Thin Film Ferroelectric Tunable Devices for Reconfigurable Radios

Book Description

In this paper, a summary of our work in the area of tunable microwave circuits based on thin film ferroelectrics is presented. First, a technique is introduced to improve the linearity of thin film ferroelectric tunable capacitors. Measurements show an improvement in the 3rd order intermodulation point at the input (IIP3) of 16 dB. Next, the design and fabrication of an impedance tuner employing thin film ferroelectric capacitors for applications in adaptive matching networks is described. An impedance tuning ratio of 4:1 was achieved. Lastly, the fabrication of a switchable thin film bulk wave acoustic resonator (FBAR) and its application in the design of switchable filters are discussed. The resonator is measured to have a series resonance of 1.975 GHz with a Q factor of 233 and a parallel resonance of 2.035 GHz with a Q factor of 218. The resonator is proposed to construct a switchable bandpass filter.

Tunable Multiband Ferroelectric Devices for Reconfigurable RF-Frontends

Book Description

Reconfigurable RF-frontends aim to cope with the continuous pursuit of wider frequency coverage, higher efficiency, further compactness and lower cost of ownership. They are expected to lay the foundations of future software defined or cognitive radios. As a potential enabling technology for the frontends, the tunable ferroelectric devices have shown not only enhanced performance but also new functionalities. This book explores the recent developments in the field. It provides a cross-sectional perspective on the interdisciplinary research. With attention to the devices based on ceramic thick-films and crystal thin-films, the book reviews the adapted technologies of material synthesis, film deposition and multilayer circuitry. Next, it highlights the original classes of thin-film ferroelectric devices, including stratified metal-insulator-metal varactors with suppression of acoustic resonance and programmable bi-stable high frequency capacitors. At the end the book analyzes how the frontends can be reformed by tunable multiband antennas, tunable single- and multiband impedance matching networks and tunable substrate integrated waveguide filters, which are all built on low cost ferroelectric thick-films. For all the above devices, the theoretical analyses, modeling and design methods are elaborated, while through demonstrative prototypes the application potential is evaluated.

Reconfigurable Rf/microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits Using Thin Films of Barium Strontium Titanate and Phase Change Materials

Book Description

Tunable passive rf/microwave devices are the building blocks of reconfigurable electronics. Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) based tunable devices are being studied over for two decades now and this technology is very mature. Researchers have tried different material compositions, substrates, and deposition techniques to increase the tunability of the BST thin films. Researchers have also demonstrated reconfigurable devices at rf/microwave frequencies, however with only limited applications. In this work a novel technique of integrating high tunable dielectric materials such as BST, in combination with a germanium telluride (GeTe) phase change material (PCM) is demonstrated. Integrating phase change material thin films with BST thin films gives additional tuning. The idea of integrating PCM with BST initiates a new era of reconfigurable electronics. These new devices can be implemented with very less fabrication constraints. A low loss rf switch with 0.23 dB insertion loss and more than 19.75 dB isolation at 15 GHz is presented. v An MIM varactor with increased tunability of about 6.3:1 (57%) is achieved, compared to 4:1 tuning of conventional varactor by integration of BST and GeTe thin films. Analog phase shifters with 360℗ʻ phase shift in the frequency range of 24 GHz to 50 GHz has been demonstrated with good figure of merit (FOM) of 46.64 degrees/dB at 50 GHz and 19.07 degrees/dB at 24 GHz using MIM varactors with BST and GeTe thin films and 319℗ʻ phase shift at 24 GHz with FOM 12.8 degrees/dB and more than 360℗ʻ phase shift at 50 GHz with FOM(2V-10V) >21.5 degrees/dB using MIM varactor with only BST thin films. A defected ground structure (DGS) band stop filter with enhanced band-rejection behavior with a notch depth of -39.64 dB @ 27.75 GHz by cascading two-unit cells using BST thin films is achieved. Tunable DGS band stop filters were demonstrated by integration of BST and GeTe with 2.25 GHz tunability from 30.75 GHz to 33 GHz (7.32%) using a single filter and 3.25 GHz tuning from 27 GHz to 30.25 GHz (12.04%) by cascading two filters.

Tunable Multiband Ferroelectric Devices for Reconfigurable RF-Frontends

Book Description

Reconfigurable RF-frontends aim to cope with the continuous pursuit of wider frequency coverage, higher efficiency, further compactness and lower cost of ownership. They are expected to lay the foundations of future software defined or cognitive radios. As a potential enabling technology for the frontends, the tunable ferroelectric devices have shown not only enhanced performance but also new functionalities. This book explores the recent developments in the field. It provides a cross-sectional perspective on the interdisciplinary research. With attention to the devices based on ceramic thick-films and crystal thin-films, the book reviews the adapted technologies of material synthesis, film deposition and multilayer circuitry. Next, it highlights the original classes of thin-film ferroelectric devices, including stratified metal-insulator-metal varactors with suppression of acoustic resonance and programmable bi-stable high frequency capacitors. At the end the book analyzes how the frontends can be reformed by tunable multiband antennas, tunable single- and multiband impedance matching networks and tunable substrate integrated waveguide filters, which are all built on low cost ferroelectric thick-films. For all the above devices, the theoretical analyses, modeling and design methods are elaborated, while through demonstrative prototypes the application potential is evaluated.

Ferroelectrics in Microwave Devices, Circuits and Systems

Book Description

Today’s wireless communications and information systems are heavily based on microwave technology. Current trends indicate that in the future along with - crowaves, the millimeter wave and Terahertz technologies will be used to meet the growing bandwidth and overall performance requirements. Moreover, motivated by the needs of the society, new industry sectors are gaining ground; such as wi- less sensor networks, safety and security systems, automotive, medical, envir- mental/food monitoring, radio tags etc. Furthermore, the progress and the pr- lems in the modern society indicate that in the future these systems have to be more user/consumer friendly, i. e. adaptable, reconfigurable and cost effective. The mobile phone is a typical example which today is much more than just a phone; it includes a range of new functionalities such as Internet, GPS, TV, etc. To handle, in a cost effective way, all available and new future standards, the growing n- ber of the channels and bandwidth both the mobile handsets and the associated systems have to be agile (adaptable/reconfigurable). The complex societal needs have initiated considerable activities in the field of cognitive and software defined radios and triggered extensive research in adequate components and technology platforms. To meet the stringent requirements of these systems, especially in ag- ity and cost, new components with enhanced performances and new functionalities are needed. In this sense the components based on ferroelectrics have greater - tential and already are gaining ground.

Integration of Sol-gel Frequency Agile Materials for Tunable RF Devices

Book Description

This thesis focuses on the use of high permittivity tunable dielectrics and more specifically sol-gel ferroelectric thin films for low cost, high performance tunable devices such as varactors and filters at RF and microwave frequencies. The top- ics covered include measurement techniques for the characterization of tunable dielectrics at low and microwave frequencies, fabrication processes, electrical and acoustic modeling of thin film ferroelectric varactors, performance optimization using conductive electrodes, realization of tunable microwave circuits and inte- gration of tunable dielectrics with conventional bulk acoustic wave resonators (FBAR). A lead strontium titanate (PST) sol-gel ferroelectric varactor is designed, elec- trically and acoustically modeled and fabricated, displaying dielectric tunability of "'-'75%. A two port automatic extraction technique using MATLAB allowing the de-embedding of parasitic connecting transmission lines, as well as parasitic pads has been developed and presented, yielding accurate dielectric permittivity values in good agreement with literature. The potential factors that may compro- mise the electrical performance of the ferroelectric tunable varactor are analyzed and a novel Au/Ti02 bottom electrode stack process is proposed and shown to improve the RF performance of the tunable varactor lowering the overall metaliza- tion resistance and improving performance, compared to the commonly used Pt electrodes. To establish the possibility of tunable microwave systems integrating sol-gel ferroelectric tunable varactors the following novel microwave devices are designed, modeled and fabricated: A ferroelectric varactor-based RF resonant switch, integrating a thin film sol- gel PST ferroelectric varactor with a high Q micro-machined inductor is fabri- cated. An insertion loss of ",1.5 dB and isolation of ",18 dB have been achieved for a single 7 GHz resonant switch with a device area of 0.6 mm x 1 mm. The intrinsic performance limitations of this type of device due to the ferroelectric thin film are discussed and the implementation of cascaded switches and state-of-the- art ferroelectric materials for further improvement of performance of this device, have been considered and simulated. Tunable band-stop resonators and notch filters using sol-gel PST ferroelectric varactors in a coplanar waveguide (CPW) defected ground structure are fabricated and measured. The PST varactors tune single resonators and 3-pole band-stop filters, operating at the center frequency of 4 and 8 GHz, having a maximum rejection of more than 13.8 dB at the stop band, while the insertion loss at the pass band is less than 3 dB. Full-wave analysis is performed to identify the critical points, where PST varactors are implemented to adjust the resonance frequency of the devices. An optimized fabrication process allows for fabrication of a 3-stage filter with a maximum rejection of 28 dB, albeit with a reduced tuning range, possibly due to DC bias path leakage. Finally, a fabrication approach where a ferroelectric varactor is integrated with a conventional zinc oxide (ZnO) acoustic wave resonator is presented. The approach avoids the piezoelectric thin film degradation due to the ferroelectric annealing by first fabricating the ferroelectric varactor and superimposing the conventional FBAR on top of it. The tuning of the series resonant frequency of a conventional ZnO FBAR with a ferroelectric varactor is demonstrated. Field induced deformation limits the maximum shift of the resonance to 0.45% at 1.5 GHz, for 41% tunability of the ferroelectric varactor, suggesting a big scope for possible improvements in performance by improving the design and fabrication. VIII.

Fabrication and characterization of ferro- and piezoelectric multilayer devices for high frequency applications

Book Description

By means of thin film technology a reduction of size, cost, and power consumption of electronic circuits can be achieved. The required specifications are attained by proper design and combinations of innovative materials and manufacturing technologies. This thesis focuses on the development and fabrication of low-loss ceramic thin film devices for radio and microwave frequency applications. The materials, growth conditions, and physical properties of the films and device structures are discussed in detail. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the integration of highly conductive low-loss electrode materials into parallelplate structures. The thin films were prepared by sequential magnetron sputtering from metallic and ceramic deposition targets. The devices under study include tunable ferroelectric barium strontium titanate and lead strontium titanate parallel-plate capacitors, and piezoelectric aluminum nitride thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators. Furthermore, tantalum pentoxide and tantalum nitride thin films were investigated for capacitor and resistor applications. As electrode material we used Au, Cu, Mo, and Pt. The use of highly conductive low-loss Cu electrodes was only possible after the development of a new layer transfer fabrication method for parallel-plate ceramic devices. This method, which was successfully used to fabricate tunable ferroelectric capacitors and AlN bulk acoustic wave resonators, allows for high-quality ceramic film growth on suitable substrate and seed layers and, most importantly, deposition of the bottom and top electrodes after high-temperature reactive sputtering of the ceramic material. Optimization of the ceramic growth conditions and the integration of these functional materials into low-loss parallel-plate structures resulted in state-of-the-art device performance. Key achievements include, device quality factors of more than 100 up to GHz frequency in ferroelectric parallel-plate capacitors, the tailoring of ferroelectric film properties using substrate bias during magnetron sputtering, and very efficient electro-acoustic coupling in Mo/AlN/Mo bulk acoustic wave resonators.

Vanadium Dioxide Based Radio Frequency Tunable Devices

Book Description

This dissertation reports different topics of VO2 thin films. First, the fabrication process of undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films. The pulsed laser deposition (PLD) was used to fabricate the undoped, 0.34 at. % W-doped, 0.54 at. % W-doped and 1.1 at. % W-doped VO2 thin films on sapphire substrates. Second, the measurements and analysis of undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and electrical resistivity of different W-doped VO2 thin films have been provided. Third, undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films based RF switches and reconfigurable antennas are reported. The single pole single throw (SPST) switches and reconfigurable antenna have been designed, fabricated and characterized for undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films integrated into those devices. The SPST switches are designed using coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines, and the switches can be turned on or off by adjusting the temperature. At room temperature (20°C), the switch is in off state, and when the temperature is above 68°C, the switch is in the on state. The return loss (S11) of the switch is less than 1 dB at 20 °C, and it is better than 20 dB at 80°C. The isolation of the switch (S21) is better than 30 dB at 20 °C in the off state, and the insertion loss in the on state is less than 4 dB at 80 °C. The radio frequency (7 GHz) and W-band (93 GHz) CPW reconfigurable antennas have been demonstrated, and the wafers with undoped and tungsten-doped (0.1% to 1% tungsten) VO2 integrated with these antennas have been fabricated and tested. For the 0.54 at. % W-doped VO2 thin film based CPW bowtie antenna, the frequency tuning range is from 6.753 GHz with S11 -25.25 dB (10°C) to 6.346 GHz with S11 -30.26 dB (30°C), and the antenna is inactive when the temperature is above 40°C. For the 93 GHz antenna, when the W-doped VO2 is in low conductivity, the simulation shows that the resonant frequency of the antenna is at 92.9 GHz with S11 -51.4dB. When the W-doped VO2 is in high conductivity, the resonant frequency shifts to 91.4 GHz with S11 -43.03dB. The analyses of the undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films have been provided in this dissertation. The simulations and measurements successful demonstrated the tunability and the applications of the undoped and W-doped VO2 thin films.