Threat-sensitive Learning and Generalization of Predator Recognition by Aquatic Vertebrates

Book Description

Many prey species lack innate recognition of their potential predators. Hence, learning is required for them to recognize and respond to predation threats. When wild-caught, these same species may show amazing sophistication in their responses to predator cues. They are able to adjust the intensity of their antipredator responses to a particular predator according to the degree of threat posed by that predator. This ability is therefore acquired through learning. While many studies have shown that prey can learn to respond to predator cues through different learning modes, little is known about what the prey are actually learning. The results presented in this thesis show that learned predator recognition goes beyond the simple labelling of predators as dangerous. Using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), woodfrog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles and boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) tadpoles, I demonstrated that a one time learning event, either through pairing with alarm cues or through social learning, was enough for prey to learn the level of threat associated with the novel predator cues. I showed that the level of danger associated with the predator cues was determined by the concentration of alarm cues when learning through pairing of alarm cues, or by the intensity of antipredator response displayed by the tutors and by the tutor-to-observer ratio when learning occurred through cultural transmission. Moreover, when subsequently exposed to predator cues, prey adjusted their antipredator responses according to the change in concentration of predator cues between the learning event and the subsequent exposure. Prey displayed stronger antipredator responses when exposed to higher concentrations of predator cues and vice versa. When minnows were provided with conflicting information about the danger level associated with a predator, they displayed a safety strategy and used the most recent information available to respond to predation threats. On a longer time.

Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12

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Three invited international experts present overviews of recent developments in key fields and will submit chapters for the book. Jane Hurst from Liverpool University in the UK presents an overview on the function, mechanisms and evolution of chemical signals, Penelope Hawkins from the University of Western Australia will detail the importance of male odors in female mate-choice and the priming of female reproduction, and Francesco Bonadonna from CNRS-CEFE, Montpellier in France presents an overview of the importance of chemical signals for the formation and maintenance of pair-bonds, parent – offspring recognition and navigation in seabirds. Select submissions are invited by the scientific committee to contribute chapters. ​

Fish Cognition and Behavior

Book Description

In the second edition of this fascinating book an international team of experts have been brought together to explore all major areas of fish learning, including: Foraging skills Predator recognition Social organisation and learning Welfare and pain Three new chapters covering fish personality, lateralisation, and fish cognition and fish welfare, have been added to this fully revised and expanded second edition. Fish Cognition and Behavior, Second Edition contains essential information for all fish biologists and animal behaviorists and contains much new information of commercial importance for fisheries managers and aquaculture personnel. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences, fisheries and aquaculture are studied and taught will find it an important addition to their shelves.


Book Description

The constant threat of predation has forced many prey species to evolve efficient strategies to survive. It has been demonstrated that amphibians elicit an innate anti-predator response to conspecific injury-released alarm cue. Yet the active component of conspecific alarm cues in newts is unknown. Using HPLC techniques to separate the components of newt skin extract (NSE) for two species of newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster and Notophthalmus viridescens) and common behavioural assays, I attempted to identify the location of the active component in newt damage-released alarm cue. The results indicated that there may be more than one active component that elicits an alarm response in NSE. The identity of these active components in NSE remains unknown. Previously it has been thought that amphibians employ only innate predator recognition but it has been shown that they also have the ability to learn a novel predator using olfaction and facilitated by injury-released alarm cue. Until now, the learning of novel predator cues has only been demonstrated by newts in aquatic environments. I tested the ability of N. viridescens to learn unfamiliar predators in both an aquatic and terrestrial environment. I found that red-spotted newts were able to learn novel largemouth bass odour in an aquatic environment. However, in a terrestrial environment, no learning occurred. The lack of learning on land is potentially due to latent inhibition based on previous life stage experiences in a terrestrial environment where the newt was less vulnerable to predation. My study provides new insight into the complexity of conspecific alarm cues in newts and the possible effects of life history on risk allocation and future learning.


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Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15

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The 15th Meeting on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates (CSiV) reunited participants from 20 countries from 5 continents who "electronically commuted" to Dijon, France, during three days (3-5 November 2021). This virtual meeting was a great opportunity to share information on how amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals communicate through chemosignals and integrate their environment through chemical cues. Scientists from varied disciplines ranging from biology and psychology to chemistry and biostatistics attended the meeting to share their research on how vertebrates produce and release chemical cues and signals, how they detect, discriminate, process, and interpret them; how they respond to them behaviorally, physiologically, and/or neurally in adaptive ways; how the typical or atypical environment modulates such chemocommunication loops, and chemoreception in general. In total, this 2021 CSiV meeting presented important new findings, representative of the growing points in the rapidly expanding field of research on chemocommunication among vertebrates. As appreciated by D Müller-Schwarze (a well-known pioneer in the field and the founding father of the book series in question) in his foreword to the meeting, “Our field has broadened to new horizons: besides multicomponent cues, we now learn about multisource and multifunction chemical signals. The range of study animals and settings has become richer, and we have learned enough that practical applications are becoming realistic.” This proceedings documents key presentations from this virtual conference.

Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms

Book Description

Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms is an exploration of laboratory and field research on the many ways that evolution has influenced learning and memory processes, such as associative learning, social learning, and spatial, working, and episodic memory systems. This volume features research by both outstanding early-career scientists as well as familiar luminaries in the field. Learning and memory in a broad range of animals are explored, including numerous species of invertebrates (insects, worms, sea hares), as well as fish, amphibians, birds, rodents, bears, and human and nonhuman primates. Contributors discuss how the behavioral, cognitive, and neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory have been influenced by evolutionary pressures. They also draw connections between learning and memory and the specific selective factors that shaped their evolution. Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms should be a valuable resource for those working in the areas of experimental and comparative psychology, comparative cognition, brain–behavior evolution, and animal behavior.

Temperature Sensitivity and Predator Risk Cue Detection in Native and Introduced Populations of the Atlantic Oyster Drill, Urosalpinx Cinerea

Book Description

I compared populations of the muricid gastropod Urosalpinx cinerea from its native Atlantic and introduced Pacific ranges, examining its responses to major abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Specifically, I assessed its ability to right itself across a range of winter temperatures (Chapter 1), and its behavioral responses to cues from potential introduced range predators (Chapter 2). These studies represent the first phenotypic comparisons between introduced and native populations of U. cinerea, as well as the first comparisons between U. cinerea living in different parts of the introduced range. Taken together, these studies emphasize the value of combining biogeographic comparisons with experimental approaches to explore the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of biological invasions. Chapter 1: Temperature sensitivity of righting response in Urosalpinx cinerea from the native and introduced ranges. Anticipating the ecological consequences of anthropogenic climate change and biological invasions for marine ecosystems requires understanding how changing climate regimes affect ecologically relevant behaviors in introduced species. I compared the temperature sensitivity of righting response speed, a behavior related to overall movement and important to surviving dislodgment and evading predators, between native and introduced populations of U. cinerea. Such comparisons are essential to detecting whether introduced phenotypes have diverged from native range counterparts and have rarely been performed among marine species. Righting speed of U. cinerea from two native range bays (in Connecticut and Delaware, USA) and three introduced range bays (in Washington and California, USA) was tested under three temperature treatments spanning winter conditions across much of its range (5°C, 10°C, 15°C) and at 20°C, a temperature previously identified as optimal for feeding and reproduction in the native range. Snails took significantly longer to right themselves as temperatures dropped from 20°C to 5°C, with the greatest temperature sensitivity in the interval from 10°C to 5°C. However, there were no geographic differences, with snails from all regions responding similarly; therefore, local environmental conditions are likely to determine U. cinerea activity levels across seasons. Since the interval of greatest temperature sensitivity coincides with winter minimum water temperatures in the introduced range, warmer winters brought on by global climate change could allow U. cinerea to be more active throughout the year, with potential concomitant impacts on native oysters and other prey species. Chapter 2: Detection of predation risk cues in Urosalpinx cinerea from the native and introduced ranges. Determining the factors governing the success of introduced predators is key to predicting and managing their impacts. By exploring how an introduced predator uses cues to detect predation risk from top predators in the introduced range, and by comparing individuals from the native and introduced range, we can gain insight into the roles of predator recognition and naiveté in introductions. This study measured cue recognition in U. cinerea, and examined how snails collected from several populations in the native and introduced ranges responded to chemical cues from two crab predators and injured conspecifics. Both native and introduced range U. cinerea responded to Cancer antennarius and Carcinus maenas kairomones, and to conspecific alarm cues. This is the first report of native range individuals of an introduced species demonstrating a pre-existing ability to recognize chemical cues from an introduced range predator with which they had no prior experience. U. cinerea may have benefitted from similarity between their native community and the resident community in their introduced range, as they were capable of recognizing ostensibly unfamiliar crab predators, possibly by relying on common cues or on generalization from predators U. cinerea evolved with in their native range. The ability to avoid disadvantages of novelty may aid the successful establishment of many introduced species.

Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions

Book Description

This book addresses the fundamental issues of predator-prey interactions, with an emphasis on predation among arthropods, which have been better studied, and for which the database is more extensive than for the large and rare vertebrate predators. The book should appeal to ecologists interested in the broad issue of predation effects on communities.

Embryonic Antipredator Defenses and Behavioral Carryover Effects in the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales Promelas)

Book Description

Most research on embryonic learning and behavior in aquatic vertebrates has focused on fitness benefits after hatching, but the ability of embryos to perceive and respond to environmental stimuli may also have immediate adaptive value. Here, we examined whether fathead minnow embryos, Pimephales promelas, detect and respond to cues indicative of predation risk, and whether the embryonic environment influences behavior after hatching. We compared the behavior of 5-dpf embryos reared in the presence or absence of olfactory alarm cue, alone or in combination with cues of a piscivorous predator (Bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus). Next, we reared larvae from the embryonic treatments to 21 dpf, and tested them in two antipredator behavioral assays varying in the degree of immediate risk (predator avoidance vs attack evasion). Embryos that developed in perceived high-risk conditions exhibited reduced activity compared to those from low-risk environments. Larvae from high-risk environments also showed enhanced antipredator behavior, and evidence for embryonic predator learning. These data provide new insight into the learning capabilities and antipredator behaviors of aquatic vertebrate embryos.