Thermomechanics of Continua

Book Description

The notion of continuum thermodynamics, adopted in this book, is primarily understood as a strategy for development of continuous models of various physical systems. The examples of such a strategy presented in the book have both the classical character (e. g. thermoelastic materials, viscous fluids, mixtures) and the extended one (ideal gases, Maxwellian fluids, thermoviscoelastic solids etc. ). The latter has been limited intentionally to non-relativistic models; many important relativistic applications of the true extended thermodynamics will not be considered but can be found in the other sources. The notion of extended thermodynamics is also adopted in a less strict sense than suggested by the founders. For instance, in some cases we allow the constitutive dependence not only on the fields themselves but also on some derivatives. In this way, the new thermodynamical models may have some features of the usual nonequilibrium models and some of those of the extended models. This deviation from the strategy of extended thermodynamics is motivated by practical aspects; frequently the technical considerations of extended thermodynamics are so involved that one can no longer see important physical properties of the systems. This book has a different form from that usually found in books on continuum mechanics and continuum thermodynamics. The presentation of the formal structure of continuum thermodynamics is not always as rigorous as a mathematician might anticipate and the choice of physical subjects is too disperse to make a physicist happy.

The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua

Book Description

The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua presents a unified treatment of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics that emphasises the universal status of the basic balances and the entropy imbalance. These laws are viewed as fundamental building blocks on which to frame theories of material behaviour. As a valuable reference source, this book presents a detailed and complete treatment of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics for graduates and advanced undergraduates in engineering, physics and mathematics. The chapters on plasticity discuss the standard isotropic theories and, in addition, crystal plasticity and gradient plasticity.

Galilean Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua

Book Description

This title proposes a unified approach to continuum mechanics which is consistent with Galilean relativity. Based on the notion of affine tensors, a simple generalization of the classical tensors, this approach allows gathering the usual mechanical entities — mass, energy, force, moment, stresses, linear and angular momentum — in a single tensor. Starting with the basic subjects, and continuing through to the most advanced topics, the authors' presentation is progressive, inductive and bottom-up. They begin with the concept of an affine tensor, a natural extension of the classical tensors. The simplest types of affine tensors are the points of an affine space and the affine functions on this space, but there are more complex ones which are relevant for mechanics − torsors and momenta. The essential point is to derive the balance equations of a continuum from a unique principle which claims that these tensors are affine-divergence free.

The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continuous Media

Book Description

From the reviews: "The book is excellent, and covers a very broad area (usually treated as separate topics) from a unified perspective. [...] It will be very useful for both mathematicians and physicists." EMS Newsletter

Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Book Description

Treats subjects directly related to nonlinear materials modeling for graduate students and researchers in physics, materials science, chemistry and engineering.

A Geometric Approach to Thermomechanics of Dissipating Continua

Book Description

Across the centuries, the development and growth of mathematical concepts have been strongly stimulated by the needs of mechanics. Vector algebra was developed to describe the equilibrium of force systems and originated from Stevin's experiments (1548-1620). Vector analysis was then introduced to study velocity fields and force fields. Classical dynamics required the differential calculus developed by Newton (1687). Nevertheless, the concept of particle acceleration was the starting point for introducing a structured spacetime. Instantaneous velocity involved the set of particle positions in space. Vector algebra theory was not sufficient to compare the different velocities of a particle in the course of time. There was a need to (parallel) transport these velocities at a single point before any vector algebraic operation. The appropriate mathematical structure for this transport was the connection. I The Euclidean connection derived from the metric tensor of the referential body was the only connection used in mechanics for over two centuries. Then, major steps in the evolution of spacetime concepts were made by Einstein in 1905 (special relativity) and 1915 (general relativity) by using Riemannian connection. Slightly later, nonrelativistic spacetime which includes the main features of general relativity I It took about one and a half centuries for connection theory to be accepted as an independent theory in mathematics. Major steps for the connection concept are attributed to a series of findings: Riemann 1854, Christoffel 1869, Ricci 1888, Levi-Civita 1917, WeyJ 1918, Cartan 1923, Eshermann 1950.

Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Book Description

This text is intended to provide a modern and integrated treatment of the foundations and applications of continuum mechanics. There is a significant increase in interest in continuum mechanics because of its relevance to microscale phenomena. In addition to being tailored for advanced undergraduate students and including numerous examples and exercises, this text also features a chapter on continuum thermodynamics, including entropy production in Newtonian viscous fluid flow and thermoelasticity. Computer solutions and examples are emphasized through the use of the symbolic mathematical computing program Mathematica®.

Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua

Book Description

Reprinted from Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis edited by C. Truesdell

Mechanics of Electromagnetic Solids

Book Description

The mechanics of electromagnetic materials and structures has been developing rapidly with extensive applications in, e. g. , electronics industry, nuclear engineering, and smart materials and structures. Researchers in this interdisciplinary field are with diverse background and motivation. The Symposium on the Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials and Structures of the Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics in Shanghai, China in August 13-16, 2002 provided an opportunity for an intimate gathering of researchers and exchange of ideas. This volume contains papers based on most of the presentations at the symposium, and articles from a few invited contributors. These papers reflect some of the recent activities in the mechanics of electromagnetic materials and structures. The first twelve papers are in the order in which they were listed in the program of the conference. These are followed by six invited papers in alphabetical order of the last names of the first authors. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Professor David Y. Gao of Virginia Tech for suggesting the symposium, and to the authors for their time and effort invested in preparing their manuscripts. We are also grateful to Professor Daining Fang of Tsinghua University for co-chairing the symposium with J. S. Yang. Our special thanks belong to Kluwer for preparing this book for publication. J. S. Yang G. A. Maugin PIEZOELECTRIC VIBRATORY GYROSCOPES J. S.

Continuum Thermodynamics

Book Description

This book is a unique presentation of thermodynamic methods of construction of continuous models. It is based on a uniform approach following from the entropy inequality and using Lagrange multipliers as auxiliary quantities in its evaluation. It covers a wide range of models — ideal gases, thermoviscoelastic fluids, thermoelastic and thermoviscoelastic solids, plastic polycrystals, miscible and immiscible mixtures, and many others. The structure of phenomenological thermodynamics is justified by a systematic derivation from the Liouville equation, through the BBGKY-hierarchy-derived Boltzmann equation, to an extended thermodynamics. In order to simplify the reading, an extensive introduction to classical continuum mechanics and thermostatics is included. As a complementary volume to Part II, which will contain applications and examples, and to Part III, which will cover numerical methods, only a few simple examples are presented in this first Part. One exception is an extensive example of a linear poroelastic material because it will not appear in future Parts.The book is the first presentation of continuum thermodynamics in which foundations of continuum mechanics, microscopic foundations and transition to extended thermodynamics, applications of extended thermodynamics beyond ideal gases, and thermodynamic foundations of various material theories are exposed in a uniform and rational way. The book may serve both as a support for advanced courses as well as a desk reference.