The Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Sodium and Sodium Vapor

Book Description

The thermodynamic properties for the saturated and superheated phases of sodium are presented in tabular form and as a Mollier diagram. The density, thermal conductivity, viscosity, specific heat, and surface tension of the metal are given by tables and charts. The methods used in determining the properties are discussed.

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Sodium Liquid and Vapor

Book Description

Data have been reviewed to obtain thermodynamically consistent equations for thermodynamic and transport properties of saturated sodium liquid and vapor. Recently published Russian recommendations and results of equation of state calculations on thermophysical properties of sodium have been included in this critical assessment. Thermodynamic properties of sodium liquid and vapor that have been assessed include: enthalpy, heat capacity at constant pressure, heat capacity at constant volume, vapor pressure, boiling point, enthalpy of vaporization, density, thermal expansion, adiabatic and isothermal compressibility, speed of sound, critical parameters, and surface tension. Transport properties of liquid sodium that have been assessed include: viscosity and thermal conductivity. For each property, recommended values and their uncertainties are graphed and tabulated as functions of temperature. Detailed discussions of the analyses and determinations of the recommended equations include comparisons with recommendations given in other assessments and explanations of consistency requirements. The rationale and methods used in determining the uncertainties in the recommended values are also discussed.

The Equilibrium Composition and Thermodynamic Properties of Sodium Vapor from 400 Degrees to 10,000 Degrees K

Book Description

The thermodynamic properties and equilibrium composition of sodium vapor at densities from 10 to the 6th power to 1 amagat are presented for temperatures from 400 to 10,000 K. The calculations were made using the ideal gas approximation. Dissociation and ionization were taken into account, but no correction was made for intermolecular forces and for the lowering of the ionization potential. The method of making these calculations is described in detail. (Author).

Computer Codes Used in the Calculation of High-temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Sodium

Book Description

Three computer codes - SODIPROP, NAVAPOR, and NASUPER - were written in order to calculate a self-consistent set of thermodynamic properties for saturated, subcooled, and superheated sodium. These calculations incorporate new critical parameters (temperature, pressure, and density) and recently derived single equations for enthalpy and vapor pressure. The following thermodynamic properties have been calculated in these codes: enthalpy, heat capacity, entropy, vapor pressure, heat of vaporization, density, volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, compressibility, and thermal pressure coefficient. In the code SODIPROP, these properties are calculated for saturated and subcooled liquid sodium. Thermodynamic properties of saturated sodium vapor are calculated in the code NAVAPOR. The code NASUPER calculates thermodynamic properties for super-heated sodium vapor only for low (