Thermal Neutron Capture Gamma-rays

Book Description

The energy and intensity of gamma rays as seen in thermal neutron capture are presented. Only those (n, .cap alpha.), E = thermal, reactions for which the residual nucleus mass number is greater than or equal to 45 are included. These correspond to evaluations published in Nuclear Data Sheets. The publication source data are contained in the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF). The data presented here do not involve any additional evaluation. Appendix I lists all the residual nuclides for which the data are included here. Appendix II gives a cumulated index to A-chain evaluations including the year of publication. The capture gamma ray data are given in two tables - the Table 1 is the list of all gamma rays seen in (n, .gamma.) reaction given in the order of increasing energy; the Table II lists the gamma rays according to the nuclide.

Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

Book Description

The post World War II era witnessed a tremendous growth in the research carried out in neutron-induced reactions and especially in neutron capture y-ray studies. This growth was stimulated by the availability of neutron sources, such as reactors and accelerators, and by the development of high resolution y-ray and conversion electron detectors. Today the combination of high flux reactors and precise instrumentation has produced spectral data of exceptional quality, as the pages of these proceedings illustrate. The world-wide community of the practioners of the art of cap ture y-ray spectroscopy has met three times in the last decade: the first international symposium on this subject was held at Studsvik, Sweden in 1969, and the second at Petten, The Netherlands in 1974. A smaller meeting, of mostly u. S. and some European parti cipation, was held at Argonne National Laboratory in 1966. A perusal of the proceedings of these meetings shows the striking ad vances in this now mature field of physics over the last dozen years. Each meeting has seen a small but perceptible increase in the number of papers presented and the number of laboratories repre sented. More importantly, each meeting has documented the increasing impact of (n,y) reasearch, not only on other areas of basic physics, but also on commercial and medical applications of this technology. A total of 29 invited papers and 97 contributed papers were presented at this symposium.