Book Description

What do the Fourth Crusade, the exploration of the New World, secret excavations of the Holy Land, and the pontificate of Innocent the Third all have in common? Answer: Venice and the Templars. What do they have in common with Jesus, Gottfried Leibniz, Sir Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, and the Earl of Oxford? Answer: Egypt and a body of doctrine known as Hermeticism. In this book, noted author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell takes the reader on a journey through the hidden history of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and early Enlightenment, connecting the dots between Venice, international banking, the Templars, and hidden knowledge. He draws out the connections between the notorious Venetian “Council of Ten,” little known Venetian voyages to the New World, and the sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade. The hidden role of Venice and Hermeticism reached far and wide, into the plays of Shakespeare (a.k.a. Edward DeVere, Earl of Oxford), into the quest of the three great mathematicians of the Early Enlightenment for a lost form of analysis, and back into the end of the classical era, to little known Egyptian influences at work during the time of Jesus.

The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine

Book Description

A comprehensive guide to the cosmic influences that underlie health and how to apply them for profound health and healing • Examines how ancient and modern traditions of healing interconnect through the doctrine of signatures, “As above, so below” • Reveals how one’s astrological chart has implications for personal health and healing • Explains how each sign of the zodiac corresponds not only to parts of the body and its chakras but also to specific plants, herbs, colors, and emotions • Explores how to use sound healing to harmonize astrological imbalances When we look at the vast and intricate cosmos--galaxies, planets, organisms, organs, cells, molecules, atoms--there is a fundamental order, a music or harmony of the spheres. Our cells reflect the images of galaxies seen through our telescopes. We are the microcosm, reflecting the macrocosm of the heavens. Our ancestors understood these patterns and connections between humanity and the universe and developed spiritual and healing traditions in line with these cosmic truths. Yet in the 19th century, knowledge of these connections was set aside as medical science sought to create the “one size fits all” approaches to healing that dominate modern medicine today. In this comprehensive exploration of the celestial influences that underlie health and healing, Jennifer Gehl, with Marc Micozzi, examines how ancient and modern traditions of healing interconnect through the doctrine of signatures, “As above, so below”. She reveals how one’s celestial nature--the arrangement of the cosmos at the moment of birth--has implications for personal health and how each sign of the zodiac corresponds to parts of the body, the chakras, and specific plants, herbs, colors, and emotions. She explains how sound re-arranges forms according to the principles of harmony, leveraging not only the human self-regulating capacity to restore health but also that of the Earth to restore balance and harmony. Also explored are the recurrence of geometric forms in nature and how to apply this knowledge in sound healing and medical astrology. Weaving together the threads of ancient science and spirit that formed the original tapestry of medicine, Gehl explains how to restore the cosmic foundations of healing for personal, planetary, and universal health and wellbeing.

Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery

Book Description

Pursuing his investigations of high financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell investigates the theory that there were not two levels to the 9/11 event, but three. He says that the twin towers were downed by the force of an exotic energy weapon, one similar to the Tesla energy weapon suggested by Dr. Judy Wood, and ties together the tangled web of missing money, secret technology and involvement of portions of the Saudi royal family. Farrell unravels the many layers behind the 9-11 attack, layers that include the Deutschebank, the Bush family, the German industrialist Carl Duisberg, Saudi Arabian princes and the energy weapons developed by Nikola Tesla before WWII. It is Farrell at his best—uncovering the massive financial fraud, special operations and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.

Secret and Suppressed II

Book Description

The groundbreaking first edition of Secret and Suppressed influenced many in the conspiratorial 90s (including Chris Carter and his X-Files). Now comes the second edition, presenting a new set of revelations, rants, visions and nightmares that illuminate the paranoid and nightmarish post-9/11 world.

Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations

Book Description

Oxford-educated historian Joseph P. Farrell really delivers in this latest addition to his best-selling book series on suppressed technology, Nazi survival and postwar hidden conflicts. His customary meticulous research and sharp analysis blow the lid off of a worldwide web of nefarious financial and technological control few people even suspect exists. Farrell delves into the creation of a breakaway civilization by the Nazis in South America and other parts of the world. He discusses the advanced technology that they took with them at the “end” of World War II and the psychological war that they waged for decades against America and NATO. He shows how the breakaway civilization has created a huge system of hidden finance with the involvement of the Vatican Bank (among others), and how NATO established a large covert warfare network and political slush fund. He investigates the secret space programs currently sponsored by the breakaway civilization and the current militaries in control of planet Earth. Farrell includes a fascinating discussion of “emulational” technologies (those that can manipulate acts of god/nature, like earthquakes and storms) from the standpoint of the culture of “full spectrum dominance” and the culture of “plausible deniability”-yes, there are plans for mass destruction that can never be traced back to their real source. Farrell also discusses the historical origin of the breakaway civilization with the continuing airship mystery; incredibly bold counterfeiting operations; and the nexus of spy satellites, nuclear weapons and UFOs. He includes plenty of astounding accounts, documents and speculation on the amazing alternative history of hidden conflicts, secret super-finance and technology.

LBJ and Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy

Book Description

Best-selling, Oxford-educated investigative author Joseph P. Farrell takes on the Kennedy assassination and the involvement of Lyndon Baines Johnson and the Texas "machine” that he controlled. Farrell says that a coalescence of interests in the military industrial complex, the CIA, and Lyndon Baines Johnson's powerful and corrupt political machine in Texas led to the events culminating in the assassination of JFK. Without the help of the Dallas police chief and others of the Texas underworld, including Jack Ruby, the Kennedy assassination could not have taken place. Farrell analyzes the data as only he can, and comes to some astonishing conclusions. Chapters include: Oswald, the FBI, and the CIA: Hoover's Concern of a Second Oswald; Oswald and the Anti-Castro Cubans; The Mafia; Hoover, Johnson, and the Mob; The FBI, the Secret Service, Hoover, and Johnson; The CIA and "Murder Incorporated”; Ruby's Bizarre Behavior; The French Connection and Permindex; Big Oil; The Military; Disturbing Datasets, Doppelgängers, Duplicates and Discrepancies; Two Caskets, Two (or was that Three?) Ambulances, One Body: The Case of David S. Lifton; Two (or is that Three?) Faces of Oswald; Too Many (or Was That Too Few?) Bullets; Too Many Films, with Too Many, or Too Few, Frames; The Dead Witnesses: Jack Zangretti, Maurice Brooks Gatlin, John Garret "Gary” Underhill, Guy F. Bannister, Jr., Mary Pinchot Meyer, Rose Cheramie, Dorothy Mae Killgallen, Congressman Hale Boggs; The Alchemy of the Assassination: Ritual Magic and Murder, Masonic Symbolism, and the Darkest Players in the Death of JFK; LBJ and the Planning of the Texas Trip; LBJ: A Study in Character, Connections, and Cabals; LBJ and the Aftermath: Accessory After the Fact; The Requirements of Coups D'État; more.

Reich of the Black Sun

Book Description

Why were the Allies worried about an atom bomb attack by the Germans in 1944? Why did the Soviets threaten to use poison gas against the Germans? Why did Hitler in 1945 insist that holding Prague could win the war for the Third Reich? Why did US General George Patton's Third Army race for the Skoda works at Pilsen in Czechoslovakia instead of Berlin? Why did the US Army not test the uranium atom bomb it dropped on Hiroshima? Why did the Luftwaffe fly a non-stop round trip mission to within twenty miles of New York City in 1944? Reich of the Black Sun takes the reader on a scientific-historical journey in order to answer these questions. Arguing that Nazi Germany actually won the race for the atom bomb in late 1944, Reich of the Black Sun then goes on to explore the even more secretive research the Nazis were conducting into the occult, alternative physics and new energy sources. The book concludes with a fresh look at the "Nazi Legend" of the UFO mystery by examining the Roswell Majestic-12 documents and the Kecksburg crash in the light of parallels with some of the super-secret black projects being run by the SS. Reich of the Black Sun is must-reading for the researcher interested in alternative history, science, or UFOs!

Babylon's Banksters

Book Description

In this latest installment of his remarkable series of books of alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell outlines the consistent pattern and strategy of bankers in ancient and modern times, and their desire to suppress the public development of alternative physics and energy technologies, usurp the money creating and issuing power of the state, and substitute a facsimile of money-as-debt. Here, Farrell peels back the layers of deception to reveal the possible deep physics that the “banksters” have used to aid them in their financial policies. Feral House also published Farrell’s Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter.

The Third Way

Book Description

Pursuing his investigations of high financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell continues his examination of the post-war Nazi International, an “extra-territorial state” without borders or capitals, a network of terrorists, drug runners, and people in the very heights of financial power willing to commit financial fraud in amounts totaling trillions of dollars. Breakaway civilizations, black budgets, secret technology, occult rituals, international terrorism, giant corporate cartels, patent law and the hijacking of nature: it’s all in this book where Farrell explores what he calls ‘the business model’ of the post-war Axis elite. It is Farrell at his best—uncovering the gargantuan financial fraud and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.

The Giza Death Star

Book Description

This is physicist Joseph Farrellis' amazing book on the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Among the topics discussed in detail in this fantastic book are: An Archaeology of Mass Destruction, Thoth and Theories; The Machine Hypothesis; Pythagoras, Plato, Planck, and the Pyramid; The Weapon Hypothesis; Encoded Harmonics of the Planck Units in the Great Pyramid; The Grand Gallery and its Crystals: Gravito-acoustic Resonators; The Other Two Large Pyramds, the 'Causeways', and the 'Temples'. Also: A Phase Conjugate Howitzer Evidence of the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times; High Frequency Direct Current 'Impulse' Technology; How the Giza Death Star worked. This book takes off where Christopher Dunn's 'The Giza Power Plant' left off. It is a rollicking ride into the world of fantastic science and an even more fantastic past that is just beginning to be imagined!