Three Essays on General Macroeconomics

Book Description

The thesis is made up of three chapters that work on three distinct topics in macroeconomics. The first chapter is a theoretical work on monetary policy, in which a coherent and intuitive large-scale Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model matching with particulars of the Chinese economy is established to understand how and why Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) works within Chinese monetary policy regime. The second chapter reveals the relationship between phenomenon of inequality and secular stagnation with a three-period Overlapping Generations (OLG) model built within a heterogeneous agent framework. It also points out workable ways of conducting macroprudential policy given the aforesaid two phenomena. The third chapter both theoretically and empirically examines effectiveness of the currency board system in Hong Kong using an advanced macroeconomic modeling toolbox as well as a workhorse model used by a mass of central banks that is further modified to be in line with reality of the Hong Kong economy.

Two Essays on Maximum Likelihood Estimations of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models

Book Description

This dissertation consists of two essays on maximum likelihood estimation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models. The first essay focuses on a monetary DSGE model of term structure, while the second essay explores and compares three different versions of New Keynesian DSGE models. In Chapter 1, a general background is given for the DSGE models, and their estimation techniques along with a review of the term structure models and New Keynesian models. The first essay, which is a joint work with Hwagyun Kim, empirically evaluates the relationships between money, inflation, output growth, and the interest rates of different maturities using a monetary DSGE model of term structure, featuring inflation targeting behavior, asset market segmentation, and external habit extended for nominal economy. This model can generate liquidity effect, average upward sloping yield curve, and time-varying bond risk premia for bearing inflation and real shocks. By exploiting the term structure equations derived from the model, the deep parameters of the model describing risk preference, inflation targeting behavior, and market segmentation between bond traders and non-traders are estimated. The model is estimated under alternative specifications: latent factors; macroeconomic factors; and both latent and macroeconomic factors. The empirical findings show that all the methods give consistent estimates of the parameters, and conclude that asset market segmentation, inflation targeting, and time-varying risk aversion are significant to account for the term structure dynamics. They also suggest that monetary factors and monetary policy are important to understand both short-run and long-run behaviors of bond prices. In the second essay, three different versions of New Keynesian DSGE models are developed, and their structural parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation. Specifically, the role of velocity of money on the dynamics of real variables is empirically examined by constructing a money in the utility model and two special cases of transactions cost model. Wealth effects, previously ignored in many transactions cost models, are taken into consideration in one of the cases examined here, and comparisons are made between the transactions cost model that includes the wealth effects and the transactions cost model that ignores the wealth effects entirely. The equivalence of money in the utility model and transactions cost model with wealth effects is also quantitatively examined. The results show that there is no evidence of quantitative equivalence between these two models. Although the magnitude of impulse responses are different among the models studied here, all three models give consistent estimates for the structural parameters. The empirical findings from the maximum likelihood estimates of all three models' parameters also suggest that the velocity of money is a very important part of the IS and Phillips curves of all three models developed here, and should be included in IS and Phillips curves when examining the inflation and output dynamics.

Overlapping Generations

Book Description

The 800 pound gorilla in the room of macroeconomics is the question of why the overlapping generations model didn’t become the central workhorse model for macroeconomics, as opposed to the neoclassical growth model. The authors here explore the co-evolution of the two models.

Essays on International Macroeconomics and Policy

Book Description

As the world economy becomes rapidly integrated through the globalization of markets for goods and services, it is crucial to understand how cross-country linkages through goods and financial markets explain observed business cycles in data. Furthermore, interdependent open economies imply that optimal policy is unlikely to be responding to domestic shocks only. This dissertation studies various aspects of open economies from a macroeconomic perspective and discusses related theoretical policy implications. Chapter 1 investigates the implication of intermediate goods on optimal monetary policy in open economies, and in particular, focusing on the welfare gains from monetary cooperation. In a relatively standard two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with input-output relations, I demonstrate that introducing intermediate goods can amplify the welfare gains caused by cost-push shocks by an order of magnitude larger. A detailed analysis on the equilibrium dynamics highlights a new channel that is absent in the previous literature: non-cooperative central banks respond differently to shocks in the intermediate goods market versus shocks in the final goods market, even if these shocks generate the same distortions when the two central banks cooperate. Furthermore, I find that increasing the degree of openness in the intermediate goods market can reduce the welfare gains from monetary cooperation. This casts doubt on whether the recent trend in international economic integration may justify the potential need for international monetary cooperation. Chapter 2 develops a simple framework for computing equilibrium shares of trade currency invoicing in open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models. The solution method follows closely to Devereux and Sutherland (2011)'s method in solving portfolio choice by applying information from second-order approximations of equilibrium conditions to solving zero-order portfolio shares. The framework is flexible enough to be extended to a Rotemberg sticky price model. To illustrate the approach, I use a simple symmetric two-country model and show that the results are consistent with existing theoretical findings on how monetary policy affects exchange rate pass-through. Chapter 3 investigates the interaction between inequality and financial development in determining the condition for rational asset bubbles to emerge in general equilibrium. I develop a simple overlapping generations model (OLG) with a production economy and financial frictions, which shows that wage inequality can cause dynamic inefficiency in an economy with an underdeveloped financial sector. Furthermore, the model developed in the chapter indicates that trade integration can create asset bubbles through the channel of increasing inequality. The result is consistent with observations where developing countries with export-led growth seem to experience episodes of bubble-like asset price booms and busts in the last three decades.