Three Essays on Evaluation and Measurement in Developing Countries

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The overall theme of this dissertation is on evaluation and measurement in developing countries. All three essays make a contribution to the literature---either with the use of a new empirical method for evaluation or a unique or new data set, or the evaluation of a tool or program not yet evaluated, or by evaluating an aspect within the evaluation literature usually neglected. The results of the three essays have policy relevance and can be used to design or modify anti-poverty programs geared towards the social and productive sectors so that they can have a greater impact on poverty.

Essays in Development Economics

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Poverty and health are two topics in the field of development economics that are of critical importance to both researchers and policy-makers. Despite advances in poverty alleviation and gains in health outcomes in many developing countries, many challenges remain. Two of these challenges include accurately measuring poverty and improving the quality of health care delivery systems. In this dissertation, I present three essays with theoretical, empirical, and policy-relevant insights into these two challenges. The first essay addresses the issue of accurate poverty measurement by developing a new asset index that captures long run household economic well-being. The accurate measurement of household well-being is necessary for measuring poverty levels and targeting poverty programs. However, since standard expenditure aggregates are costly to collect, relative well-being in developing countries is often measured using asset indices based on durable goods ownership. Although various methods exist to generate proxies for economic well-being (e.g., principal component analysis), the underlying theories associated with these methods have not been formalized. This makes it difficult to interpret the economic meaning of the resulting indices and can lead to inaccurate targeting and evaluation. In this paper, I develop a new asset index, the utility index, by modeling and structurally estimating household preferences over discrete assets. By drawing from economic theory, the utility index can be more directly interpreted as capturing long run household well-being. In contrast to existing asset indices, the utility index incorporates additional information on prices, demographics, and spatial and temporal variation and can therefore be used for policy simulations that are not otherwise possible. After developing the theoretical model, I describe a strategy to construct the utility index by structurally estimating the marginal utility associated with each asset. I then demonstrate how the utility index can be used by measuring changes in poverty in Nicaragua using data from the Living Standards Measurement Surveys. I also use the model to project changes in poverty under a constant income distribution but changing prices and find that about a third of the poverty decrease measured from 1998 to 2005 can be attributed to decreasing asset prices. In addition, I show through the empirical analysis that traditional asset indices are only moderate approximations for household well-being. Finally, I discuss and demonstrate the distinctions between asset and consumption measures, which point to the complementary nature of the two strands of measurement. The second essay presents an alternate approach for improving accurate poverty measurement in developing countries. Although the utility index developed in the first essay presents a method for measuring long run economic well-being, complementary measures of short run welfare are necessary for identifying households which are vulnerable to falling into transitory poverty. Again, given the expenses associated with collecting full consumption data, researchers have developed methods to construct wealth indices based on dichotomous asset and consumption indicators. This work provides guidance on generating such indices by comparing across various methods of construction and variable choices. Specifically, we assess the performance of alternate indices using data from the Living Standards Measurement Surveys in five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa--Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. We compare indices against a benchmark of household per capita expenditure according to three criteria: rank correlation coefficients, sensitivity to identifying poor households, and accuracy of classifying households as poor or non-poor. Comparing across construction methods, we find that indices generated using principal components analysis correspond most closely with expenditure, though variation across construction methods is small. Comparing across variable inclusion groups, we find that indices generated using a combination of indicators drawn from the categories of staple food consumption, other food consumption, housing quality, semi-durables expenditure, and durables ownership tend to outperform indices generated using variables from only one or two categories. We also assess the various indices in urban and rural subsamples and in analyses of repeated cross-sections and find that index performance is similar to what we find in national, single wave analyses. The third essay turns to the challenge of improving the quality of health care delivery systems by looking at provider investment decisions. Pay-for-performance (P4P) programs, which aim to increase health service provision and quality using financial incentives, have been recently introduced in a number of developing countries. P4P programs contract directly on outputs without specifying the mechanisms for improvements, allowing providers to innovate and modify different aspects of health care delivery as needed. Characterizing these provider responses can help to identify successful mechanisms for quality improvement and enhance our understanding of the links between P4P and overall health systems strengthening. In this paper, we examine provider input responses to the Rwandan P4P program using facility-level data from the 2007 Demographic and Health Survey Service Provision Assessment (SPA) collected after the randomized program rollout to a subset of districts. We focus on facility-level incentives for institutional deliveries, which, as documented in earlier research, resulted in higher institutional delivery rates. Using the SPA facility data, we find that the program's effect on institutional delivery rates is comparable to results in previous studies that used household surveys. Comparing system inputs, we find positive treatment effects for a general management indicator and the daily presence of staff per capita providing maternity-related services. There are no differences in other delivery-specific and general health care delivery inputs. Additionally, we perform a mediation analysis to assess the link between inputs and outcomes and find that management and staffing differences explain a relatively small fraction of the P4P effect on institutional delivery rates. The small mediation effects indicate the potential importance of unobserved factors, such as recruitment effort, in the provider production function. Furthermore, the null results for the other analyzed inputs suggest a weaker link between P4P and overall health system strengthening.

Three Essays on the Evaluation of Development Policies

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This dissertation focuses on the evaluation of three distinct developing country policies, which, despite having been implemented in different parts of the world, are uniformly relevant to the field of development economics as well as effective policy design. Consequently, each essay contributes to the literature in its own way, either by evaluating a new and innovative intervention, by enhancing the theoretical understanding of policy-relevant interactions between public and private investment behavior, or by assessing the effectiveness of a broadly implemented, but yet unevaluated development policy. The results of the individual essays therefore convey one common conclusion; that a truly effective development policy must review carefully how its components interact with the behavioral responses of beneficiaries to identify the pathways through which impacts can be achieved.Chapter 1 examines whether computer-assisted instruction has a positive impact on the cognitive development as well as literacy and numeracy skills of early grade students. The analysis focuses on an educational intervention implemented in the rural region of Eastern Zambia that integrated technology into classroom activity in order to mitigate weaknesses in teaching skills and address specific unmet student needs. Using two control groups to compare the program's success to both standard government schools and lower-quality community schools, a difference-in-difference approach combined with inverse propensity score weighting is used to identify impact. While the program is unable to significantly advantage students in treated schools with respect to literacy, numeracy, and cognitive skills, estimates indicate that the program does succeed in leveling out initial differences, especially in comparison to government school students. This leveling by the program is accomplished at a third of the cost of government schools. An analysis of the heterogeneous impact further shows that effects are stronger for grade two students than for first graders. This is potentially because benefits take time to accumulate or because computer-assisted instruction becomes more important in supporting teachers as teaching becomes more complex and requires more materials. These results drive home the importance of integration of technology into curriculum and teaching methodology and how this can be a cost effective means to improve student learning.Chapter 2 examines how public education expenditures affect household spending on schooling and provides new theoretical underpinnings that highlight the importance of incorporating models of household decision-making processes into policy design. The study takes advantage of two country cases, Indonesia and Peru, which offer sufficient variation in public expenditures at the local level, and therefore lend themselves to assessing the important effect of government education expenditures at the district level on household spending on schooling. Employing a fixed-effects regression and an instrumental variable approach in Indonesia and a pseudo-panel approach in Peru, results indicate that a 1% increase in public-level education expenditures per school is estimated to decrease household-level spending on schooling per school-aged child by approximately 0.5% in Indonesia and 0.04% in Peru. This suggests that government spending may crowd out private investment in schooling, which represents an important indirect effect of any educational policy and can potentially diminish policy effectiveness. A closer look at household expenditures revealed that the specific (country) context will determine how parents reallocate their resources in response to changes in public spending levels.Lastly, Chapter 3 presents the first rigorous impact evaluation of a shoreline stabilization program in Barbados and attempts to assess whether shoreline stabilization investments indeed have beneficial effects on medium-term economic growth in Small Island Developing States through stimulating tourism demand and real estate development. The analysis relies on a carefully designed geographic information systems (GIS) dataset, which comprises extensive panel data from Barbados' touristic West and South Coasts on key infrastructure, beach characteristics, and real estate activity, as well as remotely-sensed luminosity data as a proxy of economic growth. The synthetic control method is employed to construct a counterfactual from a combination of all control beach sites and subsequently estimate program impact on per capita luminosity as a proxy for GDP per capita. Results indicate that even in the first three years after treatment, economic effects are positive and indicate a strong positive trend. This suggests that shoreline stabilization works may not only help preserve fragile ecological conditions, but further lead to sustainable growth in the local economy.

Three Essays in Development Microeconomics

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This dissertation explores various innovative approaches that can be used in development economics in order to more closely examine economic realities of the developing world. This dissertation provides guidance on how methods not used up to this point can be best used to provide a better understanding of the potential impacts of development projects, and also highlights potential areas of improvement in existing methods and practices of data collection and project evaluation. The first essay examines two major channels of social networks influence on the gender norms of young men and women, using the interviews conducted with members of ten camps in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Inequitable gender norms have been identified as one of the major factors to negatively influence HIV-related behavior, domestic violence, and parenting. There is a need for a better understanding of the factors that contribute to inequitable gender norms, and one potential method to change individual gender norms is through social networks. While there are numerous studies dealing with the social networks influence, there are not many that examine the social networks influence on personal norms. Social network influence is examined using the network autoregressive model that takes into account interdependencies among network members, and the results imply that the gender norms of the network actors are correlated with the gender norms of their alters, indicating a similarity of genders norms among closest network members. When different types of network relationships are pooled, actors' attitudes are not correlated with those of their network contacts. Network actors' and their alters' attitudes are significantly correlated in work and problem-solving relationships. The second essay explores whether and how can spatial econometric methodology be used to examine the spatial spillovers of conditional cash transfers. Conditional cash transfer programs are considered to be one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to support the poor in the developing countries. Many studies have been performed that show positive impact of conditional cash transfer on beneficiaries' consumption, health, education, etc. However, spatial inter-village spillovers of these programs are potential impacts of spillovers are mostly neglected. The results of the analysis indicate that there are spatial spillovers that reinforce the effects of the program, and there are benefits in using spatial econometrics methods as additional tool in the impact evaluation of conditional cash transfers and other programs. Using the experimental setup of the Progresa-Oportunidades program in Mexico, we find evidence of positive effects of program density on junior and senior high school enrollment among the poor beneficiaries in treated villages. The third essay analyses the impact of gender and marriage perceptions on reporting about labor outcomes using a survey conducted in Ghana. When the standard surveys are conducted in developing countries, they mostly rely only on household heads to provide information about all household members. An alternative approach is taken within the Living Standards Measurement Study - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) initiative which attempts to conduct interviews with all household members above a certain age. However, there are only a few empirical studies that attempt to provide a framework for understanding the potential advantages and disadvantages of using self and proxy reporters in developing countries. The impact of different factors on labor reporting is examined using the standard models for corner solutions and ordinary least squares. The results of the estimations provide evidence of the influence of gender and marriage perceptions on labor reporting.

Statistical Capacity Building in Developing Countries

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Reliable data and statistics are indispensable tools for identifying policy areas needing attention, shaping appropriate policy interventions, and measuring progress, to make evidence-based decisions in all fields of public policy. In the world of global development, the demand for evidence-based decision making has grown alongside attention to the United Nations’ Data Revolution. However, many national statistical offices in lower income countries still face inadequate resources and capacity to generate, distribute, and utilize national statistics and data. In response to this problem, statistical capacity has increasingly become an important goal in global development, with multinational organizations, international NGOs, and individual countries stepping up to provide assistance toward building statistical capacity in developing countries. The three papers in this dissertation examine three interrelated aspects of statistical capacity building. The first paper investigates the effectiveness of foreign aid for statistical capacity building and the moderating effect of national statistical strategies, alongside other factors that may affect levels of statistical capacity, with a fixed-effects panel regression model. Results suggest that national strategies for statistics are a necessary condition for statistical aid to be effective. Shifting focus to the project implementation level, the second paper conducts a content analysis of project evaluation documents to understand whether and how statistical capacity building projects give consideration to ensuring the sustainability of their outcomes. I find that consideration for sustainability is insufficiently reflected in the contents of project evaluation documents, and suggest ways forward for future projects. The third and final paper looks at the issue of measurement, which is important in all stages of statistical capacity building. Building a risk assessment framework for global performance indicators and applying it to selected statistical capacity measurements, I identify several hazards and urge caution in understanding the potential risks of using these measurements. I also recommend that improvements must be made in the transparency of existing measurements to better facilitate the assessment of risk