Three Essays in the Economics of Migration and Education

Book Description

The present thesis is a study of the immigration phenomenon and its repercussions in both the economic wellbeing of individuals---who migrate (or not)---and the regions that receive or lose population. More specifically, the first chapter, using the SESTAT database analyzes the impact of interstate migration of U.S. citizens---from birth state to employment stat---on their career outcomes. This essay contributes to the economic literature by specifically studying the case of U.S.A and by empirically correcting possible selection bias that rises from the duality between migration propensity and human capital endowment. The results indicate that repeat migration is associated with higher average salaries, while late migration with salary penalty.

Three Essays on the Economies of International Migration

Book Description

This PhD dissertation presents three empirical studies on the economics of international migration. Chapter 1 examines how the migration of a household member to the United States affects the welfare of the other members left behind in rural areas of Mexico. Using a panel household survey, I show that non-migrants are better-off in terms of consumption and leisure time because (i) remittances sent by migrant exceed his/her initial contribution to the househok income and because (ii) the out- migration of a farmer raises the productivity of agricultural labor for those staying behind in the farm. Chapter 2 addresses the methodological issues empirical economists confront when they seek to identify the causal impact of migration on members left behind at origin. I propose a new method that takes into account the intra- household selection of migrants, i.e. the decision of which family members migrate and which stay behind, a problem that has remained largely ignored in the literature. Chapter 3 examines the effect of immigrant inflows in Europe on the evolution of natives' attitudes towards redistribution and immigration policy over the last decade. I find that attitudes are not only shaped by non-economic preferences, e.g. racial prejudice or differential altruism, but that they are also importantly determined by concerns on how immigration may affect the labor market, i.e. wages, and the Welfare State's finances, i.e. net social benefits.

Three Essays in Labor Economics

Book Description

In the third chapter, we decompose the gap between mean sentences for males and females in the U.S. criminal justice system into the portion that can be explained by differences in the average severity of the crime committed by males and females and the portion explained by differences in how males and females who commit the same crime are treated. We find that differences in characteristics of the defendant can explain only half of the gap between mean male and females sentences, suggesting that women receive more lenient treatment in the U.S. criminal justice system.