Threshold Dynmamics of Short-Term Interest Rates

Book Description

This paper studies a nonlinear one-factor term structure model in discrete time. The single factor is the short-term interest rate, which is modeled as a self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) process. Our specification allows for shifts in the intercept and the variance. The process is stationary but mimics the nearly I(1) dynamics typically encountered with interest rates. In comparison with a linear model, we find empirical evidence in favor of the threshold model for Germany and the US. Based on the estimated short-rate dynamics we derive the implied arbitrage-free term structure of interest rates. Since analytical solutions are not feasible, bond prices are computed by means of Monte Carlo integration. The resulting term structure exhibits properties that are qualitatively similar to those observed in the data and which cannot be captured by the linear Gaussian one-factor model. In particular, our model captures the nonlinear relation between long rates and the short rate found in the data.

Modeling the Term Structure of Interest Rates

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Modeling the Term Structure of Interest Rates provides a comprehensive review of the continuous-time modeling techniques of the term structure applicable to value and hedge default-free bonds and other interest rate derivatives.

Nonlinear Interest Rate Dynamics and Implications for the Term Structure

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This paper explores nonlinear dynamics for the time series of the short term interest rate in the United States. The proposed model is an autoregressive threshold model augmented by conditional heteroskedasticity. The performance of the model is evaluated by considering its implications for the term structure of interest rates. The nonlinear dynamics imply a form of nonlinearity in the levels relation between the long and the short rate. Empirical results indicate that the implied nonlinearity is present in the data.

Term Structure of Interest Rates

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This article provides a survey on term structure models designed for pricing fixed income securities and their derivatives.

The Term Structure of Short-Term Interest Rate Futures Volatility

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The maturity effect states that the volatility of futures prices should increase as the contract approaches expiration. Numerous studies have investigated this effect for different asset classes. However, the presence of a maturity effect in short term interest rate (STIR) futures has usually only been studied considering these within a wider set of financial futures, without further consideration of their special features. Our study looks at the presence of maturity effects in STIR futures by analyzing the term structure of the volatility of the most worldwide traded contracts, taking into consideration their specific characteristics. We provide empirical evidence on the positive relation between volatility and time to maturity and show how these results relate to models of the term structure of interest rates.