement. It is a pleasure to have this fundamental material now readily accessible to any serious mathematician." --J. Eells in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (1980)

Theory of Stein Spaces

Book Description

Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings

Book Description

This book, now in a carefully revised second edition, provides an up-to-date account of Oka theory, including the classical Oka-Grauert theory and the wide array of applications to the geometry of Stein manifolds. Oka theory is the field of complex analysis dealing with global problems on Stein manifolds which admit analytic solutions in the absence of topological obstructions. The exposition in the present volume focuses on the notion of an Oka manifold introduced by the author in 2009. It explores connections with elliptic complex geometry initiated by Gromov in 1989, with the Andersén-Lempert theory of holomorphic automorphisms of complex Euclidean spaces and of Stein manifolds with the density property, and with topological methods such as homotopy theory and the Seiberg-Witten theory. Researchers and graduate students interested in the homotopy principle in complex analysis will find this book particularly useful. It is currently the only work that offers a comprehensive introduction to both the Oka theory and the theory of holomorphic automorphisms of complex Euclidean spaces and of other complex manifolds with large automorphism groups.

Real Analysis

Book Description

Real Analysis is the third volume in the Princeton Lectures in Analysis, a series of four textbooks that aim to present, in an integrated manner, the core areas of analysis. Here the focus is on the development of measure and integration theory, differentiation and integration, Hilbert spaces, and Hausdorff measure and fractals. This book reflects the objective of the series as a whole: to make plain the organic unity that exists between the various parts of the subject, and to illustrate the wide applicability of ideas of analysis to other fields of mathematics and science. After setting forth the basic facts of measure theory, Lebesgue integration, and differentiation on Euclidian spaces, the authors move to the elements of Hilbert space, via the L2 theory. They next present basic illustrations of these concepts from Fourier analysis, partial differential equations, and complex analysis. The final part of the book introduces the reader to the fascinating subject of fractional-dimensional sets, including Hausdorff measure, self-replicating sets, space-filling curves, and Besicovitch sets. Each chapter has a series of exercises, from the relatively easy to the more complex, that are tied directly to the text. A substantial number of hints encourage the reader to take on even the more challenging exercises. As with the other volumes in the series, Real Analysis is accessible to students interested in such diverse disciplines as mathematics, physics, engineering, and finance, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Also available, the first two volumes in the Princeton Lectures in Analysis:

Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces (PMS-32), Volume 32

Book Description

The authors present a unified treatment of basic topics that arise in Fourier analysis. Their intention is to illustrate the role played by the structure of Euclidean spaces, particularly the action of translations, dilatations, and rotations, and to motivate the study of harmonic analysis on more general spaces having an analogous structure, e.g., symmetric spaces.

Stein Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings

Book Description

The main theme of this book is the homotopy principle for holomorphic mappings from Stein manifolds to the newly introduced class of Oka manifolds. The book contains the first complete account of Oka-Grauert theory and its modern extensions, initiated by Mikhail Gromov and developed in the last decade by the author and his collaborators. Included is the first systematic presentation of the theory of holomorphic automorphisms of complex Euclidean spaces, a survey on Stein neighborhoods, connections between the geometry of Stein surfaces and Seiberg-Witten theory, and a wide variety of applications ranging from classical to contemporary.

Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables

Book Description

The theory of analytic functions of several complex variables enjoyed a period of remarkable development in the middle part of the twentieth century. This title intends to provide an extensive introduction to the Oka-Cartan theory and some of its applications, and to the general theory of analytic spaces.

Coherent Analytic Sheaves

Book Description

... Je mehr ich tiber die Principien der Functionentheorie nachdenke - und ich thue dies unablassig -, urn so fester wird meine Uberzeugung, dass diese auf dem Fundamente algebraischer Wahrheiten aufgebaut werden muss (WEIERSTRASS, Glaubensbekenntnis 1875, Math. Werke II, p. 235). 1. Sheaf Theory is a general tool for handling questions which involve local solutions and global patching. "La notion de faisceau s'introduit parce qu'il s'agit de passer de donnees 'locales' a l'etude de proprietes 'globales'" [CAR], p. 622. The methods of sheaf theory are algebraic. The notion of a sheaf was first introduced in 1946 by J. LERAY in a short note Eanneau d'homologie d'une representation, C.R. Acad. Sci. 222, 1366-68. Of course sheaves had occurred implicitly much earlier in mathematics. The "Monogene analytische Functionen", which K. WEIERSTRASS glued together from "Func tionselemente durch analytische Fortsetzung", are simply the connected components of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions on a RIEMANN surface*'; and the "ideaux de domaines indetermines", basic in the work of K. OKA since 1948 (cf. [OKA], p. 84, 107), are just sheaves of ideals of germs of holomorphic functions. Highly original contributions to mathematics are usually not appreciated at first. Fortunately H. CARTAN immediately realized the great importance of LERAY'S new abstract concept of a sheaf. In the polycopied notes of his Semina ire at the E.N.S

Advances in Analysis

Book Description

Princeton University's Elias Stein was the first mathematician to see the profound interconnections that tie classical Fourier analysis to several complex variables and representation theory. His fundamental contributions include the Kunze-Stein phenomenon, the construction of new representations, the Stein interpolation theorem, the idea of a restriction theorem for the Fourier transform, and the theory of Hp Spaces in several variables. Through his great discoveries, through books that have set the highest standard for mathematical exposition, and through his influence on his many collaborators and students, Stein has changed mathematics. Drawing inspiration from Stein’s contributions to harmonic analysis and related topics, this volume gathers papers from internationally renowned mathematicians, many of whom have been Stein’s students. The book also includes expository papers on Stein’s work and its influence. The contributors are Jean Bourgain, Luis Caffarelli, Michael Christ, Guy David, Charles Fefferman, Alexandru D. Ionescu, David Jerison, Carlos Kenig, Sergiu Klainerman, Loredana Lanzani, Sanghyuk Lee, Lionel Levine, Akos Magyar, Detlef Müller, Camil Muscalu, Alexander Nagel, D. H. Phong, Malabika Pramanik, Andrew S. Raich, Fulvio Ricci, Keith M. Rogers, Andreas Seeger, Scott Sheffield, Luis Silvestre, Christopher D. Sogge, Jacob Sturm, Terence Tao, Christoph Thiele, Stephen Wainger, and Steven Zelditch.